The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1208 Shooting down the spaceship

"What should we do now?" Tu Longlong looked at Du Yu and asked.

Du Yu knocked on the table and thought for a while and then said: "Let's go and see what their purpose is first. If they are not the people we are waiting for, then give them a good beating and let them take the news back. According to True God Hunyuan, No matter how you say it, it will have some weight."

Tu Taki nodded knowingly: "I will gather the Taotie army now. Although their injuries are not fully healed, fighting is no longer a problem."

Du Yu nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Ling and said: "Xiao Ling, go and pass the news to Zhuge Liang and others, remind them to be on guard. I will go meet them and see what the purpose is."

A trace of worry flashed in Xiao Ling's eyes: "Can you go alone? What if the other party has some powerful magic weapon and hurts you?"

Du Yu laughed confidently: "I have mastered 60% of the power of space. Coupled with Chaos Shift, even the peak Hunyuan True God can't do anything to me. You can rest assured that if I really can't defeat me, I won't leave." People can keep mine.”

After hearing this, Xiao Ling's eyes became less worried, but she still warned uneasily: "Then you should be more careful."

Then she and Tu Longlong walked out and did their own thing.

Du Yu watched the two people leaving and disappeared in an instant.

On the other side, the four True Gods of Hunyuan from Aoyun Kingdom and the three from Xiuyun Palace were already almost halfway through the journey.

But the calmness along the way made them all a little confused. The voice of the direct disciple headed by Xiuyundian came from the spaceship: "I said, are you deceiving me? Why have we walked for so long without even a trace of a ghost? See? I didn’t even feel the breath of ghosts and gods!”

The Supreme Emperor and the other three Hunyuan True Gods looked at each other. From each other's eyes, they all saw each other's doubts. Finally, the Hunyuan True God who set the ban said: "Sir, there must be ghosts and gods here. Because during this period of time, there have been five visions of the death of True God Hunyuan. The most recent one was even half a month ago. Apart from ghosts and gods, I can't think of any other possibility! "

The Supreme Emperor of Aoyun Kingdom was shocked. Why didn't he hear the news? It was obvious that these three people had blocked the news!

He glared at the three people, but before he could get angry, the voices of the three people from Xiuyundian came from the spaceship.

"Wait a minute, you said that the Hunyuan True God has fallen? Didn't you set up a ban? How come there is still a Hunyuan True God entering it?"

"Is it possible that you are planning to trick us here and attack us?"

"Or do you know nothing about it at all? Now it is very likely that it is not what you said, there are only four ghosts and gods in the realm of the primary Hunyuan True God?"

The three frightened and angry voices, and the main cannon of the spaceship that was instantly charged and ready to go, clearly expressed the fear of the three Xiuyun Palace disciples.

They rarely go out. Although their realm is very high, their experience is pitiful.

Just a little stimulation exposed their immaturity.

However, the four people from Aoyun Kingdom were all a little speechless, because they really did not have the courage to attack the people of Xiuyun Palace.

In order to avoid being attacked, a Hunyuan True God quickly admitted: "Sir, please don't do anything. It's because we don't dare to enter it. We absolutely can't have any thoughts about the three adults!"

"Are you telling the truth?" A doubtful voice came from the spaceship.

"It's absolutely true, I can swear on my inner demon!" The Hunyuan True God was afraid that these three ignorant people would really take action and get out of control, so he swore quickly.

The inner demon's oath is definitely the most serious oath for True God Hunyuan. Even if the three of them still had doubts, they couldn't say anything. They put away the main gun of the spacecraft and charged it.

Then the leading disciple of Xiuyun Palace said: "In this case, you first send people to the front to inquire about the situation for me. Five Hunyuan True Gods have already fallen here. If it is really the work of ghosts and gods, then his strength is very likely. It has reached the intermediate level of Hunyuan True God."

As direct descendants of Xiuyun Palace, they know much more than the True God of Hunyuan. The reason why ghosts are so fearful is largely because if they devour the souls of certain powerful men of the same level, they will be able to break through. The probability is very high.

Five Hunyuan True Gods have fallen, and one or two Intermediate Hunyuan True Gods will be cultivated no matter what.

They have no confidence that they can deal with ghosts and gods of that level.

After hearing the words of the three people from Xiuyun Palace, the faces of the four Hunyuan True Gods of Aoyun Kingdom turned livid. If there really was an intermediate Hunyuan True God, wouldn't it mean that the four of them would die if they went to explore the way?

Previously, they were just four ghosts and gods in the primary Hunyuan True God realm, and they almost took their lives. Now in the past, it was simply because they thought their lives were too long.

Seeing the hesitation of the four of them, the three of Xiuyundian were obviously unhappy. The main gun of the spacecraft entered charging again, and their threatening voices came from the microphone: "What, you four don't want to go? ?”

The situation suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation, and the helper I had invited became tense at this moment.

Suddenly, a golden arrow flew out of nowhere and hit the main gun of the spacecraft in an instant.

The muzzle of the gun was penetrated accurately, and the energy accumulated in it was also pierced by the sharp air, causing an explosion.


After a loud noise, the spacecraft was blown directly to the ground, leaving a large crater of tens of meters in the ground.

This was almost equivalent to an internal explosion. At least 40% of the spacecraft was destroyed, making it impossible to fly.

The three people from Xiuyun Palace had a strong look on their faces, and they flew out of the smoke-belching spaceship with a look of disgrace on their faces. They shouted in the direction of the arrows: "How dare you sneak attack on your grandpas from Xiuyun Palace. ! Come out and die quickly!"

At this time, a figure in the distance turned into a stream of light and flew towards this side. What came first was a taunting voice: "Why, you can't say a threat without your own backer, can you?"

This rapidly approaching sound stopped a thousand meters away, and it was Du Yu who was holding the sun-shooting bow.

This handsome young man with a strong aura just appeared, as if he were the center of the world. The three people in Xiuyundian were all shocked. Through the weapons in the opponent's hands, it was not difficult for them to judge who the previous attack came from.

"Who are you? Tell me your name!" the leader, a direct disciple of Xiuyun Palace, shouted vigilantly.

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