The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1350 Swallowing Ancient Alien Beasts

Du Yu's pupils shrank slightly when he saw the puppet charging forward.

"The red moon rises from the sea!"

A red moon rose from behind him, and a huge power of imprisonment fell on the puppet.

But this move that could make the Three-Star God King almost immobile only made the puppet pause.

But for Du Yu's level, a short pause is enough!

The power of shocking ghosts and gods lit up the tip of the God-killing Spear, and at the same time, the will of the Jue Spear was also exerted. It exploded in an instant, shattering pieces of space.

Even time became chaotic. This blow was only slightly weaker than when Du Yu killed King Shura.

The puppet showed no intention of retreating, and blasted out its golden iron fist hard, hitting Du Yu's powerful shot.


At this moment, time seemed to be suspended. A crisp cracking sound sounded from the place where the two collided. It seemed as if something was shattering in this world.


An invisible impact spread from the place where the two collided.

All the dark creatures that came into contact turned into a pile of sewage at this moment. Even the three-star god king could not withstand the impact.


The puppet flew out upside down. Maybe it was strong, but in terms of strength, it was still not as good as the chaotic undead body with soaring vitality and blood.

Du Yu did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory. He glanced at his hands with an ugly expression.

Fine cracks were everywhere, and he suffered a slight loss from this fight.


Du Yu was not depressed at all, but became excited.

It had been a long time since he had fought against an opponent whose strength was equal to, or even slightly superior to, his own.

With the strength of this puppet, even if he attacks with all his strength, the outcome will only be 50 to 50, or even 4 to 6, with him four and the puppet six.

Before the human fortress, it was not really a battle at all. It was just a battle for calculation. There were not many places to show strength.

God King Shura was defeated not so much by his strength, but by his calculations.

"Chaos field."

The corners of Du Yu's mouth raised slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a layer of gray barrier expanded outward with him as the center.

Covering thousands of miles, everything within the field will be suppressed to a certain extent.

The puppet's movements were also noticeably slower, unlike before when the red moon rose from the sea and had no effect.

When the golden figure in the distance saw Du Yu's actions, there was obviously some difference, and his arms folded across his chest dropped down, apparently much more serious.

Before the puppet could get closer, Du Yu took the initiative to greet him.

Still possessing the will to kill the spear, the god-killing spear glowing with red light struck down on the head with astonishing force.

The puppet showed no emotion at all and had no intention of evading. He swung his hard fist straight towards Du Yu.

A puppet that knows no fear and only wants to kill the enemy. Although it is easy to catch the pattern, it is also very dangerous.

Such an enemy who does not know how to give in can easily make the opponent fearful and timid.

But will Du Yu retire?

With the Chaos Undead Body and the Chaos Combat Body activated, his defense even surpassed that of the puppet.

The two monster-like beings collided fiercely, without any calculation. It was completely the most primitive and passionate close combat.

Punch for punch, blow for blow, extremely domineering attacks were poured on the opponent crazily.

If the Evil Killing King saw this scene, they would probably be frightened into silence.

Such a violent Du Yu was completely different from what they had seen.

If they only had one four-star god king, Du Yu wouldn't even have to make any calculations. One person would be enough to counter the entire army.

The Chaos Undead Body gave Du Yu a monster-like combat power. Only at this moment did the Chaos Undead Body truly show its majesty.


There was another exchange of blows, and the God-killing Spear hit the puppet's chest hard. The already scarred puppet was directly thrown away, and the chest armor shattered, revealing the complex parts underneath.

"Hahaha, so happy!"

Du Yu's fighting spirit was high, and his eyes turned blood red, like an ancient demon.

Although there were several scars on his body and his clothes were torn to pieces countless times, he was not in any state of embarrassment, and his hair looked more heroic.

Blue lights glowed in the puppet's mechanical eyeballs, and then the core energy at the chest opening began to fluctuate violently.

A dangerous aura emanated from it, and it was obvious that this was going to be an amplified move.

There was no fear in Du Yu's eyes, but a bit of excitement.

The strength of this puppet is similar to that of the Killing Evil King, but its durability and lack of fear of death make its actual combat power surpass that of the Killing Evil King.

But this kind of strength is not comparable to his own free will. Unless the golden figure in the distance takes action, there is nothing in this swallowing vortex that can pose a threat to him for the time being.


Streams of electric arcs emanated from the puppet, spreading thousands of miles in just an instant.

The puppet looked at Du Yu indifferently, as if the god of thunder had descended.

"Swallow the Dao body!"

A cold, mechanical voice came from the puppet's mouth.

In an instant, the thunder that spread thousands of miles was retracted instantly, an impact suddenly emitted from its body, and then the iron armor on its abdomen began to fall off.

The head of a strange beast actually appeared in the open position of its abdomen, and the power of thunder seemed to revive the head.

Red eyes stared at Du Yu coldly, and then slowly opened his mouth.

At this moment, Du Yu's expression changed slightly, and the power of the field actually fluctuated, and began to fly towards the mouth of the alien beast.

"What the hell is this?" Du Yu frowned.

"This is a race of alien beasts named Tun that has been extinct for countless years." Xiao Ling's slightly surprised voice sounded in his mind.

"This race is very dangerous. It is said that in ancient times it could swallow everything, even the way of heaven. In the end, it was too harmful and was completely exterminated by the human race at its peak. That battle also led to the subsequent decline of the human race."

"These memories are the memories that were just transmitted from the Sun Shooting Divine Bow itself. The Sun Shooting Divine Bow was originally broken in this battle."

Xiao Ling's voice was a little solemn. After all, this was the culprit that caused the destruction of the human race. You can imagine how dangerous it would be.

"Oh? That's interesting. Does it want to swallow me?"

Du Yu looked playfully at the puppet's belly and its ugly head with its mouth wide open.

The intense gravity even caused his body to move forward.

It can make him, a four-star god king with incredible power, unable to stabilize his figure. You can imagine how strong this devouring power is.

"Better be careful. This monster has cost humanity a huge price."

Xiao Ling's voice was a little worried. After all, this was something that a four-star god king-level puppet should preserve. It was definitely not an ordinary thing.

The corner of Du Yu's mouth raised slightly, and he said confidently: "There is only one head left, and you still want to overturn the world? The human race was destroyed back then, so how could I be afraid of just one head!"

He immediately gave up resistance and even accelerated towards Tun's ferocious mouth.

"Devouring is not your exclusive privilege!"

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