The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1365 The Divine Soul's True Art Shows Its Power


The attacks from both sides collided fiercely, and the terrifying impact caused the entire underworld to explode.

Even the aftermath of the Five-Star God King's attack is enough to collapse a small world.

Du Yu was knocked back hundreds of kilometers, and the void behind him was shattered. Even time became extremely chaotic. Even the four-star god king could not survive in such an environment.

However, Du Yu, who possesses the Chaos Swallowing Body, not only did not suffer any damage, he actually absorbed a lot of the attacks from the God of Underworld.

The power of the underworld that everyone feared turned into an extremely pure spiritual power and became part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hahahaha, have fun, come again!"

A flash of light flashed in Du Yu's eyes, and his fighting spirit shot straight into the sky like wolf smoke.

On the other hand, the God of the Underworld was in a much more embarrassing situation. Not only was half of his body embedded in the barrier of the underworld, but even the huge scythe transformed by the power of the underworld in his hand was cut with a huge crack.

"How is it possible? How could a humble human like you be able to shake the power of this god?"

The huge face of the God of Underworld was full of surprise.

"It looks like you just arrived as a clone, but it doesn't matter."

"Keep this clone!"

Du Yu's feet suddenly exerted force, and a large area of ​​void shattered. A huge force pushed his body, and he arrived in front of the God of Underworld in an instant.

The Supreme Divine Sword turned into a sword of ten thousand feet, and slashed towards the head of the God of Underworld unceremoniously.

This sudden attack could only be received by the Five-Star God King.

The God of Underworld didn't have time to get angry and hurriedly waved the huge sickle in his hand.

Although his body was unusually large, his movements were not slow at all, and he actually blocked the sword light.


With a loud noise, the God of Underworld was even more embedded in the barrier of the underworld, and even a large part of his body was exposed in the void space.

"Your physical strength is indeed on par with the Five-Star God King, or even above it!"

Du Yu said excitedly.

Although he had known it for a long time, Du Yu felt only excited when he saw that there was someone stronger than him.

He has already tasted the feeling of standing on the top.

Although being invincible is cool, it lacks pursuit. Unlike now, there is a higher realm waiting for him to pursue.

The face of the God of Underworld was dark.

Being entangled with a human ant for so long made him feel that his self-esteem had been insulted!

"Despicable human beings, since they know the strength of this god, why don't you just surrender without mercy?"

"Otherwise, if the true form of this god comes, the consequences will not be something you can bear!"

The God of Underworld said in a cold tone.

"If you have the ability, let your true form come. I want to see how strong your true form is. I will decide on this clone of yours!"

Du Yu snorted coldly and tightened his grip on the supreme weapon in his hand.

If it weren't for the fact that the Supreme Divine Weapon at this moment was only in the middle stage of ninth grade, he could destroy the God of Underworld with one sword.

Of course, it's just a little troublesome now.

"Arrogant, let me show you the power of God!"

The God of Underworld began to hum, and the strange tone resounded throughout the heavens, seeming to be telling something.

The sinister aura in it made even Du Yu couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Du Yu's eyebrows were solemn. He had never seen such a spellcasting in the chaotic world that made him uneasy.

As the humming accelerated, the body of the God of Underworld actually began to condense.

The body, which was a full third of the size of the underworld, began to shrink rapidly.

At the same time, his aura began to surge, charging towards the Five-Star God King.

Even if it is just the soul aura accidentally leaked from the body, it is enough to lead a three-star god king to break through the spiritual realm in an instant.

"It's interesting. I'm starting to get stronger, but I'm getting more rejection."

Du Yu quickly saw the way out.

Du Yu, who possesses the Chaos World and the world-class magic weapon to suppress the country and the Emperor's Seal, can be regarded as half the master of the Chaos World to a certain extent.

He is also sensitive to objects rejected by the world.

When a strong person comes to a low-end world, he will definitely be rejected by the world. This is the case with the God of Underworld now.

Not long after, the God of Underworld was compressed to about the same size as Du Yu, and his terrifying aura shocked the heavens.

The momentum of Du Yu collided with everything, causing the underworld to collapse.

The underworld is completely over.

The auras of the two five-star god kings collided, and the hearts of all living beings in the entire chaotic world seemed to be instantly enveloped in a layer of despair.

The four-star god king could only tremble under this pressure.

In the holy land where the Shura tribe is located, Pangu is flying in the sky above a mountain of corpses, frowning and looking in the direction of the underworld, his face full of solemnity.

"What's going on? Is there a five-star god king in the chaotic world that I don't know about?"

"No, Du Yu may not be his opponent, I have to go and see!"

Looking at the shivering remnants of the Shura clan below, Pangu frowned and swung his ax.

An ax beam of tens of millions of feet shot out from the blade and slashed towards the Shura world.

After striking out the axe, Pangu didn't look much, turned around and rushed towards the underworld.

Du Yu was his hope, and he didn't want Du Yu to be here.

After Pangu left, countless white lights erupted in the Shura space of the Shura clan, and a shocking ax light broke out from it, directly cutting open this small world that was not much weaker than the chaotic world.

The next moment, the small world exploded from it, and the violent energy almost destroyed billions of miles of void.

The Shura clan was completely removed from all clans.

On the other side, Du Yu was now officially fighting against the God of Hell.

It has to be said that after shrinking, the combat effectiveness of the God of Underworld increased to an extremely terrifying level.

The sickle condensed with the power of the underworld in his hand can actually withstand the ninth-grade intermediate supreme divine sword without being destroyed. This ability is simply unbelievable.

The God of Underworld almost possesses the peak strength of the Five-Star God King, and is not inferior to Pangu in the slightest.

In his confrontation, Du Yu was not able to take advantage like before.

After the two struck each other again, Du Yu immediately pulled away and flew back.

"I've almost figured out your strength, it's time to stop here!"

The expression on his face became serious.

"Jie Jie Jie, arrogant ant, you have been suppressed by me. If it weren't for your sword, you would have died long ago."

The God of Underworld sneered.

"Who told you that the only thing I can rely on is the Supreme Divine Sword?"

A playful smile appeared on Du Yu's lips.

"Although you are very strong with the power of the underworld, you are not the real body after all, and the weight of this underworld is not very large."

"You're not good enough to show off in front of me."

"I said, your clone must stay today!"

The pseudo-world-class spiritual skill Divine Soul True Art erupted, golden light shrouded thousands of miles, and a huge golden emperor's shadow emerged behind Du Yu.

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