The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1360 Looking back in time and completely obliterating it

The terrifying aura shocked the world, and all the powerful people in the entire universe felt it and looked in the direction of Du Yu in fear.

Many hidden four-star God King Realm old monsters even hid directly in their own space, hiding their aura tightly and not daring to reveal even a little bit.

In the secret realm of Taixu, Pangu's time and space clone also raised his head, his eyes full of shock.

He summoned his strength, and his pupils seemed to contain stars. He instantly penetrated billions of miles of space and looked at the place where the aura broke out.

When he saw Du Yu even nodding towards his position, the expression on his face became even more horrified.

"I didn't expect to reach this level so quickly. Could it be that the so-called 'author' has discovered my existence and started to accelerate Du Yu's strength?"

"What is his purpose for doing this? Is it possible that I am still not detached?"

For a moment, Pangu had a lot of thoughts.

"Huh? No, why is the signal with the main body suddenly weak? Could it be that the main body is in danger?"

Pangu's expression suddenly changed drastically. Just now, the connection between the clone and the main body suddenly became weak.

It should not be that the original body died, because he has not inherited the memory of the original body.

But it is definitely not optimistic.

Pangu's face instantly turned ugly.

"No, we must let Du Yu go over there as soon as possible. The situation of the main body should be urgent!"

His eyes became a little firmer, and the next moment he disappeared directly into the void space.

Outside the whirlpool, Du Yu's sudden outburst shocked everyone.

Especially the protoss who faced Du Yu's aura directly could not imagine that such a terrifying aura could actually emanate from a human race.

At this moment, they seemed to think of Pangu, the leader of the human race back then!

That aura of dominating the world is exactly the same as that of Du Yu at this moment.

It's just that Du Yu's aura may be even more terrifying.

When Pangu's aura erupted, with the majestic power of the emperor within billions of miles, the hearts of all races naturally gave birth to a heart of surrender, but Du Yu was different. At this moment, the sky within billions of miles was scarlet.

The extremely domineering and majestic aura makes people feel fearful, as if once they violate their will, what awaits them will be endless killing and bloodshed.

The current Lord is far more dangerous than the previous one!

"You actually took that step?"

The God King of Light asked with a pale face.

Under the pressure of Du Yu's breath, his body actually trembled slightly. His mood, which had not fluctuated for thousands of years, was now in a state of turmoil.

As the strongest race under the human race, they have a deep understanding of how terrifying the Five Star God King is.

"That step?"

"Are you talking about the Five-Star God King?"

"That's not the case. I'm still a little behind."

Du Yu returned indifferently.

The God King of Light's face looked better. As long as they haven't stepped into the Five-Star God King, they still have a chance. He comforted himself in his heart.

"If that's the case, then you should die!"

"Give them all to me!"

"Kill him! Revenge for our ancestors!"

The God King of Light waved his hand and ordered.

There was greed in his eyes, and he was looking forward to the way he could take a step forward if he could extract it from Du Yu's body.

When their skills are cultivated to the extreme, they are only four-star god kings, which cannot push them to a higher realm.


He himself rushed over and fired his strongest blow.

Du Yu's originally calm face evoked a cold arc.

"Although in terms of realm, I am not yet the Five-Star God King, but in terms of combat power, I am no longer inferior to the Five-Star God King!"

He raised the Supreme Divine Sword in his hand, and a layer of faint golden light wrapped around the sword without any other gorgeous special effects.

He slashed out with one sword.

A golden sword light was drawn out. After it separated from the sword blade, it expanded rapidly, almost instantly turning into thousands of kilometers, and it continued to expand as the distance went further.

The protoss at the front was struck directly, and all those who were hit, including the God King of Light, were cut into two pieces.

The number of casualties continues to increase with the flight of the sword energy. No matter how strong he is or what treasure he possesses, he has no power to fight back when faced with this sword.

The expressions on the faces of the onlookers on the side were already full of shock.

"Damn it, is this the strength of the leader of the human race! It's so scary!"

"Facing this sword light, I only felt despair in my heart. Even the four-star god king was powerless to fight back under this sword. What a grace!"

"The human race has risen, and we will return to the past."

"The human powers of this generation are more terrifying than the previous generation. I am afraid that there will be a bloody storm among all races."

These people are all full of thoughts, and those who can arrive in such a short time are almost all strong men from all races and beings in the God King realm.

The situation at this moment was naturally clear to their hearts.

After one sword strike, the millions of protoss troops were almost all dead. Only the three-star god kings and above were qualified to survive under this sword strike.

The void is filled with divine blood, and the thick aroma of blood essence makes everyone feel a desire. The blood of the gods is almost the essence. If it can be absorbed, it will definitely increase the strength.

But no one dared to take a step forward because of the handsome figure standing with a sword.

The sharpness of that sword was unparalleled by anyone.

The God King of Light has now merged the severed waist and abdomen into one, and the remaining survivors of the God Clan have also recovered, but there is no arrogance on their faces at this moment.

Some are just boundless fear.

Du Yu's sword cut off the pride of this proud race.

"Ah, don't kill me!"

"I don't want to die, don't kill me!"

"I can be a cow or a horse for you, don't kill me!"

The remaining powerful gods of the gods had a mental breakdown and burst into tears.

Even the God King of Light and the other two four-star god kings were like this. Facing the fighting power of Du Yu's five-star god king, they were frightened.


"Is this the number one race today? I'm a little disappointed."

Du Yu shook his head, his face full of disappointment. He originally thought that the Gods would persevere to the end, but who knew that it was just a sword, and they collapsed like this.

"I never want to be a loser who loses his fighting spirit."

Du Yu raised the Supreme Divine Sword again

"The river of time appears!"

With a low shout, a long transparent river actually appeared above the heads of the God King of Light and the other two four-star God Kings.

Countless images of them appear on the long river, and it is obvious that this is the long river of time belonging to the three of them.


The Supreme Divine Sword slashed out, and a sword beam passed through three rivers of time at the same time. The images in them were constantly shattered, and the three people gradually disappeared in panic.

The space trembled slightly, and bursts of mourning sounded. The complete fall of the four-star god king caused mourning from heaven and earth.

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