The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1332 The army presses the territory

"This is the Overlord God King, whose strength is the Three-Star God King. This Ice God King is also the Three-Star God King. This is" the high priest smiled and introduced the newly joined God Kings to Du Yu.

He was in a great mood. Taking advantage of the opportunity of introduction, he glanced at the God King for a few times before recovering, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Although this person is very powerful, he is always self-centered. He has even tried to change the rules many times before, allowing him to take the position of clan leader, who has not yet reached the level of a four-star god king.

It was just that he had been blocking him all the time, so the relationship between the two was not good. Seeing him defeated at the moment made him feel so happy. He knew Du Yu's strength very well. At that time, killing the three-star god king was no different from killing a chicken. The king was really no more powerful than a baby in his presence.

It wasn't until the high priest introduced everyone that King Liza finally came back to his senses. He fell down on the chair with a pale face and looked at Du Yu with fear in his eyes.

The God-Kings observing him were all shocked by the appearance of God-King Liza at this moment. They did not expect that God-King Liza would be frightened like this. How strong is their cheap clan leader!

Those who were still cautious at first restrained themselves immediately. Facing such a powerful Du Yu, they were not worth mentioning at all.

"God King Liza, right? Originally, according to your character, I would not use you, but now the situation is special, I hope you can be more honest." Du Yu glanced at God King Liza coldly and warned. road.

From what I learned from the high priest, this god-king Li Zha very much likes to make his own decisions, and harming the human race often results in an increase of 30% of the losses.

If there were no special circumstances for such a person, Du Yu would definitely kill him immediately. After all, a disobedient person would most likely lead to a complete defeat.

Being swept by Du Yu's cold and stern gaze, God King Li felt a chill in his heart. He quickly shook his head and said, "No, no! I will definitely obey your orders, Mr. Patriarch!"

The previous exchange of glances made him deeply understand Du Yu's terror. If he faced him, he would never stand a chance.

"Well, High Priest, is the interior of the fortress finished now?"

Du Yu looked away and looked at the high priest and asked.

The high priest nodded: "Let me tell you, the patriarch, except for some spies who are not in important positions, I have eliminated all the others. I plan to stay on the remaining few to pass on false information."

"Well done. Next, we will hide part of our army and the God-King level experts. We must make the other party think that we just have more troops than before." Du Yu ordered.

Although he didn't understand Du Yu's intention, the high priest still took the order.

Looking at Du Yu who was making decisions in an orderly manner, God King Liza's eyes were a little complicated. No wonder the high priest and others admired Du Yu so much.

The current clan leader not only surpassed him in strength, but also far surpassed him in all aspects of ability. Even though he was half-stepped into the Four-Star God King, he was actually compared to nothing.

After discussing it for several hours, Du Yu had arranged everything.

After fighting in the world for so many years, this is the first time he has fought a defensive battle. Even in the Three Kingdoms world, when he had not yet risen, he had never launched a defensive battle.

But everything has been arranged, and Du Yu is confident that he can handle everything well.

Time flies, two days are coming in a blink of an eye,

As the officers and men in the fortress waited nervously, the fleets of the three armies sailed toward the human fortress in a menacing manner.

There are densely packed warships arranged densely, and at a rough glance, there are definitely no less than 50,000 ships.

Even with the character of the high priest, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This is too scary!

"Have we finally arrived? There are still a lot of them. Wan He and Ye Yu, you two will lead 1,000 seventh-level formation mages to be ready. Once their fleet passes the mouth of the abyss, launch an attack and attack them from below. It was so cruel."

Du Yu crossed his arms and ordered.

The combined Nine Heavens Thunder Formation has completely absorbed the remaining divine weapon tribulation thunder around it. After hiding it, even the four-star god king cannot feel it.

As expected, the opponent's vanguard will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Yes!" Wan He and King Ye Yu said respectfully, cupping their hands.

They were convinced of Du Yu, and they also wanted to see the results of their efforts.

"High Priest, you bring the long-range God King and soldiers to carry out long-range attacks on the remaining forces. Do your best to hit them with last-ditch blows and severely break their morale."

The high priest also stood up and bowed his hands.

"After that, it's a defensive battle. I hope the other side won't attack us so quickly." Du Yu looked at the rear of the three tribes' army with solemn eyes.

There were three huge battleships there that were much larger than the surrounding battleships. On that battleship, he felt the breath of five four-star god kings.

If the opponent doesn't play according to the routine and five people attack at the same time, even he may not be able to block it.

However, this situation rarely happens. The Four-Star God King will never take action unless it is necessary. After all, if the Four-Star God King takes action, the result will most likely be uncontrollable.

The destructive power of the Four-Star God King is extremely terrifying, and all the people he brought may die here.

While he was thinking about these things, the fleets of the three armies had already arrived less than ten thousand miles away from the human fortress.

This distance has already entered the attack range of the God King who is good at long-range attacks. However, in this kind of large-scale combat, if the personal strength is not particularly outstanding, similar to the four-star God King, it will not have much effect at all and will be intercepted. Come down.

The armies of the three tribes flew very fast, and in just a blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the abyss.

Looking at the huge abyss on the ground, God King Shura sarcastically said to Ghost King Rakshasa: "I heard that this waste of yours was the clone lost here? How stupid is that?"

The Rakshasa Ghost King's face turned pale for a while, but he couldn't say anything to refute. He was no match for the Shura God King, so he could only force a smile.

"I just don't know what the eighth-grade peak divine weapon refined by the human race is. The power of this thing is unpredictable, so we must deal with it with caution." Hun Qianjue looked at the ravine below that was pulled out by Du Yu with a whip, feeling pitiful. said.

God King Shura nodded in agreement. The eighth-grade peak divine weapon was already the strongest divine weapon known so far. Even for people like them, who stood at the pinnacle, they still posed a huge threat.

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