The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1326 Human Race Crisis

Du Yu saw that they looked like they were about to fight, so he was not in a hurry.

The two groups have been living together for a long time, and there is no racial exclusion at all. They are both members of the Qilin Army. There is more of a healthy competition between them.

This is a good thing, it can greatly promote the improvement of their strength, and having an opponent can also stimulate their fighting spirit.

"Okay, you guys should take a break for a while. You don't have much time now, so work hard and learn from these god kings." Du Yu interrupted them and interjected.

A group of senior officials immediately said respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Du Yu looked at Tu Longlong who quietly stuck out his tongue at him, and said in a special way: "Don't blindly try to speed up your strength. One step at a time is the safest way. If you don't fully understand the current strength, you will definitely lose it." You can’t improve even half a step further.”

After saying that, he turned to look at Bai Fan and said, "Look at her."

Bai Fan deeply felt how powerful Du Yu was at this moment, and he did not dare to be as casual as before. As his strength increased, his prophecy ability became more and more terrifying.

Especially now that his strength is close to that of the God King, his sense of danger is even more acute. He can feel that Du Yu at this moment can kill him directly even if he just blows a breath.

"Hmph!" Tu Tonglong snorted with some dissatisfaction, but she didn't say much. After all, she knew that Du Yu was right.

After his strength suddenly skyrocketed to the level of a half-step god king, his strength became somewhat uncontrollable.

Du Yu was training the Qilin Army on one side, and on the other side, the armies of the three tribes had gathered together.

Three fleets composed of thousands of warships stood opposite each other, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Even an ordinary True God of Hunyuan would definitely be too frightened to move if he encountered such a battle.

The heads of the three clans all stood on their respective flagships, watching each other's strength.

"In this battle, the Rakshasa tribe is taking the lead. Do you have any objections, Rakshasa Ghost King?" God King Shura said with his hands behind his back.

Hun Qianjue also turned his gaze to the Rakshasa Ghost King, staring at him with cold eyes.

It is worth mentioning that Hun Qianjue is no different from ordinary people, except that his eyeballs are completely black. Even just staring at them makes people feel like their souls want to leave the body.

"No problem." The Rakshasa Ghost King said with a cold sweat. At the same time, he was targeted by two people ranked in the top ten. Even if his strength was still at its peak, the pressure was huge, not to mention that his strength was only at this moment. Just the three-star god king.

Even though he was unwilling to do so, he couldn't say no.

"Very good, Hun Qianjue, when the four-star god king of the human race comes out, we will take action to deal with him. I am really curious, when did the human race have an existence that is no less powerful than you and me?" God Shura Wang turned his head and said to Hun Qianjue, who lowered his head.

"No problem, but I want his soul." Hun Qianjue said sadly.

God King Shura was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "You want something good, the soul of the four-star God King. That can improve your strength a lot."

Hun Qianjue said nothing, but stared at King Shura with a sinister gaze. No one could see his thoughts from those dark eyes.

"But the soul doesn't have much effect on me, so it's okay to give it to you, but I'm quite interested in his body. Maybe after eating it, it can bring me closer to that state." God King Shura pinched his chin said.

"It's up to you." Hun Qianjue withdrew his gaze and said calmly, as if all he wanted was Du Yu's soul.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of God King Shura. He didn't know much about the mysterious race of the Soul Clan, but looking at the countless obscure and powerful auras in the huge fleet behind Hun Qianjue, it was very likely that the Soul Clan was more powerful than he imagined. Even more powerful.

"Now that the deal is settled, let's set off. Rakshasa Ghost King, you take your people to the front to clear the way, and we will follow you." Regarding Rakshasa Ghost King, Shura God King ordered unceremoniously, losing four stars The Rakshasa tribe, which was intimidated by the God King, wanted to cooperate with them, so it was normal for them to be ordered to do so.

"Yes." The Rakshasa Ghost King gritted his teeth and said.

Even though he was unwilling to do so, he absolutely did not dare to have any objections. After all, if he did not comply, the Shura Clan would most likely unite with the Soul Clan to devour them first.

Even though the danger that the leading group will face is huge, at least they can temporarily get shelter from the two tribes and buy more time for the Rakshasa tribe.

Soon, the huge fleets of the three tribes formed an arrow array and flew towards the direction of the human race.

It was naturally impossible to hide such a big movement from the high priest who had been paying close attention to them. Through the Hunyuan Pearl, he could clearly see the menacing fleets of the three clans.

He frowned and looked at the scene in the Hunyuan Pearl, and said with a livid face: "These damn bastards really don't give the human race a chance at all. If we are given some time to wait for the clan leader to grow up, how can they be our opponents?" !”

The gods and kings below were also in an unusually heavy mood. They all stared at the army of the three tribes in the Hunyuan Pearl with furrowed brows. They didn't know what to say. The enemy's strength was far five times greater than theirs.

Even though there are advantages in various formations in the fortress, after all, the number of opponents exceeds them by too many. If they really go against each other, their advantage will be gone.

"High Priest, what should we do now?" the three-star god king who was left behind asked carefully.

"Awaken all the old guys who are in seclusion. Now the fortress needs them. In addition, issue a recruitment order to the forces below and ask them to bring all the Hunyuan Tiandao saints and above. No matter what, we can't be allowed to be killed. You underestimated me!" the high priest said angrily.

Even though he is not an opponent, he still wants to declare to all the races in the world that the human race is not that easy to mess with. If he wants to touch the human race, he must be prepared to have his teeth broken.

"Yes!" The three-star god king immediately responded respectfully.

"High Priest, do we need to do anything?" Other God-Kings also asked.

Now they must find something to do, otherwise they are likely to be overwhelmed by this huge pressure.

"I said, why are you so busy here?" A voice suddenly came from outside the door, and everyone turned their heads to look.

A figure stood at the door with the light behind him, looking at them with a smile.

"Lord Patriarch!" the high priest said excitedly. At this moment, everyone felt like they had found their backbone. The arrival of the Four-Star God King made them subconsciously relieved.

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