Not only Rupert felt the pressure, but even the four monks in the lower god realm also felt a huge pressure.

The pressure was like the god of death looking at them.

"Team, Captain, why don't we go back and bring reinforcements? I always feel that this place is very mysterious." Immediately, a monk couldn't help but say.

After hearing this monk's words, Rupert's face suddenly turned ugly.

With a wave of his hand, a not too powerful force blasted towards the low-ranking divine monk. Rupert suddenly shouted, "It's just a small secret realm. If we leave today, wouldn't it be a shame? Now I have already It’s been decided, let’s go to Shimen first to explore the situation, and even if there is something unexpected, we can explain it to Elder Qinglong.”

In fact, before the lower-ranking monk said this, Rupert had the intention to quit in his heart.

But after being told by the lower divine monk, Rupert denied the idea of ​​leaving.

Just like Rupert said just now, if he went back in despair now, he would probably be laughed at.

In this case, it is better to go in and create something.

The most important factor was Rupert's salary. As a middle god, he had to get more information back than Bai Yi no matter what.

Under the influence of these multiple factors, Rupert also approached the stone gate.

Because Bai Yi's power had bombarded Shimen before, at this moment, Shimen was also revealed in front of the five people.

The stone door in front of me looks very heavy, and the ordinary stone door actually reveals a sense of vicissitudes of life.

This sense of vicissitudes made Rupert palpitate.

"Okay, let's find a way to open this stone door now!" Rupert said, and immediately used his power to blast towards the stone door.

However, Rupert's power bombarded the stone gate without any effect at all. Instead, it made the water at the bottom of the pool even more turbid.

In the distance, Bai Yi saw Rupert's attack, with a look of shock on his face.

"It turns out that this is the strength of the middle god. It seems to be nothing more than this. I believe that it will not be long before my cultivation level can reach this level, even stronger than Rupert's strength." Watching quietly from behind. Bai Yi, who was looking at this, had a thoughtful look on his face.

Bai Yi had a look of shock on his face when he saw Rupert's power slamming into the stone door.

The stone door that originally seemed indestructible actually showed a trace of cracks after withstanding several attacks from Rupert.

Below, Rupert suddenly smiled when he noticed this change.

Originally, he still had some awe for this stone gate, but after several consecutive attacks, the awe in Rupert's heart gradually faded away.

Not only that, because seeing the cracks getting bigger and bigger, not only Rupert, but also the four monks behind Rupert gradually relaxed.

The stone door in front of me looks like it will be blown to pieces soon.

Although it is a pity to destroy a stone gate full of vicissitudes of life.

But compared with completing the task, there is no comparison at all.

Behind, Bai Yi looked at Rupert and the other five people, with the same curiosity on his face.

Originally, he just attacked Shimen and felt the suffocation.

But now, this feeling gradually faded away, and even the trace of awe in Bai Yi's heart disappeared.

Seeing that Rupert and others were safe and sound, Bai Yi couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart. Immediately, his power flew towards the stone gate.

During this process, Bai Yi was naturally on guard.

Bai Yi wanted to figure out what was causing huge pressure on him.

After cautiously approaching, Bai Yi, Rupert and the other five people started bombarding the stone door in front of them.

Rupert originally disdained Bai Yi, but seeing that he now had an extra helper, he didn't say much.

With the fierce bombardment of the six people, the cracks on the stone door in front of them became larger and larger.

Under the joint attack of six people, the entire stone gate was turned into pieces.

"Finally the stone door was broken open." Rupert said with emotion after looking at the ruins in front of him.

I originally thought that this stone gate was nothing more than that, but after the actual attack, Rupert realized how strong this stone gate was.

Fortunately, he brought four monks here this time, otherwise Rupert would not be able to break through the stone door just with his strength.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look." After Rupert finished speaking, he glanced at Bai Yi.

This time Rupert didn't chase Bai Yi away.

Although Bai is also suspected of taking the credit, but Rupert is also inferior, this secret realm is a real danger.

Nowadays, if you have one more person, you can also take care of one more person.

The most important thing is that Rupert is a good chess piece for Bai Yi. If there is a critical moment, he doesn't mind throwing Bai Yi out to buy time for himself and others.

"Bai Yi, there is danger ahead, so be careful." Rupert glanced at Bai Yi and said.

Hearing what Rupert said, Bai Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Bai Yi never thought that Rupert would specifically remind him.

This made Bai Yi feel grateful, but also a little doubtful.

Because Rupert's reminder made Bai Yi very uncomfortable.

It was impossible to tell where this discomfort came from, but Bai Yi always felt that there seemed to be some conspiracy on Rupert's body.

Although both parties are monks from Yingtian Mansion, in a place like this, even if Rupert kills Bai Yi, there is nothing Bai Yi can do.

After all, in terms of cultivation, Rupert crushed Bai Yi.

In addition, it is in a secret realm. Since it is a secret realm, it is full of dangers.

Suppressing this uneasiness in his heart, Bai Yi also kept a little more caution. Although his cultivation was not as good as Rupert's, Bai Yi felt that he was not a soft persimmon and allowed Rupert to pinch him.

Following Rupert, Bai Yi also walked behind the stone door.

Unlike in the pool, after entering the stone gate, the piercing feeling had disappeared. Instead, a very strong sense of depression enveloped everyone.

This sense of depression made Bai Yi and others even more uncomfortable.

"Don't stay too long now!" Rupert shouted quickly after sensing this.

After finishing speaking, Rupert glanced at several monks and immediately shouted, "This matter is beyond the scope of our capabilities. Now we will quickly explore and collect some basic information, and then leave here quickly." .”

After Rupert finished speaking, he also became wary.

Hearing that Rupert wanted to leave, the four monks showed a somewhat relaxed look on their faces.

It's just too depressing in a place like this.

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