The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1591 Saint’s Stone Tablet

Kentero's words made Du Yu and Pangu look slightly stunned, but after knowing the time, Du Yu and Pangu closed their mouths.

I think back then, Kentero also entered this secret realm by chance. Later, perhaps because of the care of the saint, Kentero saw a healthy space.

But judging from the current situation, the space in front of you has long been in a deserted state, and it is not unusual for it to appear like this.

No longer spending too much time on this issue, Du Yu is working hard to record the situation of the entire space.

This process is very boring and consumes a lot of Du Yu's mental energy.

After all, the space in front of him was created by a saint. Du Yu's cultivation has not reached the realm of a saint at all. Naturally, there are many things that are difficult to understand.

But Du Yu had to completely record these incomprehensible places, which shows how difficult it was during the period.

At the beginning, Du Yu didn't record for long before he felt mentally exhausted. After taking a rest, Du Yu vaguely found that his mental power had become a little stronger.

This enhancement is very subtle. If Du Yu's spiritual skills were not very sharp, there would be no way to detect it.

After making this discovery, Du Yu was not in a hurry and continued to record it.

When he was tired, Du Yu sat down and began to adjust.

Fortunately, we are in this space.

Although the entire space looks very decayed, the power in the void can still be absorbed.

This alone saved Du Yu a lot of trouble.

Pangu and Kentero, out of boredom, followed Du Yu's lead and began to study this space.

Although the whole process was very difficult, both Pangu and Kentero found that it had huge benefits in improving their mental power.

Although the feeling of weakness when their energy was exhausted was very uncomfortable, the two of them did not flinch lightly when they thought of the improvement in strength.

Of course, the gap in strength is difficult to make up, so when it comes to research, Kentaro and Pangu are not as fast as Du Yu.

The entire space is as big as Dragon Slaying City, but it took Du Yu a long time.

During this long period of time, Du Yu's own strength has not increased much, but the increase in mental power has given Du Yu a feeling of being reborn.

Simultaneously, Du Yu felt that he became more fluent when using his power. This sense of pleasure made Du Yu very intoxicated.

Under the influence of various factors, Du Yu was not in a hurry to leave.

Although many people still don't understand the reason, Du Yu believes that one day he will understand it.

Not only that, Du Yu also made up his mind in his heart that if his cultivation reached this level, he would also try to create a space.

This is very difficult.

There is a huge difference between creating your own space and observing it.

Du Yu has already considered the difficulties, but Du Yu believes from the bottom of his heart that only by creating space by himself can he understand the power better.

This idea was like a seed, rooted in Du Yu's heart, waiting for the moment to take root and sprout.

As for the golden seeds of the saint's power in Du Yu's body, it seemed as if it sensed this virtual seed and started to operate extremely quickly.

For a time, the power of the saint in Du Yu's body became a little stronger.

After the power of the saint in Du Yu's body became a little stronger, Du Yu's speed of perception reached a new level.

The two reflect each other and constantly enhance each other.

Behind Du Yu, Pangu and Kentero felt the changes in Du Yu's aura, and their eyes showed even more astonishment.

In the eyes of these two people, Du Yu's actions were no different from those of a monster.

"Pangu, how did you know the master? He has always been such a monster?"

Kentero, who couldn't figure out the reason, immediately asked Pangu.

After hearing Kentero's words, Pangu nodded helplessly and immediately replied, "Actually, this guy was very weak at the beginning, but he reached such strength invisibly. He is really too evil."

Pangu couldn't help shouting.

Looking at Pangu with disdain, Kentero also burst into laughter, "Pangu, it's not me who said that you don't have to compete with my master. You can't even beat me. From now on, you can only be the last person on the crane." "

After Kentero finished speaking, his body immediately twisted twice in the void, and then flew forward.

Seeing Kentero's appearance, Pangu was furious, but there was no other way. He immediately said softly, "Acridine, let me beat you when my strength increases."

After saying that, Pangu didn't take Kentero's words to heart, and he began to realize the entire space crazily.

This time, Pangu's entire state was completely different from before. After this realization, Pangu's mental power was also being consumed rapidly.

But with the consumption of mental power, Pangu also felt an improvement in strength.

Feeling secretly happy in his heart, Pangu suppressed his excitement and quickly regained his energy, before embarking on a new round of consumption.

In such days, although it is extremely boring, time passes very quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

In this year, Du Yu has understood almost the entire space. Except for the things he doesn't understand, Du Yu will understand everything.

As for the effect of Pangu and Kentero's comprehension at the beginning, they were okay, but later on, as it became more and more profound, they had nothing to gain, so in the later period, Du Yu was almost the only one who was comprehending.

As for Pangu and Kentero, after spending so much time together, the relationship between the two parties has become somewhat close.

At least now Pangu is standing on Kentero's side openly, and Kentero doesn't seem to feel anything anymore.

Now, two people and one beast stood in a corner of the space. On this corner, there was a huge inscription carved on it.

This inscription looks very ordinary, but the three of them can clearly feel the power of a saint from the inscription.

This powerful saint's power is so fierce that it was originally carved on the inscription, and it has not receded yet.

On the contrary, due to the passage of time, this inscription has a sense of eternity. This feeling makes Du Yu and the two beasts admire it. At the same time, they also long for the realm of a saint in their hearts.

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