PS: There was a typo in the previous chapter. The Zhuxian Sword should have turned on the fourth feature. I forgot that the added attributes of the Zhuxian Sword are also considered features. Sorry, sorry, it has been changed back now.

Let me repeat, after the Zhuxian Sword was repaired this time, it was the fourth feature that was turned on.


"The Immortal Killing Sword has unlocked a new feature? The fourth feature?" Du Yu's eyes flashed, with a hint of curiosity on his face.


The next moment, Du Yu asked Tiandao Zhinao to retrieve a series of information about the Zhuxian Sword.


A row of illusory information soon appeared in front of Du Yu's eyes, which was a list of data related to the Zhuxian Sword.

Innate treasure: Zhuxian Sword (incomplete)

Brief description: The pinnacle killing weapon that has been passed down from the ancient prehistoric era after Pangu created the world is the first of ten thousand swords and the master of the four killing swords of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation! However, now that the Zhuxian Sword Spirit has left the sword body, many areas within the sword body are also broken and need to be repaired before they can exert their peak combat power. Although it is incomplete, it can still exert invincible power, which is far more powerful than any weapon in the world!

Characteristic one, broken armor, has the characteristics of ignoring defense and breaking armor. After attacking, you can choose to break all weapons, armors and armors that are lower quality than the Zhuxian Sword.

Feature two, all attributes +30,000 points.

Characteristic three: When attacking an enemy, there is a 5% chance of triggering the 'Thousand Swords Pierce' effect. After this effect is triggered, it will cause huge damage to all hostile life forms in a large area around the user. It can be released without limit. The effects can appear at the same time and can be superimposed. .

Characteristic four, Soul Devouring, swallows and refines the souls of all those killed, and feeds back to the user himself, making the soul of the sword wielder more powerful.

Feature five, unknown (opened after the Zhuxian Sword is repaired to a certain extent.)

Current repair level: 5/20.

After the Zhuxian Sword body is completely repaired, a super difficult hidden mission begins - the mission of retrieving the Zhuxian Sword Spirit!

There is not much information about the Zhuxian Sword. Du Yu can tell with a quick glance what changes have taken place in his own Zhuxian Sword after fusing three consecutive fragments of the Zhuxian Sword.

The changes are indeed not small.

First of all, after equipping the Zhuxian Sword, it could only increase all attributes by 10,000 points. Now, it increases like a triple jump to the point where after equipping the Zhuxian Sword, all attributes can be increased by 30,000 points!

Then there is a brand new fourth feature, Soul Eater!

This feature is also very important!

Du Yu was more excited than the change of adding 30,000 attributes.

After reading its entire introduction carefully, Du Yu couldn't help but gasp, feeling shocked and delighted.

The soul-eating characteristic can swallow the souls of all enemies killed by Du Yu with the Zhuxian Sword. The souls of those people will also be refined by the evil energy inside the Zhuxian Sword, washing away the soul imprint, and turning them into pure and ownerless souls. Special soul energy, after that special soul energy is absorbed by Du Yu, it will naturally and quickly strengthen Du Yu's soul.

Even if Du Yu's soul does not understand the power of the rules of the soul, even if he does not deliberately practice the secret techniques of the soul, he will still reach an extremely powerful level.

The soul is the core of life and the foundation of a person's existence!

This is the power of the avenue that can travel through all worlds.

Moreover, in the rules of the avenue, soul power belongs to a very powerful category, domineering and strange, and can even allow people to quietly leapfrog and destroy enemies who are higher than themselves and have much stronger frontal combat power.

"This is a good characteristic. With this thing, as I continue to fight with people in the future, my soul power will be enhanced to an extremely strong level while lying down, which will help my future cultivation path and will be more beneficial to me. There are many benefits ahead.”

Du Yu pondered, with a look of joy on his face.

Although Du Yu didn't come into contact with much relevant information in his previous life, he still learned some scraps of information about the soul by chance.

The soul is the basis of a life's existence.

Every time the strength increases and a great realm is broken through, the soul will be nourished by the body and become stronger.

The stronger the soul, the more a person's mind will broaden and his understanding will greatly increase!

Especially for understanding the power of many rules, if you have a strong soul, you don't even need to use the Enlightenment Stone to achieve the same effect as when you use the Enlightenment Stone all the time.

Of course, if that kind of perverted guy uses the Enlightenment Stone, the effect will be even better.

It is feared that the power of many rules can be understood in a very short period of time, allowing the immortal bones to be quickly pushed to the state of perfection.

A strong soul can not only make the spiritual path smoother.

The combat power is also unparalleled!

As long as he gets any soul-based combat secrets, and after Du Yu kills a large number of yellow scarves and raises his soul power to a certain level, he can easily perform terrifying soul secrets!

Being able to steal people's lives quietly and even control other people's minds is an extremely terrifying ability!

Especially in the Three Kingdoms world.

Although this is a world of high-level martial arts, it is also a mundane world. It is helpless and defenseless against weird powers like the power of the soul.

Once Du Yu can master the powerful soul power.

He can easily control Liu Hong and others, as well as He Jin, Zhang Rang, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo and other powerful people in the Three Kingdoms world.

If Du Yu's soul was powerful to a certain extent before, he knew the secrets of the soul.

Then there won't be so much trouble in the court.

You can directly order Liu Hong to make him the king, kill all the resisters, and even directly ask Liu Hong to give up power and make himself the regent. He can rule on behalf of heaven and control the entire Han Empire. It is really comparable to other princes and the like. Much more powerful.

Du Yu had many thoughts flashing through his mind at this moment, not just thinking about how terrifying the many killing moves on the soul were.

He even thought of the fourth characteristic of the Zhuxian Sword, Soul-Eating, which might have a disastrous effect on players.

From this moment on, the souls of those killed by the Zhuxian Sword will be devoured and refined into a state of pure energy.

The soul is the foundation of a person. What if even the soul is destroyed?

So can players still be resurrected?

The answer is obviously no. Even with the power of Tiandao Intelligent Brain, it cannot resurrect players whose souls have been annihilated... Although Tiandao Intelligent Brain is mysterious and powerful, it has its power limit after all.

Du Yu couldn't help but feel chills in his heart when he thought of this. This was a ferocious weapon that could directly kill those players in the Three Kingdoms world.

Looking at the Zhuxian sword in his hand that was full of blood-colored evil energy, Du Yu also secretly rejoiced that this weapon was his own.

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