"Brother Du Yu, what do you mean by the jade slips?" When Du Yu was speaking wonderfully, Uncle Da suddenly interrupted Du Yu and asked quickly.

For a moment, many monks looked at Du Yu with great curiosity.

Smiling, Du Yu moved his right hand, and a jade slip suddenly appeared in his hand.

This jade slip was very ordinary, but when Du Yu took it out, these people held it in their hands like a treasure.

"So this is the jade slip. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful thing in the outside world." Uncle Da's hands were trembling slightly, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Du Yu nodded and was not in a hurry to take the jade slip back. Instead, he passed it around to many monks.

Perhaps the jade slips are extremely important in this place, but Du Yu has forgotten them. For Du Yu, improving his own cultivation is the most important thing at the moment.

Simple days always pass quickly. In the blink of an eye, Du Yu has stayed in this lost forbidden land for three full years.

During these three years, Du Yu cultivated his own cultivation while farming, and never stopped.

During the past three years, Du Yu also tried to find a way out, but failed to find it.

Although he was disappointed again and again, it did not erase Du Yu's mood of wanting to go out.

In the past three years, Du Yu has already gotten along with Uncle Da and others, and he has become like people from the same place.

There was no trace of hostility in Du Yu's body.

In the past three years, Uncle Da's heart gradually calmed down when he saw Du Yu.

"Du Yu, I heard that there are ghost insects ahead. Let's go and have a look." On this day, Du Yu, who was practicing, heard Uncle Da's cry.

Suddenly, Du Yu woke up from his cultivation state. With a thought in his heart, the power in his body was also running rapidly. Then, Du Yu flew towards Uncle Da at an extremely fast speed.

In less than a blink of an eye, Du Yu appeared in front of Da Su, "Uncle Da, what is a ghost insect?"

Hearing Du Yu's inquiry, Uncle Da showed an enigmatic smile, "You'll know when you go and see it, but when this bug appears, that's when you have the chance to get out."

After Uncle Da finished speaking, there was a look of anticipation on his face.

Originally, Du Yu was only curious about ghost insects because there was hardly anything to attract his attention in this lost forbidden land.

But when Uncle Da mentioned that ghost bugs were related to leaving here, Du Yu's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

"Uncle Da, you mean that ghost insects can appear here when they appear?" Du Yu's face was full of joy, but at the same time, he also had a doubt in his heart.

Since the ghost insect can leave this place after it appears, how did Uncle Da know?

This question just turned around in Du Yu's mind, and Uncle Da told him the result.

"Generally, ghost bugs can get out when they appear, but the conditions are also very cruel."

After Uncle Da finished speaking, he glanced at Du Yu and immediately shouted, "It's of little use to say this now. You'd better follow me there quickly. I'll explain it clearly to you on the way."

Uncle Da shouted anxiously.

Seeing this, Du Yu didn't hesitate and followed Uncle Da, listening to Uncle Da's story.

Along the way, Du Yu gradually understood the origin of this ghost bug. It turned out that the time when the ghost bug appeared was completely random.

But every time after the ghost bug leaves, a space passage will appear.

If you can pass through this space channel, you can leave here.

Of course, the time when this space channel appears is very short-lived, and it is even extremely dangerous.

"Uncle Da, has anyone been out over the years?" Du Yu had a curious look on his face.

After glancing at Du Yu, Uncle Da nodded immediately, "Yes, someone is out."

After confirming the result, Du Yu's heart became hot.

Although it is not easy to get out of this space channel, Du Yu has set a goal for himself.

No matter what, I will not miss this opportunity, even if my body is broken into pieces, I will leave this place through the space channel.

"Later, the monk who passed through the space passage stood on the edge of the canyon like you, but he didn't come in, but you did." Uncle Da's voice was also full of expectation.

Although ghost insects would cause a large number of casualties every time they appeared, this was nothing to many monks.

After staying here for endless years, many monks have long felt that they have had enough. It is for this reason that Uncle Da did not say much about the dangers of ghost insects.

The two of them moved forward very quickly. In the process, many monks also flew forward. The targets of these monks were the places where the ghost insects appeared.

According to past experience, ghost bugs will appear for about a month. This month is the time when ghost bugs are rampant, and many monks died here.

After a month, the ghost bug will leave, and the moment it leaves, the space channel will open, giving everyone the opportunity to leave.

Of course, no one can predict how long the ghost bugs will stay. There is no pattern at all. Sometimes they appear for a long time, but sometimes they appear for a short time. Once, the ghost bugs even left in less than half a day. No one was given any time to react at all.

However, judging from most experiences, ghost bugs generally stay for one month.

As the crowd approached, more than a hundred monks from the entire Lost Forbidden Land gathered here.

"Look, there is a ghost insect ahead, and now the king insect has appeared." Uncle Da shouted, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on the front.

Sure enough, a black-shelled insect crawled out of the soil.

This insect was completely black, and its carapace looked extremely hard, reflecting light and giving off an icy aura.

When they saw the King Insect, many monks had a look of fear on their faces, but most of them had eyes full of expectation.

The king insect is the most vulnerable. If the king insect is killed at this moment, it will not bring disaster to many monks.

However, after killing the king insect, the space passage will not be opened and no one can leave.

So even though they knew the danger was approaching, most of the monks remained unmoved and even looked forward to it.

"He's out."

I don’t know which monk’s cry came from, but the King Insect immediately moved. After it emerged from the soil, it looked at the more than a hundred monks around it with fear. Immediately, the King Insect took two steps back. Then, everyone It is obvious that the body of the king insect has swelled a bit.

Not long after, a jet-black egg fell from the king insect's body.

Accompanied by the gazes of more than a hundred monks.

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