The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1411 The old salesman swallows the sky python egg?

"I'll go. Isn't more than ten million a lot of money?"

Pangu looked shocked. He really didn't expect Du Yu to take so much.

Actually, even he didn't know that compared to the more than 10 million, he only had more than 3,000 coins, which was really embarrassing.

"No, give me some, give me 1 million!"

"If something happens and we accidentally separate, I won't starve to death!"

Pangu directly reached out and asked for it. With his current relationship with Du Yu, he was not afraid that Du Yu would reject him.

It was only a million middle-grade spiritual stones, and Ye Chen didn't really care.

With his current human-immortal strength, even if he can't afford to buy something, can't he still be able to grab it?

Even if the island owner comes, he still needs to carefully weigh the gap between the two.

"Where are you going now?"

"With me or on your own?"

Du Yu looked at Pangu and asked.

Pangu grinned and patted his pocket: "If you have money, of course you can go shopping by yourself. I won't disturb you."

Du Yu nodded. He was not the kind of person who liked to be restrained. He and Pangu might not like the same things, so it would be better to separate.

And with the public security here and Pangu's strength, there won't be any danger.

The two of them separated at the pier and walked towards the market on Haibang Island, which was not too far away, that is, a city near the port.

This town near the port is the most prosperous one on the entire Haibang Island.

The area of ​​this island is larger than the Arthur continent. As a transit island, it is naturally impossible to build a prosperous area too far away.

The prosperous places on Haibang Island are basically gathered near the port.

After Du Yu entered the city, his consciousness swept away a little, and the situation in the entire city was imprinted in his mind.

In this city, the strongest person is only Eight Stars. Although it is not bad, Du Yu has a higher vision now, and he does not pay attention to it at all.

He walked directly towards the market where rare treasures were sold. The things there were very strange.

There are all kinds of rare treasures, but no one dares to sell fakes here. It's not possible to be cheated, but you can buy things that exceed the price.

This is a test of one's eyesight. After all, I don't have enough knowledge, so I can't blame others.

When Du Yu first stepped into this market, he saw a lot of treasures.

Although he doesn't recognize these things, he can see through the amount of energy contained in them and use this to judge the value of something.

Although the amount of energy contained does not represent the quality of a treasure, Du Yu will never lose money.

After all, if he wants to level up, he needs to devour something that contains a lot of energy.

With the unnatural ability to swallow the vortex, he only needs to consider the amount of energy contained in it.

"Sir, come and see my treasure. The legendary immortal weapon can cut off the sky and crack the heavens with one sword. You will definitely not suffer any loss if you buy it!"

"Look at my earth-shattering crossbow. As long as it is locked, not even gods can escape!"

"My cover is not simple. Legend has it that a female fairy wore it close to my body. I can still smell the fragrance from it!"

A group of vendors sold a variety of things, and Du Yu even saw a lot of weird things.

Although the stories they told were basically just bragging, the items were somewhat interesting.

It contains a lot of energy, and it's not just an ordinary thing.

While wandering around, Du Yu suddenly stopped in front of an old man. Unlike other people, this old man was shouting about the things on his stall.

Just sit cross-legged and close your eyes, meditating quietly, looking like a master.

On the stall in front of him were these unusually simple things.

A gray stone, just like an ordinary volcanic rock, with countless bubbles all over the surface, looks extremely uncomfortable.

Half of a map made of unknown material seems to have a faint fairy spirit emanating from it.

A broken bronze mirror seemed to have been cut in half by something, and it looked like scrap metal with no spiritual energy.

There is also a round of wooden Yin Yang Bagua disk, which is charred black as if it has been struck by thunder.

What attracted Du Yu was the gray stone.

This gray stone is like a bottomless pit, constantly passing through the densely packed holes, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

But no matter how much spiritual energy is sucked into it, there is no trace of spiritual energy on this gray stone.

This is very magical, at least Du Yu has never seen such a strange phenomenon.

He had some doubts about whether the gray stones contained some kind of advanced life that his consciousness could not detect, or something like a swallowing vortex.

"Old man, how can I sell this stone?"

Du Yu almost said it smoothly, but fortunately he took it back in time.

But he didn't play any psychological warfare. This old man's strength was not simple. He had an eight-star level of strength, and there was absolutely no lack of vision.

It’s absolutely clear what you want to buy, so there’s no point in playing tricks.

"100 million low-grade spiritual stones, no bargaining."

The old man raised his head slightly, glanced at Du Yu, then withdrew his gaze and continued to close his eyes.


Du Yu was taken aback and said 100 million low-grade spiritual stones, which was 10 million medium-grade spiritual stones.

This is a bit too harsh.

The old man was not surprised by Du Yu's reaction, but said slowly: "Even if it's 100 million low-grade spiritual stones, I won't sell them for even one less."

Du Yu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is there any explanation for this thing? Since the price is this, you should know its origin and function."

He really has 100 million low-grade spiritual stones. If this thing is really worth that much, he doesn't mind buying it.

Of course, there is no problem in grabbing it, but Du Yu doesn't want to take this path until the last step.

"Hey, I don't know. This is something I picked up with all my life from the ancient battlefield. This is the egg of the sky-swallowing python!"

"If you can't afford it, go ahead and don't disturb my business."

The old man smiled coldly and said sarcastically.

Ye Chen's expression changed drastically, swallowing the sky python egg?

"Old man, aren't you joking? The sky-swallowing python is an immortal-level beast. Are you willing to sell it?"

His tone was a little more solemn.

If it were really the egg of the sky-swallowing python, these 100 million low-grade spiritual stones were really not expensive.

After all, if it is well cultivated, it will at least be a human-immortal-level beast, and it may even have the opportunity to advance to the level of earth-immortal. It is very suitable to be a sacred beast of a certain sect.

When people around saw the conversation between Du Yu and the old man, some stall owners suddenly started to boo.

"Haha, old man, you really dare to deceive me. So what if the sky-swallowing python egg is just a dead egg, but it is also worth 100 million low-grade spiritual stones?"

"You are crazy about money, hahaha."

"The only use of this egg of the sky-swallowing python is to make an omelette. Tsk tsk, an omelette with 100 million low-grade spiritual stones is a luxury!"

"Old man, you'd better eat it yourself."

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