The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1354 Pseudo-world-class magic weapon

The so-called Supreme God doesn't even have the ability to resist.

He was directly sucked in by Du Yu, and the Chaos Devouring Dao Body could be swallowed up by the Dao of Heaven, not to mention that it was just a four-star god king who was seriously injured.

A huge amount of energy surged out of the body, and the fourth petal on the forehead began to turn as dark as ink, and it only stopped when it reached the full halfway position.

By devouring this golden figure, Du Yu was promoted to the middle stage of the third heaven and close to the late stage in one breath, and his realm naturally entered the ranks of the three-star god kings.

"I have been able to completely control my power."

The corners of Du Yu's mouth rose, very satisfied.

The peak state of the Three-Star God King has allowed him to greatly improve his control of power, and he even feels that he can initially use the Zhenguo Imperial Seal.

"Xiao Ling, tell me who he is? From what you said before, he seems to be doing pretty well!"

Du Yu asked curiously.

This is the first time he has seen people from other worlds appear here.

The opponent's strength is not weak, but there should still be a certain gap between breaking through the world barrier.

"He does not rely on his own power, but on the divine sword in your hand. The world they live in is not as powerful as the chaotic world. The strongest one is a four-star god king like him."

"The divine sword known as the supreme divine weapon is also the most powerful weapon bred in their world. According to the level, it is between the ninth-grade divine weapon and the world-class divine weapon. It should be said to be a pseudo-world-class divine weapon. .”

Xiao Ling explained.

"The pseudo-world-class magic weapon is pretty good, but what about the strong man who defeated this man? What is his identity?"

Du Yu asked.

The gap between pseudo-world-class and ninth-grade divine weapons is still huge, and even the ninth-grade peak weapons are incomparable.

If he could possess a pseudo-world-class artifact, he would be able to compete with even the five-star God King.

Just holding a world-class artifact, how this person was defeated in the first place was very confusing to him. Could it be that Pangu took action?

Or maybe there are other five-star god kings in this world?

"According to the memory in this divine weapon, the strong man who defeated the Supreme God was actually defeated. This swallowing vortex was transformed by that strong man, and even the golden puppet was placed by that strong man. Yes." Xiao Ling said.

Du Yu's pupils shrank slightly, and he realized that the vortex was artificially created.

No wonder there is a supreme-level skill that appeared. I am afraid it is the skill that some strong man practiced back then.

But from this point of view, the strength of the strong man back then is likely to be comparable to that of him now.

"How can we repair this pseudo-world-class magic weapon?" Du Yu asked.

It is absolutely impossible for a magic weapon of this level to be damaged so easily. There must be a way to repair it.

"In that battle, the energy stones on the sword were blown away. We only need to find these energy stones to repair the magic weapon."

"These energy stones are very different. There are seven in total. Each one has different abilities. They should be obtained by those big races. You can ask them if you find one. And as long as I find one, I will have a way to find it through induction. The rest." Xiao Ling said confidently.

After fusing this pseudo-world-class divine weapon, the current ninth-grade divine weapon, her realm has also been upgraded to a two-star divine king, and her abilities have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

They may not be very good at fighting, but when it comes to treasure hunting, they are definitely number one in all realms. Even the most famous treasure hunters among all tribes, the treasure-hunting rat clan, have been left behind by several blocks.

"Okay, after we finish exploring this swallowing vortex, we'll go look for it."

Du Yu nodded and looked deeper.

He wanted to go to the center to see if there was any benefit.

After all, it might be an existence close to the Five-Star God King, leaving traces, and he might be able to find something left by the strong man in it.

If it is an energy source or a corpse, it is best. What he lacks most now is these two things. After all, this Chaos Swallowing Body is definitely a big energy user.

The energy in the chaotic world before was just water. After all, even after completely devouring a four-star god king, the energy provided only increased his cultivation by half.

Xiao Ling didn't hesitate and directly integrated into the pseudo-world-class divine sword in Du Yu's hand. Although it could not upgrade its level, its power was greatly improved.

If Du Yu uses it, he can exert at least 200% of his power.

In this way, Du Yu flew towards the center of the most terrifying gravity of the swallowing vortex.

Even the four-star god king dared not approach there, but after also possessing the same source of devouring power, there was no danger to Du Yu here.

Even if he only needs the aura of Tun Dao to cover his body, he will not be affected by the vortex of Tun Dao.

Soon, Du Yu came to the center of the Swallowing Vortex, and he was definitely the first person to come here.

In the center of the swallowing vortex is a black hole no bigger than a fist.

But this black hole exudes a strong danger, which is very similar to when he used the Chaos Swallowing Body and the power of swallowing.

It's just that he doesn't understand why this swallowing vortex can be maintained naturally without anyone driving it?

Could it be that there is a strong person that he cannot sense, secretly controlling this swallowing vortex?

But what is the other party's purpose?

Du Yu approached with doubts, but he had already raised his defense to the extreme.

Even if a five-star god-king suddenly attacks him, he will be able to react and respond immediately.

A ray of energy extended along his arm. As soon as this ball of energy appeared, the black hole suddenly rioted.

A terrible suction force sucked this ball of energy into it.

Du Yu clearly felt that after swallowing the energy, a breath of life came from the black hole.

There are living creatures there.

Du Yu seemed to have thought of something and looked at the black hole playfully: "Oh? It's interesting. Could it be that he is not dead yet and plans to be reborn?"

He seemed to have seen an introduction about this in the Chaos Swallowing Body, but he ignored it because he was confident in his own strength.

"If that's true, then you can make a lot of money," Du Yu said with a hint of excitement.

In this way of rebirth, the soul is very fragile, and he has every chance to completely devour the opponent's soul.

Thinking about the soul of the four-star god king makes people feel excited. If it can be swallowed, his spiritual realm will at least step into the three-star god king.

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