The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1422 Fang Qiong of the Fang family, Du Yu slaps people

The golden tide makes a piercing sound that makes one's scalp tingle.

Even though Du Yu felt a little trembling, it was not that he had never seen a swarm of insects before, but this was the first time he had seen this swarm of worms that could devour even human beings and immortals in an instant.

The number of opponents means that these guys are a great threat even to Earth Immortals.

If he and Pangu broke into it, they would be unable to move even an inch, and they might even be trapped in it.

"What should I do? They seem to be coming."

Pangu said with a solemn expression.

Those swarms of insects flew very fast, and he could already see the ferocious fangs. These huge insects were over one meter in size.

Even if it was just a single one, it put a lot of pressure on him.

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from behind: "Holy crap, is it Black Teeth Golden Wings?"

"Why are we so unlucky!"

"Fart, the presence of black teeth and golden wings means it is a real treasure. We should make it big!"

Du Yu and Pangu turned to look, and countless giant ships appeared behind them.

These ships are all covered with a layer of black barrier. The ship that flies far away to the island owner in the chaotic sea can be compared. Obviously these are higher-level ships, comparable to the Earth Immortal.

The two of them immediately attracted the attention of those people. After all, they were the only ones without a boat here.

"Hey, those two over there, when did you come? What's going on here?"

On a Xuanguang treasure ship, an arrogant young man shouted.

Du Yu and Pangu's expressions changed at the same time. Even a mere immortal dared to be so presumptuous towards them.

However, the situation was not clear now, and the two of them did not want to cause trouble for themselves. They ignored the young man and focused their attention on the strange insect known as Iron Teeth and Golden Wings.

This name fits the characteristics of this strange insect very well. Its steel-like teeth and a pair of golden wings clearly highlight the outstanding features of this thing.

Their powerful bite force and speed comparable to ordinary earth immortals make them like demons.

"Damn it, how dare you ignore me?"

The young man's face suddenly showed a trace of anger: "Ada, kill them for me, two trash people dare to peek at the treasure of the immortal!"

His arrogant words made everyone look slightly sideways. Not only did they all look away after seeing the ship's logo clearly.

The people of the Fang family in Xihai have always been domineering, but this young man is very similar to the young master of the Fang family in the rumors. I think he is this person.

He behaves so erratically, treating human life as nothing, and there will be no one else but members of that family.

At the young man's order, a middle-aged strong man wearing a military robe jumped from the boat and walked towards Du Yu and Pangu.

Walking in front of Du Yu and Pangu, he cupped his hands and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, I can't violate the Young Master's order."

Pangu picked his nose and sneered: "What are you talking about in a scene? It's just for peace of mind, right?"

"How dare you, a mere elementary Earth Immortal, be so presumptuous? Do you really think you are great?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then his expression quickly darkened.

"With such an arrogant personality, it seems that your death is not a pity."

He said coldly.

This was the first time that he was exposed on the spot. Naturally, he was not really feeling guilty, but just trying to show off. Most people were either defensive or begging for mercy, but Pangu actually mocked him.

"This is what I say to you. Death is not a pity."

Pangu smiled coldly, picked his nose with his hand, and slapped it with his backhand.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the middle-aged man's face. How could he not see that Pangu only used his own physical strength, and such an attack could still hurt him?

He calmly stretched out his hand to block, even thinking about what he was going to say next.

"Huh, just a trifle"

The middle-aged man sneered, and his expression suddenly changed. Pangu's slap had already hit his arm. An astonishing and irresistible force suddenly broke out, breaking his arm instantly, and then continued to slap him in the face.


There was a crisp sound, and the middle-aged man flew backwards with blood-studded teeth.

But the direction was towards the insect tide that was already less than a hundred miles away.


A burst of green blood splashed, and the insect swarm was knocked out of a passage by the body that flew upside down. At least hundreds of iron-toothed golden wings died under this blow.

However, compared to the unknown number of insect waves, this is only a drop in the ocean.

Soon, the passage was blocked.

"Oh no! Don't come over!"

There was a burst of explosions among the insect swarm, and gaps were constantly blown out, but they were quickly filled by the insect swarm.

The middle-aged man's screams made people feel numb, but after a few breaths, his voice gradually weakened.

Apparently he died in the insect wave.

A strong man of the first level of Earth Immortal fell like this, and everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They looked at Pangu with a hint of awe.

Being able to slap the first-level Feidi Immortal with his physical body, even if the opponent is unprepared, has a lot to do with his strength.

The young man was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that his men were such useless people and were killed instantly, which made him feel embarrassed.

"Damn it, you actually dare to kill my Fang Qiong's dog. You are dead. Ah Er, Ah San, Ah Si, you all come together!"

He said with some gritted teeth.

However, the three doglegs behind him were hesitant and said with a sad face: "Master, our strength is only comparable to Ah Da. Even if we go, we won't be able to be dealt with by others. Wouldn't it embarrass you even more, Master?"

After seeing what happened to A Da, they actually got cold feet.

"Fuck you, you losers."

"I've really raised you all for nothing!"

Fang Qiong put his foot in the chests of several people and kicked them away. Then, with a more respectful attitude, he said to an old man: "Mr. Luo, I'll leave it to you."

The old man smiled and cupped his hands: "Master Fang, please don't worry. As your family's worshiper, this little thing will be fine. I told them to kill him on the spot."

Then he stepped down and flew to Du Yu and Pangu with thousands of sword energy.

The coercion belonging to the Earth Immortal Queen level enveloped the two of them.

"Young students, you are quite capable. It's a pity that you met me. Otherwise, the gods might have your share in the future."

He chuckled, his smile a little cold.

Du Yu frowned and said helplessly to Pangu: "Why do these people have to add some drama to themselves before they die? Why don't they have to talk a lot of nonsense and just die directly?"

Pangu knew Du Yu's strength. He was not afraid of the old man at all. He said with a smile: "I am used to pretending to be a grandson. He must be talkative. Let's send him on his way."

Du Yu nodded and slapped him with the same slap.

There was nothing fancy about it, this palm directly shattered the void, and before the old man could react, it had already landed on his face.


Blood splashed all over the ground, and many Xuanguang treasure ships nearby were splashed with blood.

At this moment, everyone swallowed subconsciously and looked at Du Yu in horror.

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