The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1357 The Zhenguo Emperor issued the powerful and fake Supreme Level Cultivation Technique

Chapter 1357: The Zhenguo Emperor Seals the Power - Pseudo-Supreme Level Cultivation Technique

Wave after wave of soul energy was baptized, and Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness became larger and larger.

He quickly broke through the eighth level of the Battle of the Heavenly Emperor and entered the ninth level of the Battle of the Heavenly Emperor.

The size of the Consciousness Sea alone is no smaller than that of the One Star God King.

The improvement has not stopped, Zhantian Emperor Jue has begun to move towards the middle stage of the ninth level.


Following a burst of churning, the sea of ​​consciousness instantly expanded three times, reaching the middle stage of the ninth level, which was comparable to the capacity of the sea of ​​consciousness of the two-star god king.

The promotion is still continuing, calamity clouds appear in the sky, and everything within thousands of miles is shrouded in dark clouds. All the god kings in the entire universe feel that a terrifying soul is about to be born.

They opened their eyes one after another and came towards Du Yu with solemn faces. However, the swallowing vortex blocked their sight, and they did not know who it was.

After the capacity reaches the two-star God King, coupled with the increase in supreme level skills, even Hun Qianjue is still a younger brother in front of Du Yu.

At this moment, Du Yu could say that he could easily beat Hun Qianjue, the person with the most powerful soul, in terms of soul.

However, Du Yu's improvement continued. Half an hour later, the consciousness level was once again guaranteed to be five times higher.

The aura of terror swept across the entire universe, and even the four-star god king felt a heart palpitating from the bottom of his heart.

They looked here with some shock. They didn't know what kind of monster came out and made such a big noise. Many of the four-star god kings nearby were already rushing towards the swallowing vortex.

Especially the people of the God Clan, they know the origin of the Swallowing Whirlpool clearly, and almost all the four-star God Kings are dispatched.

They obviously thought that it was their ancestors who were born.

That powerful existence that has lived for countless years.

Du Yu didn't know anything about this, he had sunk deeply into the sea of ​​consciousness.

After entering the late stage of the Nine Heavens, the sea of ​​consciousness that had turned into gold surged up and enveloped his soul.

At this time, the Zhenguo Imperial Seal also flew into the hands of his soul, and was wrapped up in the sea of ​​consciousness together.

All induction from the outside world has been cut off, and Du Yu's consciousness has completely returned to his soul.

"How is this going!"

Du Yu's eyes were a little surprised and uncertain, looking at the Zhenguo Imperial Seal in his own soul's hand.

This was the first time that Zhenguo Diyin took the initiative to approach him and show his kindness.

Moreover, in the Zhenguo Imperial Seal, energy is constantly pouring into his soul, changing something.

This feeling is very strange, as if he is sublimating.


The sea of ​​consciousness that suddenly enveloped him suddenly resonated slightly, and then surged into his soul.

Du Yu was surprised. He had never seen this happen before.

Only the sea of ​​consciousness has always embraced the soul. When did the soul wrap up the sea of ​​consciousness?

What's going on!

But he didn't resist, because this was the operation of the Zhan Tian Emperor Jue on its own. Although he didn't know what it wanted to do, it would not harm him at least.

The speed at which the sea of ​​consciousness poured in was like a bathtub with the stopper pulled out, shrinking almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, after the sea of ​​consciousness shrank, the originally developed area did not shrink, but left countless purple gases.

It is very similar to the power of chaos, but it is not the power of chaos. This power is more advanced than the power of chaos.

Of course, Du Yu can't see these yet, because all his mind is used to control the golden power pouring into the soul.

If these were not his own strengths, coupled with the assistance of the Zhenguo Imperial Seal, Du Yu would never be able to sustain himself.

If it were another person, even if Pangu's clone came over, he would definitely die.

This has exceeded all imagination of this world and violated the rules of this world.

Because of this incident, in the outside world, above Du Yu's head, the dark clouds of calamity have gathered for hundreds of millions of miles.

Moreover, the pressure alone caused the space below to tremble violently.

The three-star god king fought with his legs, and the four-star god king was covered in cold sweat. This power was beyond their imagination.

It was also the first time that they realized that the power of heaven could be so strong.

If we really want to suppress them, I am afraid that only those who are close to touching a higher level, such as King Shura, can survive.

At the edge of the Tribulation Thunder, the army of gods lined up neatly, with countless voices exuding powerful aura, and their eyes looked feverishly into the depths of the vortex.

A white light group standing at the front said excitedly: "Is our ancestor going to be resurrected? I didn't expect that just the resurrection would cause such a huge commotion. It is indeed second only to the man from the human race back then. The most powerful one!"

Beside him, a green ball of light also smiled and said: "Yes, if the ancestors were born, all those top races could be wiped out. The gods should have unified all races long ago. What the human race could do back then Of course, our Gods can do this as well!"

Another ball of blue light also said with excitement in his tone: "I don't know if our ancestors have already stepped into that legendary realm, but it can make us so scared. I'm afraid even if there is no breakthrough, it won't be much different." Come on!"

The three groups of light paused for a moment, and then laughed triumphantly at the same time. The laughter shook the sky, and many of the powerful men hiding around frowned and moved further away from the Gods.

After half an hour of absorption, Du Yu has reached the finishing stage.

The sea of ​​consciousness that was originally comparable to the Three-Star God King has been absorbed, leaving only the last trace of Du Yu Yuan Shen wrapped around it.

These powers, blessed by the Battle Heaven Emperor's Art, are already between the four-star god king and the five-star god king.

Du Yu didn't even know how strong he would be after condensing all such terrifying power into his soul.

However, he felt that even if he stood and let Hun Qianjue bite him with his skull, he would never be able to damage his soul at all.


With the absorption of the last trace of power in the sea of ​​consciousness, Yuanshen suddenly opened his eyes. Du Yu was a little surprised when he looked at his hands that were as if they were made of gold.

"Golden Soul? This has never happened to anyone before!"

The soul is generally translucent, and even if others reach the peak of cultivation, they can only compete with a thousand souls.

But what the hell is he doing now!

At this time, a piece of information suddenly poured into his consciousness from the Zhenguo Emperor Seal.

"The late stage pseudo-world-class skills of the third level of the Divine Soul True Art can swallow souls to complete the upgrade. The soul-devouring skills can be completed to world-class skills through the Zhenguo Imperial Seal. What the hell! Can the Zhenguo Imperial Seal also upgrade the skills?"

Du Yu's face was full of shock. He looked at the Zhenguo Imperial Seal in his hand with some horror. He didn't expect that this world-class magic weapon had such an amazing effect!

At this moment, his soul power was several times stronger than before. Even Pangu's clone would probably be easily suppressed by him in terms of soul.

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