The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1578 Monster Crystal Core

After preparing everything in front of him, Du Yu no longer interfered with Pangu's battle.

Because of his previous experience, Pangu fought very quickly this time.

Not long after, the monster that was similar to his own in cultivation was directly killed by Pangu.

Du Yu was not surprised by this result. Although the cultivation levels of both parties were the same, there was not much difference between them.

At this moment, Pangu looked at the monster beast as high as the hill in front of him, feeling slightly emotional in his heart.

Originally, before encountering this monster, Pangu had no chance to become a saint.

However, it was because of this battle that Pangu felt that he was getting closer to the saint.

This feeling is the sense brought about by the improvement of real strength.

It was at this time that Pangu finally understood why Du Yu was so powerful with the same cultivation level.

And now, the same is true for Pangu.

His own cultivation has not changed, but his will to fight has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"For such a powerful monster, the crystal core must be very precious." Looking at the monster in front of him, Pangu couldn't help but feel excited.

You know, the cultivation level of this monster is close to that of a saint.

For such a powerful monster, its crystal core must be extremely powerful.

Without any hesitation, Pangu also looked at the monster in front of him.

This monster didn't make any movements at the moment, but the bloody aura emanating from it still told everyone that its cultivation was so powerful while it was alive.

Although the power in his body was exhausted due to the battle, Pangu still struggled to get closer to the monster. The mountain ax in his hand looked ordinary because there was no influx of power.

Arriving in front of the monster's head, Pangu put the remaining strength in his body into the mountain-breaking ax without any hesitation.

Suddenly, the mountain-opening ax emitted a dazzling light again.

Under this dazzling light, Pangu also held a mountain ax and chopped downwards.

"Pfft..." A heartbreaking voice came from under the mountain axe.

In just the blink of an eye, the originally huge mountain-opening ax was completely submerged into the monster's head.

Suddenly, the bloody aura became even more intense.

Not only that, the blood of the monster beast also flowed out at this moment.

The whole air was filled with a strong scent of blood type.

Du Yu on the side looked here quietly.

Because of the ancient nature of this monster, Pangu's whole person had already been reborn.

So at this moment, Pangu had long been immersed in his own personal world.

It took more than ten minutes before Pangu finally showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, in his hand, there was a red crystal core.

This crystal core is as big as a fist.

On the crystal core, you can even smell the smell of blood.

But if you sense it carefully, you can sense that there are powerful power fluctuations under the bloody aura.

In fact, this monster core is the source of power of the monster beast.

Although the monster has been killed by Pangu, this crystal core has nearly 70% of the monster's power.

Such powerful power is naturally very precious.

Pangu glanced at the fiery red crystal core without any hesitation.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the ground, held the crystal core in his hand, and quickly absorbed the power in the crystal core.

The process was very fast, without any hesitation.

Pangu had absorbed a lot of crystal nuclei before, but Pangu had seen very few crystal nuclei of monsters as powerful as Du Yu.

There are fewer visible ones and fewer visible ones. However, the crystal nuclei are all the same.

Pangu completely integrated into his personal world without wasting too much effort.

At this moment, everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with Pangu.

Pangu's world is full of fluctuations in power.

These power fluctuations are very mysterious.

First of all, because he was absorbing the crystal core of the monster, Pangu was also comprehending the power of this monster little by little.

In the previous battle, Pangu felt that after the monster's size became smaller, its movement speed became much faster, but its strength was reduced a lot.

Although in terms of strength, the reduction seems to be a disadvantage, but because of the increase in speed, this monster can attack the opponent faster.

At this moment, Pangu sensed this kind of power.

The power in his body was like waves of water. The water gathered together and filled Pangu's body.

However, the container that holds the spiritual power is still so big, so Pangu's power has not changed much.

But at this moment, Pangu felt that his power seemed to become more solid.

This feeling is like the power has been compressed.

The power that was originally water has turned into ice at this moment.

Although there is the same amount of water, ice and water are two different concepts.

In this way, Pangu's body was not only able to accommodate more power, but on the contrary, these powers also became more solid.

Pangu could clearly feel this solid feeling.

I don't know how much time it took, Pangu gradually entered this state, and once again realized another form of the monster.

This form is a form in which the monster beast becomes larger in size. In this form, the speed becomes slower, but the attack power becomes more powerful. Relatively speaking, it also has its original benefits.

Neither of these two forms is better or worse. Relatively speaking, using the appropriate form in the right situation is more beneficial to the battle.

If this monster had met an ordinary monk, it probably wouldn't have been defeated, but unfortunately, it met Pangu.

Although Pangu's cultivation level has not changed much, after being immersed in this cultivation level for so many years, Pangu's power is still very terrifying.

It was after suffering a loss for the first time that Pangu fully revealed his strength.

Now, on the way to absorbing the crystal core, Pangu was also rapidly realizing.

This state of affairs does not come easily.

Pangu's entire body's aura also gradually changed.

Not long after, a dark red seed appeared in Pangu's body.

Because it had just appeared in ancient times, this dark red seed was not obvious, or even vaguely visible.

If you don't pay special attention, there is no way to discover the existence of this seed.

With the flow of power in Pangu's body, every time it circulated, a small amount of power was integrated into this dark red seed.

As the dark red seeds gradually absorbed power, the seeds in Pangu's body gradually became clear.

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