The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1324 Three Tribes Unite

Du Yu was not familiar with the five four-star god kings at all, so naturally there was nothing to exchange feelings about.

Although they were indeed suspected of bullying Ao Lie when they came out, after all, Ao Lie's aura was much stronger, so Du Yu didn't bother them, otherwise he would definitely not let those five people go easily.

With his current strength, even if he cannot defeat the five god kings, he can definitely make them suffer and escape unscathed. After all, these god kings can only stay in the Hall of Valor.

"Those people are really hateful. They dare to humiliate me like that. When you have the opportunity in the future, Du Yu, you must help me take revenge!" Ao Lie was still chattering in Du Yu's ear.

Du Yu, who was flying on the stairs, glanced at Ao Lie beside him and said calmly: "Didn't you accept their benefits? It seems that you have recovered the strength of the peak three-star god king now, right?"

Ao Lie was stunned for a moment, and then said with a pinched neck: "He just gave back the soul that he had taken away from me. What benefit did he give me!"

Du Yu shook his head at Ao Lie's shamelessness. The four-star god king who looked like an old man definitely returned Ao Lie's dragon soul for his sake.

After all, Ao Lie was once just a defeated general of the opponent, nothing more than a trophy, not to mention that Tai Shou was still in the opposite camp. Even if his soul was really taken away, there was nothing wrong with it.

He ignored Ao Lie's shouting and forcibly took him back into the Dragon Soul Armguard.

The power of the Dragon Soul Armguard was released again. By the time Du Yu reached the top of the steps, his aura had returned to the level close to that of the Two-Star God King. Without turning on the extreme mode, the current power was still strong for him. It's a huge burden.

As soon as he stepped out of the cave, a group of people gathered around him, asking him with concern whether things were going well.

In addition to Jue Gun God King and others, Du Yu even saw a three-star God King who was following the high priest in the crowd.

After Du Yu answered the God King's questions one by one, he walked up to the three-star God King and asked doubtfully: "Why are you here too? Could it be that you were assassinated?"

Everyone in the Hall of Heroes is within the coverage of the Hall of Heroes, and there is no difference between them and living people, so Du Yu is not sure whether the other party is dead or not.

The three-star god king shook his head with a grimace: "It would be great if this were the case. I would rather have this happen. Lord Patriarch, something big has happened!"

Du Yu's eyebrows suddenly became solemn, and the surrounding god kings also frowned at the three-star god king. Du Yu took a step forward and asked, "What's going on?"

The three-star god king said in a hoarse voice: "Half a day ago we suddenly received a declaration of war from the Shura, Soul and Rakshasa tribes. The three tribes have united together. It is estimated that in a few days, the armies of the three tribes will It’s coming outside the human fortress.”

There was a gasp of cold air in the audience, but Du Yu was a little confused. He didn't know much about the strength of these three clans, especially the Soul clan, he had never heard of them.

Fortunately, the surrounding God-Kings all whispered about the affairs of these three tribes, and Du Yu also had a general understanding of the three tribes from the sporadic information from their mouths.

The strength of the Rakshasa clan is much weaker than that of the other two clans. Apart from the Rakshasa Ghost King, there is no four-star god king in the clan, but this weakness is only relative.

There are seven remaining three-star god kings in the Rakshasa clan, and the number of remaining god kings has exceeded 30, far exceeding the ordinary one-star clan.

Compared with the Rakshasa clan, the current human race is completely incomparable if Du Yu is not eliminated.

The strength of the remaining Shura clan is even more terrifying. There are three four-star god kings alone, and the Shura god king among them is even powerful enough to kill a four-star god king like the Rakshasa Ghost King alone.

In the ranking of the four-star god kings of all races, he can firmly occupy the top five positions, and his strength is unfathomable.

And although their number of three-star god kings is not as good as that of the Rakshasa clan, they still have five, and the number of their god kings exceeds twenty. Their overall strength ranks among the top three among the ten thousand clans.

As for the remaining Soul Clan, everyone has much less information about him. The Soul Clan is a very mysterious race. Their appearance is similar to the human race, but they are in the form of soul bodies. Everyone in the clan has refined their spirit, and even It is said that the ghosts of the sub-world are their predecessors.

No one knows how strong he is, but the Soul Clan's overall strength can firmly occupy the top ten. There are even rumors that the Soul Clan has the ability to break into the top five.

Such a union of three tribes really makes people feel desperate. All the God-Kings in the valley have despair on their faces. Even the God-King of Jueqiang clenched his hands, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"Damn it, the human race has just started to make some progress, and these bastards don't give them a chance." The Formation God King growled sadly.

"If we can actually go out, maybe we can alleviate the crisis of the human race, but it's a pity." God King Jueqian looked at his hands, his expression full of unwillingness.

His words were also the sentiments of other God Kings, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Under the pressure of the three clans, everyone's hearts seemed to be weighed down by a huge mountain.

Du Yu silently watched the changes in everyone and found that they were just unwilling to give up, but no one lost their fighting spirit. After that, he couldn't help but feel a trace of emotion in his heart. No wonder they are qualified to be resurrected by the Hall of Heroes. Their spirit is worthy of it. From the word heroic spirit.

"Everyone." Du Yu raised his hands and shouted to attract everyone's attention.

"Although you can't get out now, it doesn't mean that you can't participate in this battle." Du Yu said, stroking his hands.

All the god kings looked at Du Yu hopefully, and the god king of Jueqiang asked: "Is there anything you can do?"

Du Yu pointed at the Qilin Army, which was neatly lined up behind them. Even after learning about the alliance of the three tribes, the Qilin Army remained unmoved, and said: "In the next time, I will try my best to buy you time. The remaining What matters is how you try your best to build them into the strongest weapons. Whether you can turn the tide of the war around this time depends on your performance!"

The eyes of all the God-Kings at the scene lit up, yes! Although they cannot participate in the war, they can find ways to maximize the combat effectiveness of the Qilin Army. With the tacit understanding and elite level of the Qilin Army soldiers, they may not be unable to compete with the God Kings of the three tribes.

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