A similar scene was happening quickly.

In less than a minute, the ninety-five monks were directly divided into ten teams.

Except for the five teammates who have ten people, the other teams have nine people.

After seeing that the people were all assigned, Uncle Fu smiled again and said, now that the people have been assigned, the old man will not delay you.

After Uncle Fu finished speaking, he turned around and walked behind him.

Duoba and other captains also led Du Yu and others towards the martial arts training ground.

When passing through the martial arts training ground, Du Yu noticed that many monks looked at Du Yu and others provocatively.

Don't cause any trouble for me.

Toba Oak said.

Although Du Yu and others were somewhat dissatisfied, they still did not mess around.

Finally, when he reached the edge of the training ground, Doba Oak stopped.

Okay, from today on, this place will be our place of practice. After Doba Oak finished speaking, he patted Du Yu on the shoulder.

Along the way, he found that Du Yu was extremely calm, so he also had a good impression of Du Yu.

Looking at the simple environment around him, Du Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Even if you come to the mysterious world, what you get is still the worst.

It seems that wanting past glory requires great strength.

Only those with sufficient strength can have the right to speak.

Ignoring the surrounding environment, Du Yu's heart completely settled.

For Du Yu now, strength is the most important thing.

Only when you have enough strength can you do what you want to do.

Du Yu thought very clearly about this.

Everyone, from today on, our team is called the Tigers. The Tigers are a new team, but they are our home. In the mysterious world, if you suffer any grievances, the Tigers will be your backing. After Doba Oak finished speaking, he looked at Du Yu and others.

To be honest, although Duoba Oak's words are not good, they still sound exciting.

Because of this exchange of words, the relationship between everyone was brought closer invisibly.

Here, just after Toba Oak finished speaking, a monk came over with ten monks.

Doba, I didn’t expect that a guy like you could be the captain, or some kind of Tigers?

The leading monk smiled with disdain, and the ten monks behind him also laughed when they heard it.

Qi Long, don't bully me too much. Before I get angry, leave now and I will spare you.

Doba Oak's face was extremely cold.

Doba Oak and Qi Long have always been rivals, but in terms of talent, Qi Long is stronger than Doba Oak, so Qi Long is the captain than Doba Oak. .

Are you kidding me? What's wrong with me for provoking you? The Tigers are just a useless team!

Qi Long said with a provocative face, and at the same time, there was a force blasting towards Dobaao.

This power is not strong, but it is like a slap in the face in front of Du Yu and others.

Although it was the first time to follow Doba Oak, although it was the first time to become a member of the Tigers, and although there was no sense of belonging to the Tigers, there was a surge of anger in Du Yu's heart. This was because he was humiliated. of anger.

If you are looking for death, come here yourself. Du Yu said coldly, and at the same time, a powerful force burst out from Du Yu.

This force blasted directly towards Qi Long without holding anything back.

If you dare to take action, come to me!

When Qi Long saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he ordered at the same time. .

As soon as the words fell, the ten monks behind Qi Long rushed toward the Tigers like hungry wolves.

This time, even Toba Oak couldn't stop it.

Immediately, the monks of the Tigers mobilized their strength to deal with it one by one.

Are you kidding me? People are rushing over to you. If you don’t take action, they will be beaten to death.

When Qi Long rushed over, Doba Oak also showed a trace of ferocity on his face.

Doba Oak has always ignored being humiliated by Qi Long, but now, on his first day as captain, he cannot lose his face no matter what.

Even if they are defeated by Qi Long's team, Qi Long must be taught a lesson.

What's going on, Doba, you loser still has a temper. Today I'm going to show your Tigers what a loser their captain is!

Qi Long's provocative look became a little more intense.

Facing Qi Long's provocation, Duoba ignored it. A thought moved in his heart, and the power in his body was also running rapidly. The results of so many years of monks emerged this time.

Boom kaka...

Two powerful forces collided in the void, and the entire void seemed to explode.

I didn't expect you to have such a level of cultivation now, it really impresses me, but trash is trash, no matter how you practice, it's just trash.

As soon as Qi Long finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the place, as if he had never appeared before.

In an instant, Qi Long appeared behind Doba, and powerful power surged out, wrapping Doba up.

Today, our God Wolves team will beat the Tigers into a useless team.

With the powerful force surrounding Doba, Qi Long was not in a hurry to take action, but instead looked around with disdain.

At this moment, the newcomer of the Tigers had already been beaten by Dolon's men and was unable to fight back.

Only the place where Du Yu was located attracted Qi Long's attention.

Huh? A newcomer has such a powerful power? Duolong looked at Du Yu curiously.

At this moment, Du Yu was in front of two monks from the Shen Lang Team. Both of them were saints. In terms of personal strength, they were naturally unable to compare with Du Yu. However, after fighting with these two men, Du Yu faintly felt that these two men The cooperation between them is very skillful.

Du Yu originally had the upper hand, but with the cooperation of the two, it became a stalemate.

It seems that now is not the time to retain strength. Du Yu's face was extremely calm, and wherever he looked, there were scenes of the Tigers being beaten violently.

After making up his mind, Du Yu immediately had a thought in his heart, and the power of the saint in his body began to circulate again.

The powerful force directly enveloped Du Yu.

Under this power, Du Yu looked at the two monks like a god of war.

How could it be possible? How could the aura on his body be so strong? "The two monks immediately felt something was wrong!

Facing Du Yu's surge in strength, the two men did not dare to look down upon him, and immediately used their strength to the extreme.

However, before the two men could take action, Du Yu appeared in front of them. With just one punch, the two monks, who were not weak in cultivation, were directly blown away by Du Yu.

"You are too weak!" Du Yu looked at the monk with disdain, and immediately set his sights on Qi Long!

This is what Du Yu wants to defeat.

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