The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1471 The third level, the True Yang Realm

Du Yu's angry shout made the whole sky tremble crazily.

A large number of cracks appeared in the colorful world, as if the whole world was shaking crazily.


With a crisp sound, the whole world exploded into countless pieces in an instant.

Du Yu's eyes instantly returned to clarity, and Pangu and the Twelve Princes appeared beside him instantly.

And they are still in the same position as before, the position they just stepped into.

As soon as they arrived here, they fell into an illusion.

Du Yu was a little surprised that this environment was so powerful, far beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, his improvement is tangible.

His spiritual realm has indeed risen to the peak of god level.

And his physical foundation has reached its limit. He is only one step away from entering the god-level realm.

At that time, even with his strength alone, he was enough to compete with the ancient gods.

"Damn it, damn, I almost couldn't get out."

Pangu's shouting and cursing suddenly came to his ears, and Du Yu turned his head and looked over.

Pangu's face was full of fear, as if he had experienced something bad.

Such emotion is rare to see on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Du Yu asked curiously.

Pangu definitely absorbed someone's memory, but I don't know where he went.

His realm is only one step away from the peak of the god level, and his gains are huge.

The distance you walk will never be too close.

"When I reached eight thousand five hundred steps, I almost overturned the car. If you hadn't saved me, I would have been affected."

Pangu said with a wry smile.

Eight thousand five hundred steps is already comparable to the late stage of Tianxian.

Even an ordinary ancient god would not be able to bear the memory of such a powerful person.

Pangu's ability to accept it is enough to show how tough his character is. Although he is not as good as Du Yu, he is still much stronger than many geniuses.

You must know that Pangu was constantly energetic, and he managed to survive solely by relying on his own character.

"Not bad."

Du Yu said with a smile, no wonder he has gained so much. I am afraid that if he stays in seclusion for another half month, he will reach the peak god level, comparable to the ancient gods.

"Hey, how is this kid doing?"

Pangu chuckled and glanced at the Twelve Princes.

The other party didn't seem to be awake at the moment, and his face turned pale and pale.

It seems that he has not yet gotten over the influence of memory.

And there seemed to be signs of deterioration. There was even a trace of black energy coming out of his body, which was clearly a sign of being possessed.

Du Yu frowned slightly: "How could your character be so bad? It's your chance to meet me."

His hand was filled with gleaming treasure, and then he slapped the twelfth prince on the head.


The clear voice sounded, and the twelfth prince suddenly had a flash of inspiration and opened his eyes.

"Meng Ci, don't leave me, I will give you everything!"

He shouted subconsciously, as if he had not yet come out of the illusion.

"What's wrong with me?"

Looking at the surrounding environment, he gradually came back to his senses.

Wasn't he just abandoned by his fiancée? How could he be here in an instant?

When he saw the half-smiling faces of Pangu and Du Yu, he suddenly shuddered and woke up, his face flushed with shame.

"I'm sorry for embarrassing you two."

After all, he is also an immortal and a prince of a country, so he naturally recovered at this moment.

Unexpectedly, I was almost lost in the memory of an immortal.

He almost became possessed by the woman in his memory.

If that sudden flash of spiritual light forced him out, he would have been possessed by a demon.

Speaking of that spiritual light, a light suddenly flashed in his eyes and he looked into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The spiritual sea, which was originally only the size of a pond, is now as vast as a lake, above the spiritual sea.

There is a light blue ball of light suspended in it, and wisps of power are being absorbed by him, growing his spiritual sea.

If he absorbs them all, he may even reach the peak realm of immortality.

A trace of ecstasy suddenly appeared in the eyes of the twelfth prince, and he quickly bowed to Du Yu: "Thank you Mr. Du for your gift. Mr. Du's kindness will be unforgettable in my life!"

Du Yu not only saved him, but also gave him a hope of becoming a heaven-level formation master.

In this world, spiritual cultivation methods are very rare and are generally only spread among various formation masters.

Du Yu's ability to elevate him to the level of a heavenly being is nothing short of a miracle.

Even many god-level magicians cannot do this.

"No problem, get ready to go to the third floor."

The Twelve Prince had helped him a lot, and he was reciprocating the favor.

Anyway, that ray of spiritual power is not even a drop in the bucket to him.

He is at the peak of the god-level spiritual realm, and it is not difficult to elevate the Twelve Princes to the peak of immortality in an instant.

But in this case, the Twelfth Prince would be useless, and he did not want to do such a thing that was contrary to the wishes of others.

Although the twelfth prince's talent is not great, it is definitely not too bad.

Especially in terms of mental strength.


The twelfth prince was so excited that he couldn't help himself. If he could become a high-level heaven-level formation mage, the meaning would be completely different.

There may even be a chance in the future to break into the ranks of god-level formation mages with the financial support of the Aolai Kingdom.

They are all famous in Xuantian Domain.

Du Yu's move might not mean anything to him, but it gave him a bright future.

"The third level is called the True Yang Realm. It is a place where the physical body is tested. There is endless sky fire to temper the physical body. The scoring conditions are very simple. Just keep persisting. However, no one can persist to the end, so I don't know how to pass the level. What are the conditions, but that level must be no problem for you.”

The twelfth prince smiled brightly, unable to contain the joy in his heart.

He didn't even care much about the third level.

"Mr. Du, you have passed the first and second floors. Now as long as you pass the third floor, you can go to the legendary fourth floor. I hope you can succeed!"

The Twelfth Prince expressed his heartfelt blessings. He had already elevated Du Yu's status to a level higher than that of his father.

At least his father was not so kind to him, and even disliked him a little.


Du Yu nodded and turned to look at Pangu: "I don't know how high our physical bodies will be improved after being tempered."

Pangu also looked forward to it: "Yes, after all, we rely on the flesh for food."

Whether it is Du Yu or Pangu, the real strength lies in the physical body. Both of them have cultivated the chaotic immortal body.

Now Pangu is still practicing the improved Chaos Undead Body, while Du Yu is practicing the Chaos Swallowing Mysterious Technique.

But it still strengthens the physical body infinitely.

Not only were they not afraid of this third level, they were actually a little excited.

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