The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1403 The gods will awaken

Pangu looked better when he saw Du Yu appear.

"Brother Du, this thing is always moving. My attacks are not effective against him."

Pangu said helplessly.

Du Yu nodded: "I can see that he is a difficult opponent."

There was a mysterious light in his eyes, and the scene in the Death Mountain turned into an image of light blue lines.

A blue light group shuttled back and forth in it.

The astonishing speed was definitely not inferior to that of the late six-star stage. It was normal that Pangu could not capture its movements.

It's just that he is not Pangu. In his eyes, this speed is not much different from that of a turtle crawling.

But Du Yu's goal was not to kill, but to capture him alive.

He wanted to see what kind of existence it was that dared to threaten him.

Without Pangu's attack, the thing stopped, staring at Du Yu and Pangu with cold eyes.

It seemed to be a warning. Of course, only technological civilization could translate these messages. Du Yu couldn't understand what this thing said. It was no different from the screams of ghosts.

"Okay, come out!"

Du Yu shouted loudly, raised his hand and grabbed the thing from the air.

A large palm of light blue energy suddenly condensed and broke into the Death Mountain at an extremely terrifying speed.

He simply ignored the patches of terrain and grabbed onto the body of the thing.


A sound like roasting meat suddenly sounded, and a harsh scream suddenly came from Du Yu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Even though he couldn't help but frown, the sound was extremely strong. If he hadn't practiced the True Divine Soul Art and condensed the emperor's spirit, he might have been tricked.

But now it's just a slight discomfort at best.

"Come out!"

Du Yu shouted angrily.


There was a loud noise, and the energy palm suddenly burst into light, and then quickly flew out of the Death Mountain.

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and the whole world seemed to tremble slightly.

The half-step seven-star strength made Ye Chen completely superior to the six-star strength.

This blue light group has no resistance energy at all.

Du Yu was immediately pulled out of the Death Mountain.

"I want to see what it is!"

Du Yu snorted coldly and raised his energy palm in front of him.

In the huge energy palm, a group of transparent figures appeared and loomed in it, frantically impacting the energy palm.

But it was Du Yu who took action. How could a mere wild ghost break through?

"What is this stuff?"

Pangu was a little surprised. He had seen soul bodies before, but this was the first time he saw such a powerful one.

The strength of this soul body is almost catching up with his. If Du Yu hadn't taken action, he might not be the opponent of this soul body.

"It's interesting. It seems that there is still consciousness."

Du Yu had some amusement in his eyes.

If this thing can communicate, maybe it can know what's going on inside.

"Then let them use machine translation."

Pangu was a little excited and obviously thought of this.

The two of them moved instantly and returned to the command room.

Everyone shuddered subconsciously when they looked at the group of light with malicious eyes in the giant energy palm.

"Sir, is this the ghost you caught?"

Kahit asked with a pale face.

Although he was curious about this other creature, he was more afraid.

"It should be considered that this will happen when the soul is strong enough."

Du Yu explained: "Go and translate what he said, and I'll see if we can communicate."

Kahit nodded immediately, his admiration for Du Yu rising to another level.

This could be a joke, it was simply something he couldn't even imagine.

Soon, the device was connected.

Kahit told Du Yu: "Sir, it's done."

Du Yu nodded and looked at the blue light group.

"Can you understand me?"

he asked in a deep voice.

The blue light group made a sharp sound from its mouth, and it was unknown what it said.

Soon, a translated voice came from the command room.

"For disturbing our slumber, you are cursed by the gods after all!"

The harsh and hoarse voice was horrifying, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in Kahit's and the others' eyes.

"My lord, this is the curse of the gods!"

He said with some horror.

Du Yu glanced at him with disdain: "It's worthless. The so-called gods are just stronger than ordinary people. If it were me, I would be almost the same as a god to you."

Kahit then realized that Du Yu, who could even devour six-star super martial arts with inexplicable means, seemed to be like a god to them.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's going on here."

Du Yu snorted coldly and tightened his energy palm.

The sizzling sound sounded again, and bursts of black smoke came out of it. In Du Yu's big palm, it had no power to resist.

"No, you will regret it!"

"You actually dare to attack the servant of God, God will not let you go!"

"Asshole, the Lord God is about to wake up, you are finished!"

Although it kept wailing, the blue light group, which claimed to be the servant of God, had no intention of letting go.

Du Yu couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart. He looked at Kahit and asked, "Can you really translate without error?"

This is completely soul-crushing pain. There is something that can withstand such pain and keep saying threatening words.

It’s simply unbelievable how someone with such a strong will could become someone else’s slave.

"Impossible, there will definitely be no problem with this translation. It's just that his situation is very similar to the fanatic believers I once saw in novels." Kahit's eyes were a little confused.

If they are fanatical believers, they can explain it clearly. They are a group of people who have become mentally twisted because of their faith.

But these only exist in novels, and he has never seen them in reality.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing more you can ask, forget it."

Du Yu gave up the idea of ​​asking, the swallowing vortex emerged and swallowed the soul directly.


Along with a flash of blue light, the sound of Zhenguo Imperial Seal sounded in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations, you have gained 100 million experience points in the Divine Soul Secret Art."

"Ding, congratulations, your spiritual realm has been upgraded to the five-star primary level."

Du Yu's eyes lit up and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that this servant of God was not without merit.

At least he has plenty of experience to offer.

Du Yu brought up the attribute interface and took a look.

Name: Du Yu

Physical realm: six-star primary energy: 100 million/2 billion)

Spiritual realm: Five-star primary spirit: 200,000/300 million)

Combat power: half step seven stars

Growth talent: SSS level

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