After making the decision, Pangu took Kahit and the others and set off directly for the Empire of the Rising Sun.

Du Yu, on the other hand, took some people with him casually and headed to the Eagle Empire.

For them, these two empires are not difficult opponents and can be easily solved.

The two empires were taken with little resistance.

The remaining kingdoms had no intention of resisting and chose to surrender at the first opportunity.

In just half a month, the entire Arthur Continent was completely unified, and everyone was brought under Du Yu's rule.

Du Yu, on the other hand, regarded the Imperial City of the Site Empire as a temporary stronghold. After talking about the unification of the Arthur Continent, his first order was to let all forces present information about the entire continent.

The sea area around the mainland was unknown for the time being, and Du Yu didn't want to go out rashly, so naturally he wanted to see if he could find any information.

One month after the reunification of the mainland, Kahit handed Du Yu a chip containing all the information.

"Sir, this is all the information we currently have. After calculation by the super intelligent brain, there cannot be any extra information that has not been found in the mainland."

Kahit said respectfully.

His admiration for Du Yu has reached a higher level at this moment, and he was able to conquer Arthur in such a short period of time.

Such means and courage are far beyond what he can possess.

After all, he has too many things to worry about, but Du Yu only needs to crush them all the way. However, if he puts an ambitious person in the position, that person will solve all the troubles.

"Well, let me take a look."

Du Yu took the CD and began to read the data. For an ordinary person, it might take several days to read it.

But Du Yu, whose knowledge was as vast as an abyss, completed the reading in just an instant.

He took a deep breath, opened his eyes and said slowly: "So, there used to be cultivation forces in Arthur's continent, but because of a war with the outside world, all the strong people died, and it developed into a technological civilization. .”

Kahit's eyes were a little curious. In fact, he knew these things, but they were just myths and legends. He had never met Du Yu before.

He absolutely couldn't believe that someone could compete with a six-star super martial artist. He scorned those myths, but it was different now. He began to believe in the authenticity of those myths.

"Sir, were those cultivation civilizations strong at that time?"

Kahit asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, but it should be around seven stars and eight stars, because it is recorded that the continent was originally a trillion kilometers long, but now it is only a few hundred billion kilometers long. It should have been broken into pieces to be able to do this. , there are only seven or eight star strong men.”

Du Yu explained.

"Hiss" Kahit gasped. The power can even destroy the continent. Is this something human beings can do?

Even the most powerful six-star super martial arts can only erase the surface of the ground and cannot harm the foundation of the continent at all.

"Then why didn't they leave any traces? I've never heard of officials finding anything like this."

Kahit asked curiously.

As one of the three major empires in Arthur Continent, the Site Empire definitely has the most cutting-edge technology on the continent, but nothing about this has been detected at all.

"I noticed it, but you just didn't pay attention."

Du Yu called up the information, and a huge map of the entire system appeared. Then under his control, a certain place was quickly enlarged. It was a huge mountain range within the Site Empire.

This place is known as the Death Mountain. It is said that due to the special magnetic field, no living thing can withstand it. Even warships entering it will be affected and all kinds of data will be confused.

This kind of thing is completely incomprehensible to the technological civilization, but to Du Yu, who is a cultivator of civilization, it is simply the manifestation of a treasure.

The talk of magnetic field chaos and special power is all nonsense, it is clearly the influence of the formation.

As a ninth-grade formation mage, he could tell the abnormality of this place at a glance.

"Sir, since you have confirmed it, let's go there now!"

Kahit was a little excited, and he was looking forward to this new experience.

"Well, that's fine, go ahead and call Pangu."

Du Yu nodded. Now that Arthur Continent has been unified, there are no restrictions even if they want to travel through wormholes. With the help of technology, they can reach their destination in an instant.


Kahit bowed and walked out.

Not long after, he and Pangu appeared in the battleship. Pangu looked at Du Yu confused and asked, "What's wrong? I'm still practicing."

After mastering the Arthur Continent, they had a large amount of energy ores to absorb, and Pangu now spared almost no time.

In just one month, his strength has almost reached the mid-six-star level, which is almost terrifying.

It is a pity that these ores have little effect on Du Yu, and the increased experience is pitiful. Otherwise, Du Yu's current state will only be more terrifying.

Of course, if it weren't for this reason, Du Yu wouldn't be in a hurry to find these things.

"Get ready to find a cultivation civilization in this world."

"What, you don't want to go?"

Du Yu asked with a smile.

Pangu's eyes lit up and he immediately shook his head and said: "How is it possible? How can you forget me about such a thing? When will we set off?"

"Are you all ready?" Du Yu looked at Kahit beside him and asked.

"Well, you can set off at any time. The coordinates have been locked." Kashit nodded: "This time we are following the third escort team."

This is currently their most elite team, capable of dealing with various unexpected situations. Although Kahit knows that Du Yu and Pangu are there, they will not be needed.

But the attitude still needs to be shown.

Du Yu nodded: "Then let's go now."

The group quickly landed on a five-star peak-level flagship and passed through a twisted space-time wormhole.

They arrived at their destination, the mountain of death.

This is not a man-made death mountain like the Blue Country, but a real death land.

As soon as they arrived at the perimeter, everyone felt a sense of solemnity. Looking around, countless corpses and the remains of battleships appeared all over the perimeter.

It's not that the three major empires didn't want to develop them in recent years, but they all failed without success. Even the five-star peak-level flagships have more than one in them.

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