The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1395 Fire, the strongest form of six-star super weapon

The people of the West Empire's imperial capital were originally watching a play on the street.

Protected by the energy shield of the Imperial City, they thought they were very safe, and they were still commenting on the rebellion of the Spear of Sit.

The Spear of Sith is one of the famous legions of the Empire and the sharpest weapon of the Sitter Empire.

Naturally, they knew each other, and they all discussed the reasons for the Sit Spear's rebellion.

But more of it was ridicule, ridiculing the Spear of Sit for not overestimating its capabilities.

The strength of a mere legion wanted to attack the imperial capital.

However, they panicked when the energy shield above their heads disappeared. They were directly exposed to the gunfire of the Spear of Sit.

It only takes one wave of attacks and they will be completely reduced to cannon fodder.

"Oh my god, what are the people in the empire going crazy about!"

"Don't do it, I'm innocent!"

"We are all our own people, don't kill me, don't fire!"

On the streets, countless people cried and shouted.

The fleet's artillery fire cannot be resisted by ordinary buildings, even those with fortifications like Cangshan Research Institute.

Under a fleet composed of four-star and five-star fighters and battleships, it is nothing more than a dregs of a project that can be destroyed in an instant.

Of course, not to mention the ordinary buildings in the imperial capital. Even if there are not many, a single shot from a fighter plane can raze the imperial capital to the ground.

However, the cannon fodder in the sky did not stop because of their pleas for mercy.

As long as there is an attack on the fleet, a terrible blow will fall from the sky.

Although it will take away the lives of residents in the surrounding areas, no one is merciful at this moment.

This is the cruelty of war. If the firepower points such as the forts below are not destroyed, only the soft-hearted party will be unlucky in the end.

The adjutant's eyes were slightly red. Although he was crying in his heart, he still gave orders one after another without moving.

Accurately capture the countless firepower points buried in the imperial capital, and at the same time organize manpower to attack the imperial city.

The Imperial City is located at the core of the imperial capital. Only the real high-ranking officials and nobles of the Site Empire are eligible to stay, but it is generally not open to military personnel.

Unless you are at the level of major general, there are only politicians here.

At this moment, after the energy shield was recovered, the barrier over the imperial city even turned dark blue, exuding a very terrifying aura. Even a bombardment by the flagship of the Spear of Sitter only caused it to tremble slightly.

The adjutant looked at Du Yu solemnly: "Sir, I estimate that the people in the imperial city are preparing to release the six-star super martial arts."

The only threat to them from the Imperial City was the Six-Star Super Martial Arts, which was enough to destroy their entire fleet.

If it weren't for Du Yu, even if they wanted to rebel, they would never dare to come to the imperial capital.

At such a close distance, they don't even have a place to dodge, and they will definitely die.

"Just do your job well. When the six-star super martial arts comes out, I will naturally take action."

Du Yu waved his hand to comfort him.

The adjutant breathed a sigh of relief. With Du Yu's guarantee, he felt relieved.

People who can block the six-star super martial arts with one hand, if it weren't for people like them, I'm afraid the entire empire could be wiped out from the world with a wave of their hands.

There was some emotion in his eyes, which made him feel more at home with Du Yu.

"Sir, I, Kahit, swear to be loyal to you forever!"

The adjutant knelt down on one knee respectfully and said seriously.

Then, without waiting for Du Yu's reaction, he continued to arrange his troops.

Pangu was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Damn it, this guy can get die-hard fans even if he doesn't do anything. There's no comparison."

He shook his head and whispered, and then continued to swallow the ore to strengthen himself.

Du Yu leaned on the recliner and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. This is what a leader should do.

As long as you speak vaguely and leave the rest to your own imagination, you will naturally have unexpected gains.

This Kahit is a general. If he is here, it can save him a lot of effort, at least he won't have to do everything by himself.

He glanced deeply into the depths of the imperial city, where a huge amount of energy had been condensed and if it could be swallowed, it would definitely not be worse than the mine that was swallowed.

I wonder if his strength will be improved after devouring it.

He glanced at his own panel.

Name: Du Yu

Physical realm: Five-star peak energy: 320 million/1 billion)

Spiritual realm: Four-star peak spirit: 200,000/100 million)

Combat power: six-star peak

Growth talent: SSS level

The six-star super martial arts attack he received before provided him with more than 300 million experience points, bringing him one step closer to the initial six-star level.

The previous attack was only at the A-level level, but this time it must be the strongest level, and it is very likely that he can be directly promoted to the six-star realm.

Just as Du Yu was fantasizing, the Site Empire was already in chaos.

Almost everyone was shocked by Kahit's decisiveness and ruthlessness. They originally wanted to use the people outside to buy them some time.

Because when they thought about it, those imperial soldiers would definitely not take action against civilians, and their troops and weapons in the imperial capital could contain the rebels to a great extent.

But who would have thought that Kahit did not follow the routine at all and launched an attack on the imperial capital without paying any attention to the innocent people around him.

"Your Majesty, Kahit is crazy, let's destroy them quickly!"

"The people outside can't hold them back at all. On the contrary, because of the loss of the barrier, the deployment in the imperial capital has been almost completely eliminated. They are about to launch a general attack on the imperial city!"

"The reinforcements can't wait. Your Majesty, make up your mind. As long as we still have six-star super martial arts, we still have a chance to rise!"

All the ministers spoke one after another.

Their families are all in the imperial city. Even if the six-star super weapon breaks out at close range, it will not threaten their families. Even if it causes more than a dozen cities around the Site Empire to be reduced to scorched earth, what does this have to do with them? relation.

The Emperor of the West Empire had a troubled expression. This was not as simple as sacrificing an imperial capital. If it really went to that step, the whole empire would definitely be in trouble. How would he be able to secure his position by then?


At this moment, a series of terrifying attacks hit the energy shield above the imperial city.

The entire energy shield shook slightly, and on the huge light screen in front of everyone, the energy reserves of the Imperial City were obviously reduced by a large amount.

If it continues at this speed, there will be dozens more waves at most, and the energy shield will be broken!

"Fire, the strongest six-star super attack!"

"Destroy them for me!"

The Emperor of the Site Empire had a fixed look in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said harshly.

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