The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1343 Kill with one punch

Du Yu seemed to have anticipated King Shura's move, and stabbed the God-killing Spear directly behind him.

The fierce god-killing aura surrounded the tip of the spear, and even though it hadn't hit it yet, it still made God King Shura's heart beat wildly.

He had a hunch that if he was stabbed by this gun, he would definitely not feel good.

Without a moment's hesitation, God King Shura immediately closed his fist and retreated, with no intention of lingering for a moment.

Du Yu put the God-killing Spear on his shoulder, turned around and looked at God King Shura playfully.

"Is this the way you Shura clan greets you? I've learned a lot."

"What kind of weapon is this? I feel like it can hurt me."

God King Shura ignored the sarcasm in Du Yu's tone, but looked at the God-killing Spear in Du Yu's hand with interest.

He likes the ferocity of this weapon. If it can be used by him, his combat effectiveness will be increased by at least 50%.

"Is this a weapon?" Du Yu raised the God-killing Spear in his hand.

"Since you like it, let me feel it for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out. The black lines of the Chaos War Body also covered his body. He looked no less powerful than the Shura God King.

Moreover, after the Ninth Level of Chaos, the power of the Chaos War Body has also been greatly improved compared to before.

His current physical body is at least twice as strong as before, and even in the ultimate state, he is somewhat unable to control the power at this moment.


Du Yu's body spun crazily, and the tip of the God-killing Spear served as a drill, drilling hard into the chest of God King Shura.

At such a fast speed, God King Shura had no choice but to face the enemy head-on.

God King Shura's expression also became serious. He took a deep breath and opened his six arms at the same time, seeming to let go of his chest.

However, just when the tip of the God-killing Spear was about to pierce his chest, six golden and stone-like palms fiercely grasped the tip of the God-killing Spear.

Countless sparks flew, and God King Shura was directly pushed out, his legs tearing a long and narrow space crack in the void.

The battleships along the way were smashed into pieces. The battle between two powerful men who had already reached the top of the Four-Star God King was really amazing.

Even if the Three-Star God King accidentally enters the battle, he will definitely be killed instantly.

God King Shura finally blocked the momentum, his six arms with swollen muscles, tightly grasping the God-killing Spear.

"Jiejie, your gun was caught."

God King Shura smiled ferociously. Although his palms were bloody and bloody, he still won after all, but he was also shocked by the terror of Du Yu's power in his heart.

He was almost breached!

"It's over, the clan leader has been caught! What to do!" the Ice God King wailed.

As a three-star god king, he greatly affected the emotions of other god kings and soldiers. Their hearts sank and their eyes were full of despair.

Although there are still people cheering for Du Yu, they are only a few after all, and their voices are full of despair. Cheering is just a mechanical shout.

The high priest glanced at the Ice God King, his eyes filled with murderous intent. He really didn't expect that the three-star God King in the human race would be instigated to rebel.

He was sentenced to a serious crime and was unforgivable. As long as he did anything wrong, he would definitely die.

He turned his gaze to Du Yu, and soon he was pleasantly surprised. The look of panic on the head of the family's face showed that he did it on purpose!

That's right, when has the patriarch ever done something he was unsure of!

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly shook. It would be unlucky for God King Shura to be so close!

"Next, it's time for me to fight back."

God King Shura licked the corners of his mouth, smiled grimly and let go of his four arms. He was confident that Du Yu could not free his arms.

The four arms were raised high, glowing with golden light.

Du Yu had no doubt that if these four fists hit him, he would be severely injured instantly.

However, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he looked at God King Shura: "Do you really want the God-killing Spear? It's just that your thinking is a bit too naive. The distance between you and me is too close!"

Under the puzzled gaze of God King Shura, Du Yu loosened his right hand and clenched it into a fist.

"Aren't you very confused as to why the Rakshasa Ghost King was killed instantly?"

"Then I'll tell you now!"

A strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in the heart of God King Shura. Deep in his heart, he kept warning him to leave here immediately.

The anxiety in his heart even directly affected his emotions. His hands holding the God-killing Spear subconsciously relaxed a little.

But this was a good opportunity to kill Du Yu. Trusting his body, he forced away the sense of crisis in his head and tightened his grip on the God-killing Spear.

The two pairs of fists struck Du Yu like a violent storm.

At the same time, Du Yu was not to be outdone. Countless impact formations instantly appeared behind his fists. A series of impact formations, densely packed with at least tens of thousands of them.

Although the impact formation is only a sixth-grade primary tribulation formation, tens of thousands of them are stacked together, and the impact is simply unimaginable.

If the Chaos War had not been powerful enough at this moment, Du Yu would not have dared to do this, otherwise his body would have been shattered before he could unleash his power.

At this moment, God King Shura finally understood where the uneasiness in his heart came from. The four-star God King of the human race was simply a lunatic!

Even if he activates the Fudo Myooh at this moment, he would not dare to use his body to carry such terrifying power.

In the end, even if he could kill his opponent, he would definitely end up seriously injured.

There are four of them here!

What to do with the remaining four people!

But now it was too late to retreat. God King Shura gritted his teeth and punched faster, hitting Du Yu's whole body fiercely, trying to knock Du Yu out before he could throw the punch. Yu was completely killed.

The shadows of fists all over the sky came, and Du Yu suffered numerous blows on his body.

A banging sound like iron resounded throughout the world.

But Du Yu seemed to have no feeling, and even his expression did not change at all.

"This defense"

God King Shura's heart was beating wildly. This was the first time he encountered an opponent who could crush him in the flesh. He could feel that his attack had no effect on Du Yu.


Du Yu's cold voice sounded, and time seemed to stop for an instant, until the last impact array was activated and hit the previous one.

Like dominoes, the impact array is continuously activated, hitting the previous impact array with the force of the previous one.

The terrifying power made the space resemble an ice surface, crazily collapsing, very much like the mood of God King Shura at this moment.


God King Shura exclaimed loudly, but the final impact hit Du Yu's elbow, transformed into terrifying power, and blasted out.

The fist shadow that filled the sky shattered in an instant, and God King Shura was blasted into countless pieces of flesh without any resistance.

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