The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1399 Devouring Tribulation Thunder


Everyone who was watching the video gasped and was speechless for a long time.

This is so fucking scary!

That was a six-star super martial arts, and he actually resisted it with one person's strength, using a method they had never seen before.

Even those senior executives who were used to seeing strong winds and waves felt their scalps numb at this moment.

Is that human being!

This is the truest thought in their minds at this moment.

Even if it is not the strongest attack of the six-star super martial arts, it is still very terrifying!

The video continues in the next moment, this time over the Imperial Capital.

The Imperial City of the Site Empire below is very obvious. It is still the same figure from behind, blocking the strongest attack of the six-star super martial artist with just one person's power.

Like a bathtub with the stopper removed, the energy tide of the Six-Star Super Martial Arts was swallowed up crazily by a dark hole.

That terrifying attack that was enough to destroy most of the empire failed to do anything and disappeared without a trace.

"Holy crap, did I read that right? The attack disappeared?"

"That's a six-star super martial arts, my God! The strongest six-star super martial arts!"

"Who is that adult? He is so handsome, I really want to give him a monkey!"

Everyone who saw this scene was deeply shocked.

The faces of Emperor Rising Sun and Emperor Eagle were pale, they were frightened by the people in the video.

Some even can't believe this is true, even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with this video.

They couldn't believe that someone could not take Six-Star Super Wu seriously.

"Don't think you can scare us by making a fake video. It's too late to let you go now, otherwise my army will crush you!" Emperor Rising Sun shouted sternly.

"Even if you really conquer the Site Empire, so what? Do you really think that my fleet is vegetarian?" The Eagle Emperor also roared.

Kahit sneered and shook his head: "If you are stubborn, cut off their video."

Soon, the scenes of the emperors of the other two empires were interrupted on the live broadcast screen. It was easy for the West Empire to cut off their communications at all costs.

At this moment, they have already used super intelligence, otherwise it would not be so easy, unless the other two empires also use super intelligence to compete.

"Three days, three days later, our army will set off. If we don't want to destroy all lives, the empire's top leaders will immediately abdicate and surrender. Otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless."

Kahit said coldly.

What he said was to the soldiers.

In Arthur Continent, although the top military leaders also have a good status, they are still not as good as nobles and politicians.

After all, soldiers are basically born as civilians, and they tend to be more like civilians.

As long as they are not so crazy that they don't care about the destruction of life in the empire, they will naturally make a decision.

This is a conspiracy, Kahit began to force the palace.

Even if no one in the two empires was instigated by him to rebel, they would never dare to trust their own armies, and they would not even dare to let their armies approach the imperial city.

Because they are not sure if any of these people really want to do something to them.

In the flagship of Sit's Spear, Du Yu looked at the live broadcast with a faint smile on his lips. This Kashit was indeed a talent.

He knew how to control people's hearts, which is crucial for those in power.

Du Yu knew that Kahit had succeeded, so he leaned back on the chair and glanced at Pangu.

Pangu was still devouring energy ores, but the speed was too slow.

He seems to have advanced the Chaos Undead Body a little, and it should be considered a top-level supreme skill. However, the devouring speed is far inferior to his own Chaos Swallowing Body.

"It's not okay to be so slow and don't know how long it will take."

An evil smile appeared on Du Yu's lips: "I'm just helping you, but don't blame me!"

He stretched out his finger and pointed at the energy ore in front of Pangu. A Yin-Yang Bagua disk appeared in his eyes, and the terrifying power of cause and effect emerged on him.


An invisible force suddenly came and wrapped all the energy ores. The next moment, the thousands of ores shattered in an instant, turning into countless energy and pouring into Pangu's body.

Pangu's body even swelled with the influx of surging energy, and slight cracks even appeared in the powerful body of the Chaos Undead.

Pangu had almost reached the limit of endurance. Of course, under Du Yu's control, his body would not explode, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

"I'll wipe it, what the hell!"

Pangu was startled and began to run the Chaos Undead Body to devour energy with all his strength. He did not know that it was Du Yu who took action.

As long as something unexpected happened to his practice, he wouldn't dare to stop now.

If you make a mistake, the worst outcome will be a physical explosion.

"This can be considered a blessing."

There was a hint of amusement in the corner of Du Yu's mouth. As long as he can survive the establishment, Pangu's physical body will definitely reach a higher level.

In the imperial city, Kahit, who had just finished the live broadcast, suddenly noticed a terrifying energy condensation above his head, and he was so frightened that he rushed out.

Then he saw endless dark clouds surging out, and golden thunder darting through the dark clouds, as if it was the end of the world.

"Oh my god, what's going on!"

He swore that he had never seen such a terrifying sight in his life. Even a six-star super martial artist might not have such power!

"Sir, it seems to be in the direction of the flagship. Was it done by Lord Du Yu?"

Next to Kahit, a newly appointed lieutenant asked cautiously.

Hearing the words of the adjutant, Kahit was slightly startled and confidently observed. The object targeted by this dark cloud was indeed where the flagship was.

He immediately relaxed: "So that's it, let's break up and let's go deal with our own affairs."

If it had anything to do with Du Yu, he wouldn't be surprised even if the sky fell.

After all, Du Yu has been refreshing his knowledge ever since he met him, and he has become accustomed to it.

"oh oh!"

The adjutant glanced at the terrible calamity clouds in the sky, his eyes filled with admiration, and then followed Kahit back to the hall.

In the flagship, Du Yu naturally felt the changes in the outside world. He frowned slightly: "I didn't expect that just helping to refine it would cause such a great disaster. It was no less than a six-star super martial arts. If this was If we make things stronger, wouldn't it mean that the thunder of seven stars will come?"

From this point of view, the way of heaven in this world is many times more powerful than that of the chaotic world.

It would be better to use the great prophecy technique sparingly in the future. After all, he didn't know how much disaster it would cause.

But now it's just a six-star super martial arts, it's easy to solve, it's just to give him experience.

Du Yu curled his fingers, and a small black dot flew from his fingertips into the clouds, and a terrifying devouring power erupted.

Thousands of miles of dark clouds began to be sucked into them crazily.

"Ding, congratulations, you swallowed the thunder and gained 10 million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations, you swallowed the thunder and gained 10 million experience points."

"Ding, congratulations, you swallowed the thunder and gained 10 million experience points."

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