The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1341 Shura Secret Technique Fudo Ming King

Chapter 1341 Shura Secret Technique—Fudo Ming King

Under the Five Elements Collapse Formation, except for the energy of the five systems, all other energies were completely squeezed out.

Moreover, these five elements energy is also extremely violent, and it is absolutely impossible to absorb it.

The expressions of the five people changed drastically. They did not expect that Du Yu had such a method.

To be able to form a formation directly at such a long distance was simply beyond their imagination. Even in the inheritance, they had never seen such a method.

This is a brand new secret method. They all trembled in their hearts. This type of move is simply impossible to guard against. If it is used against a large army,

They didn't dare to think about it anymore, and the formation had been activated, and countless five-element blades began to condense in mid-air, locking them tightly.

Facing the eighth-grade peak formation, which was still arranged by the strongest of the human race, they did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Du Yu glanced at them and then moved his gaze to the armies of the two tribes on the side. Because he was frightened by him, the originally menacing army actually stopped in place and just assumed a defensive posture.

"Is this the strength of these two clans?" Du Yu frowned, unable to believe that he could resist their attack so easily.

Although he has exhausted all his methods and even activated the super formation hidden in the human fortress, the opponent is currently the top five races joining forces.

Is it really something he can deal with so easily?

"Master Patriarch, they were just caught off guard by you. When they react, the situation will be different." The high priest's expression was unusually solemn. As an old opponent of the Shura Clan, he knew that the Shura Clan's methods were not only limited to this. point.

The most powerful thing about the Shura clan lies in their secret method. The first place in the physical body is not something they have blown out by themselves, but something they have beaten hard.

Du Yu glanced at the high priest, and then ordered: "In that case, don't be idle anymore. Take this opportunity to eliminate more of their armies."

Now the five four-star god kings are all trapped. If we don't take action now, we will take action at some time.

Only then did the high priest wake up. He was also startled into a cold sweat. He was stunned by Du Yu's powerful methods. It was hard to imagine that such a big mistake happened to him.

If Du Yu hadn't reminded him, the fighter plane would have been delayed!

"Launch an attack as a whole, starting from the weakest point of the opponent's defense and defeat them one by one! Kill them all as much as possible!" the high priest hurriedly transmitted the message.

Only then did all the soldiers and god-kings react. They actually looked at the patriarch in a daze. If the enemy had reacted quickly, they might have already reached the top of their city!

Everyone who was startled by their own thoughts used 120% of their combat power to launch an attack on the armies of the two tribes.

After the transformation of the formation, all attacks turned into the same source of power after leaving the formation, and they could even merge and intersect in mid-air. The power was not only increased a little bit?

This kind of firepower is no less than the previous wave of attacks that formed a spiritual storm. The soul clan's battleship command is better. Only a small part of these attacks are converted into spiritual energy.

But the faces of the Shura warship commanders were full of fear. If this attack were to continue, they would definitely have to pay a heavy price. Why is the human race so strong?

Is this still the human race they know?

"Joint defense, all warships come closer! Come closer!"

The commander-in-chief of the Shura warships shouted that they were moving very quickly. Under the powerful offensive of the human race, they did not dare to advance rashly. At least they did not dare to attack until the three adults broke out of the formation.

Although the tight formation is not conducive to movement, it is very suitable for defense.

Spending time is the only thing they can do at the moment.

The pressure on the commander-in-chief of the Soul Clan is much smaller than that of the Shura Clan. There are not many attacks coming towards them, and they are immune to attacks other than soul attacks, so they are not particularly panicked.

However, they still chose to huddle behind the Shura clan's fleet. The provincial humans suddenly took action against them. After all, they could no longer afford to lose anything.

Boom boom boom

A series of explosions turned almost the entire front of the fortress into a sea of ​​fire.

Du Yu looked at the five four-star god kings who were trapped in the formation and were constantly being attacked, as well as the armies of the two tribes that were completely suppressed by the human race. He looked at the switching formation above his head with some sigh and said: "If it weren't for The form of this formation is completely different."

The attack in the hands of the high priest paused for a moment, and then he nodded in approval. If it weren't for this formation, the advantage would never be on the side of the human race.

The level of the ninth-level formation is so terrifying that it is so terrifying that it is terrifying.

"We only have twenty minutes left, kill as many as possible." Du Yu ordered.

The heavenly punishment above his head has condensed to a very terrifying level. A star of the God King will instantly turn into ashes. Twenty minutes later, even Du Yu will not have a headache.

The high priest nodded and passed on Du Yu's order. The human race's offensive increased again, and everyone tried their best to bombard the two armies that had huddled into two groups.

Even though their defense is very strong now, the coverage area is much smaller. The human race's attacks have become more concentrated. Every attack can make the opponent's defense shield tremble crazily. Many weak ones are not directly attacked. Shock to death means bleeding from the seven orifices and falling to the ground with serious injuries.

They were clearly on the offensive side, but they were at a disadvantage.

Although the Shura God King in the formation resisted in a panic, the scene outside was still imprinted in his eyes. He watched the elite warriors of the tribe being killed one after another.

He was angry, and strong murderous intent emanated from him. Hun Qianjue and the four-star god king of the soul clan frowned and stepped aside, fearing that they would be affected by the Shura god king.

Seeing the appearance of God King Shura, the Evil Killing King suddenly felt happy. He said excitedly: "It's finally coming! I didn't expect that I would have the chance to see this move! Only the clan leader is qualified to understand Shura The secret method is Fudo Mingwang!"

Fudo Myooh?

When Hun Qianjue heard the name, his pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at King Shura in surprise.

Unexpectedly, he has already comprehended Fudo Myooh. This move is so powerful that it is the foundation of the Shura clan's destiny. No one in the Shura clan has comprehended this move for several generations!

God King Shura clasped his hands in front of his chest, not paying any attention to the five elements of light blades around him. He allowed these attacks to leave a series of knife marks on his body. After a while, he suddenly raised his hands and shouted loudly: "Sacrifice the ancestors with blood." , I can’t freeze the body of King Ming!”

Huge white light instantly emanated from his body, and the five-element light blade that attacked him disappeared without a trace after being shrouded in white light.

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