There were many monks present who felt the same as Toba Oak.

To a certain extent, Du Yu is equivalent to the backbone of the entire Tigers. If Du Yu can't resist the attack of this monster, the only option left for everyone is to escape.

What worried the seven members of the Tigers was that they had been unable to subdue the monster even if they attacked together before. But at this moment, if they only relied on Du Yu's power, it would be difficult to defeat the monster.

Although I was extremely worried in my heart, the monster had already rushed over.

Although the scene of the monster charging in front of Du Yu was very shocking, Du Yu did not feel any pressure.

On the contrary, because the monster rushed over, Du Yu felt that the pressure was relieved a lot.

Because he is in the pool, his own strength will also be affected to a certain extent. In addition, the monster is as powerful as a fish in the water, and the invisible pressure puts tremendous pressure on people.

But things are different now.

No matter how powerful this monster is in the water pool, its own cultivation level is only at the middle stage of a lower god.

Du Yu was not afraid of monsters of the same level at all.

Seeing the monster approaching a little bit, Du Yu had a thought in his heart, and the power of the saint in his body started to work in an instant.

At this moment, Du Yu's power became very heavy, like a mountain.

The monster beast felt the changes around Du Yu's body as soon as it rushed over. At this moment, he wanted to turn around and escape, but found that there was no chance at all.

"Field opens."

Secretly thinking in his heart, a surging force emerged from Du Yu's center.

This force condensed around Du Yu's body in an instant.

At this moment, Du Yu stood in the field like a god.

The monster beast had just rushed in, but its own momentum had weakened a lot.

In the blink of an eye, the seemingly flexible monster was unable to move at all in Du Yu's domain.

"Hmph, vulnerable."

Du Yu sneered at the corner of his mouth, and immediately, the power began to circulate, and the domain was shrinking rapidly.

The area that was originally not small suddenly became the size of a monster.

Feeling the struggle of the monsters in the field, Du Yu did not hesitate and continued to control the field. This time, in less than a moment, the originally powerful monsters were directly crushed into pieces by Du Yu's field.

"George, I will kill this monster for you."

Seeing the fragments of the monster in front of him, Du Yu whispered softly.

Although Du Yu and George had not known each other for a long time, they came to this mysterious world at the same time after all, and they were both members of the Tigers.

After George was killed by the monster, a surge of anger emerged in Du Yu's heart.

Now, this anger gradually dissipates with the demise of the monster.

The journey of cultivation is originally a battle with the sky, and it is almost impossible for one to survive safely.

George's words can only be blamed on his insufficient cultivation.

If his cultivation had been stronger, like if he had Du Yu's cultivation, he probably wouldn't have been killed by this monster.

Shaking his head and throwing these thoughts away, Du Yu turned and walked towards Doba Oak.

"Okay, we should leave here now." Du Yu said softly after glancing at Doba Oak and others.

At this moment, within Du Yu's perception range, there were many monsters swimming towards here.

These monsters are very fast, and it seems that they will gather here soon.

Looking at Du Yu blankly, everyone had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"This, this monster died like this?" Doba Oak even stuttered when he spoke.

Nodding and taking a look at the place where the monster beasts died, Du Yu knew in his heart that he couldn't stay here for long now.

"Everyone, now is not the time to be shocked. Within my range of perception, there are countless monsters rushing towards this place. If I don't leave now, I'm afraid there will be no way to leave."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he ignored everyone and immediately used his spiritual power to fly towards the top of the pool.

This is Du Yu's acting style.

When he is sure, or when he has a certain degree of certainty, Du Yu will do everything he can to grab this small amount of certainty.

But in a situation like this, where he was about to die, Du Yu wouldn't hesitate too much.

There is no point in staying here and dying now.

Lingbao is very tempting, but life is the most important thing.

Seeing that Du Yu had left, Doba Oak hesitated and immediately shouted, "Listen to Du Yu and leave here now."

After saying that, Doba Oak also used his power to fly forward.

Here, the remaining six monks also quickly followed.

Only at this moment, a monk named Lance stopped.

"Captain, I, I saw the Lingbao. It's not far away. While the monster hasn't come yet, let's take the Lingbao away and leave. As long as we don't waste too much time, it should be It can be done.”

As soon as Lance finished speaking, several monks stopped.

"Brother Du Yu has left, so there is no need for you to stay here. Leave quickly." After saying that, Doba Oak flew forward without looking back.

From Du Yu's non-stop reaction, Doba Oak knew that the danger this time might not be that simple.

This is also the experience Doba Oak has accumulated over the years of surviving in the mysterious world.

If I don't leave now, I'm afraid I'll end up here.

When Lance saw Doba Oak leaving without looking back, he gritted his teeth and immediately turned around and flew not far away. Here, there was a spiritual treasure in front of him.

"Finding wealth in danger, no matter what, I want to get the spiritual treasure before I leave." Lance's face was extremely pale, and at the same time, he used the little power in his body to the extreme, and flew forward at a very fast speed.

At this moment, Lance just hoped that those monsters could come here a little slower.

Lance flew very fast, and appeared in front of the Lingbao in just the blink of an eye. Looking at the ring-like Lingbao, Lance beamed with joy.

Immediately, he used his strength to reach out and grab the Lingbao. Without any resistance, Lance took the Lingbao in his hand.

Without even having time to look, Lance quickly put the Lingbao away, and then flew quickly towards the top of the pool. At the same time, he was still shouting, "I got it, I got the Lingbao."

Ahead, Doba Oak and others were somewhat envious when they heard Lance's voice. At this moment, several monks regretted not following Lance to take away the spiritual treasure.

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