The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1526 Initial Understanding

"Brother Pangu, you, what are you?" Du Yu had a curious look on his face.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, Pangu even showed a proud look.

When it was said that when Pangu created the world, everyone regarded Pangu as a giant god.

But who would have thought that Pangu was a big joke.

"The astrolabe you see in front of you is called the Dutian Compass. It was forged by me using meteorites from outside the sky. Look, how is this compass different from the one in the universe!"

After Pangu finished speaking, a force suddenly spread into Dutian Compass.

When this power was integrated into the Dutian Compass, the entire compass shook.

Then, Du Yu discovered that the small universe in the Dutian Compass in front of him began to rotate rapidly.

Countless light points are moving irregularly.

With the movement of these light spots, Du Yu felt that the mysterious power seemed to become a little stronger.

Before Du Yu could speak, Pangu seemed to have expected what Du Yu would ask, and immediately smiled and said, "Have you sensed the existence of this power?"

Hearing Pangu's words, Du Yu nodded.

In fact, although the Dutian Compass in front of him looks flashy, it is very important that Du Yu can sense this mysterious power.

Although he didn't know whether this power came from the meteorite, Du Yu knew in his heart the importance of this Dutian Compass just from this mysterious power.

Of course, when their cultivation reaches the level of two people, they don't care about the treasure being leaked.

In fact, if one's own realm and cultivation level are not enough, even if the Dutian Compass is taken away, there is no way to use it.

Maybe they will be backlashed by these mysterious powers.

"Actually, I also discovered this power by chance. I sensed from the power that this power seemed to reveal a cold aura, and this aura had appeared several times before, but every time it appeared, it seemed like It was short-lived, so until now, I still don’t know where this aura appeared.”

Pangu explained directly.

I don't know why, but after hearing Pangu talk about this, Du Yu immediately thought of the old man in black robe.

After thinking for a while, after Pangu finished speaking, Du Yu asked, "Brother Pangu, do you know about the power of Soul Palace?"

Who would have known that when Du Yu said it, Pangu immediately showed a surprised look.

"You, you know about the Soul Palace?"

Seeing Pangu's appearance, Du Yu already had the answer in his heart.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Du Yu told the story of how he discovered the aura and then chased it to the earth-yellow planet.

After all this was said, even Pangu's face showed a solemn look.

"Originally, I thought you would not come into contact with this force, so I didn't tell you about it, but now it seems that you must have caused a lot of trouble." The moment Pangu spoke, his aura was also released.

At this moment, Du Yu felt an angry emotion from the power released by Pangu.

"It seems that this matter needs to be taken care of."

After Pangu finished speaking, he immediately told Du Yu the origin of the Soul Palace.

After half a day, Du Yu also had a preliminary understanding of the Soul Palace.

After Pangu's narration, Du Yu finally knew in his heart that this Soul Palace had a long history, and it had been refined by capturing some powerful people.

When the power is extracted, it will be used for your own use.

Not only that, the bones of an ancient god would also be collected in these soul palaces.

Of course, the most important thing in the Soul Palace is the soul.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be called the Soul Palace.

You know, a person's soul is like a treasure.

After the soul is extracted, the memories of life are all in the heart.

In this way, the Soul Palace has captured many strong men and obtained various powers through the memories of these strong men.

It can be said that the Soul Palace is a terrifying force in the entire universe.

Throughout the ages, no one knows what level this strength has reached.

Du Yu even said that Pangu said that in the past, even saints had to retreat when they encountered this strength.

This is also the reason why the Soul Palace has not died out over the years.

Of course, although the saint stayed away, he also made a request to the Soul Palace, that is, ordinary people should not know the existence of this force.

Regarding the saint's words, even if Soul Palace was unwilling, they had to consider them.

It is precisely because of the combination of so many factors that Du Yu still doesn't know the whereabouts of the Soul Palace.

If he hadn't sensed that aura out of curiosity, Du Yu might not have known about the existence of this force until now.

According to Pangu, under normal circumstances, this force does not arrest people at will, so there is no rush.

But obviously, since Du Yu discovered the power of the Soul Palace nearby, it means that Du Yu is probably being targeted by the Soul Palace.

Du Yu shuddered at the thought of the torture to his soul after being captured by the Soul Palace.

Immediately, Du Yu had made up his mind to eradicate the strength of this Soul Palace.

"I didn't expect that I would be targeted by them. It seems that whether or not we kill the old man in black robe has the same meaning."

Du Yu smiled and had no intention of worrying about the Soul Palace.

Pangu nodded.

"Look at this Dutian Compass. In fact, this meteorite appeared from the Soul Palace headquarters, and now I am just kicking away this power. As long as the power of the Soul Palace is thoroughly studied, what is the Soul Palace? It’s no big deal.”

When Pangu said this, a look of determination appeared on his face.

Hearing Pangu say this, Du Yu suddenly became curious.

The people in the Soul Palace still have some strange power that requires eyeballs. Could it be different from the old man in black robe that he saw?

This thought just came to the bottom of his heart, and Du Yu couldn't help but ask.

"This is because you don't understand the Soul Palace."

Pangu glanced at Du Yu and immediately said, "Actually, what you met is just a minion in the Soul Palace, and you have no control over the power of the Soul Palace at all. When you meet the core members of the Soul Palace, you will You will know why so many forces are afraid of the Soul Palace."

After Pangu finished speaking, there was nothing more to say.

Seeing this, Du Yu had no choice but to do so.

On the one hand, I was thinking about countermeasures in my mind. Obviously, since even a small boy in the Soul Palace has the realm of the ancient gods, what about the real core members?

Du Yu didn't climb into the Soul Palace, but it was still a headache to be stared at by the Soul Palace. It was like being stared at by a poisonous snake that accidentally bit him.

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