The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1511 Sister, why are you with this group of trash?

Putting away his thoughts, Du Yu focused his attention on the people he was training again.

The students on the track were still attacking each other, and the attacks were becoming more and more fierce.

Even in the later stages of development, some people can do things like throwing sand and squinting.

If it were replaced by spiritual protection, this would naturally have no effect.

But now that everyone's spiritual power is suppressed, this method is terrifying.

If you are blinded by sand and dust, you will definitely be attacked by several people in an instant, and you will at least lose the ability to move in a short period of time.

After all, an injury won’t hurt, but pain does hurt.

Even Lingya must be 100% careful about the dirty tricks of this group of students.

But after all, she has experienced a lot more than these students, and some small tricks cannot stop her.

Not only was it easily resolved by her, she even pushed it back.

"Why are these people so cruel?"

"Are they playing a game? It feels quite interesting!"

A group of students passing by saw this scene with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

They were very confused about what this group of people was doing.

Because they don't understand the purpose of it.

In this case, their emotions were stretched to the limit.

Du Yu glanced at those people, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

The fighting consciousness of this group of people at this moment is enough to completely torture them.

Although it is just a dirty trick like blowing sand, this also proves that they know how to use other props, terrain, and even the opponent's psychology.

One is ignorant and the other is scheming. When their strengths are about the same, the result will be clear at a glance.

If this group of people who had been trained by him were thrown outside, if nothing else, the survival rate would be at least ten times higher than them.



A boy covered his eyes and fell directly outside the track.

The one who attacked him was a girl who subconsciously glanced at Teacher Lingya and was frightened by her beautiful posture.

He was punched in the face and almost fainted.

It's a pity that with Du Yu here, they can't even faint.

"Mom, wait for me!"

He yelled at the girl angrily.

However, a light whip struck him hard on the back, causing him to jump up.

"You still have time to say harsh words, why don't you get back to the runway quickly?"

Du Yu's cold voice came over, frightening the student to quickly speed up and catch up.

They didn't dare to have any intention of disobeying him, and they understood Du Yu's domineering attitude.

They wouldn't listen to explanations at all. If they didn't follow his words, they would just be whipped down, making them tremble with fear.

"This devil."

He looked back at Du Yu, who had a serious face, and couldn't help but curse in his heart.

If he really says it, he doesn't have the courage. The last one who talked back is still better behaved than anyone else.

"Hmph, how dare you look at my woman distracted?"

Du Yu sneered and clenched the light whip in his hand.

Whenever there is a chance, he will take it without mercy.

Lingya is his woman, how can she be so beautiful?

A group of people ended the day's training in a state of panic. It was still like yesterday, helping them recover.

Then it’s time for rewards and punishments.

As expected, Lingya was counted among the ten people and received a drop of diluted divine blood.

Obviously, Du Yu was blatantly making a fuss.

Lingya was smart enough not to say anything, but looked at Du Yu with brilliant eyes.

There was gratitude hidden in his eyes, and at the same time his heart became full of thoughts.

However, his punishment was equally nerve-wracking. Not only did the last ten students receive ten lashes, but they also had to run around the school, shouting that they were pigs while running.

After returning this time, Du Yu still sat in Lingya's home, but this time, nothing happened.

It's not that Du Yu doesn't want to, but that Lingya is too reserved and it's hard for him to be tough.

This is not his character, not to mention he is enjoying this feeling.

It's like falling in love, with some expectations and some sweetness.

Anyway, with Jin Qian'er and Bai Xing Xiehuo, he wasn't that anxious.

On the fourth day, it was still the same training as yesterday.

None of the students had any objections. After going back last night, they also felt their own growth.

Their strength is at least 30% stronger than their former self.

This is a very scary statistic. After all, they have only trained in Du Yu's hands for three days.

This also allowed them to completely recognize Du Yu's identity, even though he was like a devil.

But it actually made them improve.

While everyone was training, a suppressed aura suddenly came from the sky.

The power of the peak divine realm made the faces of all the students turn pale, and they all stopped subconsciously.

Even Lingya is the same, she is only in the primary level of the divine realm.

Du Yu's brows wrinkled slightly, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he directly breathed this breath into everyone's crotch.

The expressions of Lingya and the crowd softened a bit.

This was also his mistake. He thought no one would disturb him in the academy, so he didn't pay attention to it.

Unexpectedly, there are actually people who don’t take Fenglei Academy seriously.

"Hey, my good sister, what are you doing, hanging out with such a bunch of rubbish?"

An arrogant voice suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads angrily.

No one has ever dared to say that about them. Who dares to say that they are trash except Du Yu?

In the distant sky, several people are flying towards this side.

The speaker was a man with a gentle face, and his triangular eyes were full of sarcasm.

He is Lingya's second brother Lingxuan.

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