The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1643 Entering the nest by mistake

Since there is no way to deal with it face to face, the only way is to do this.


Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect to be asked like this by Du Yu. They really didn't expect such an operation to be possible, and their eyes changed.

I wonder if Du Yu is joking.

But when they saw Du Yu actually walking into the large army under the guidance of the adult ghost insect, his mouth opened wide.

How else can we play?

Everyone else also followed Du Yu's method and blended in one by one.

For so many years, they have not dared to do this.

Not only is it difficult to kill ghost bugs, but there is also a very important issue, that is, the body of ghost bugs smells too bad. They will want to vomit when they smell it, and there is no way they can hold on.

But now, what they are holding are larvae, which will taste a little lighter, and also solve the problem of being unable to communicate with ghost insects.

Because the larvae themselves don't know what they are yet, and they don't understand what communication is, but they can just pretend to understand what they mean.

Mixed in the large army, Du Yu felt like he was about to vomit from the smell.

But you can't use any techniques here, so you can only bite the bullet and move forward.

This can be considered an experience, at least he will not recall such a terrible scene today in the future.

The ghost bugs did not move very fast, probably in order to protect the movement speed of the larvae, the entire large army moved forward slowly.

Of course some of these are real larvae.

Because all the larvae will be naturally pushed to the middle position by the ghost bugs, ensuring that they will not suffer any harm.

Even insects would protect their cubs. Du Yu was squeezed in the middle, very safe.

After moving forward for a long time, those who originally followed the king insect also got the news. After seeing from a distance that their group actually got into the ghost insect team, they were all shocked.

They also found relatively complete ones from some dead bugs on the ground, and planned to mix them in together.

It's just that some people took the adult ghost insect body, which was quickly discovered and then turned into a source of nutrition for new larvae.

Others can't do more, they can only kill him, and then wait until the larvae appear, then kill the larvae, so that they can leave alone.

The people behind were also squeezed by the ghost insects all the way to where Du Yu and the others were.

The large army marched forward in a mighty manner.

Du Yu watched as the king insect opened the passage. The passage emitted a light green light, which was exactly the same color as the blood of these ghost insects.

It gives people a very disgusting feeling.

But that was the only place where he could escape from here, and Du Yu didn't really want to give up.

The road was so vast. Du Yu looked back and saw that the large army of ghost insects stretched endlessly.

This scene is really terrifying.

After the king insect opened the passage, he did not choose to be the first to walk in. Instead, he stood aside and looked at these ghost insects proudly.

It stood beside the passage like a warrior, guarding everything here.

Everyone was beating drums in their hearts, worried that they might not be able to enter this passage.

There were so many ghost bugs, disgusting bugs were everywhere around the passage, and their whole bodies were trembling.

Du Yu kept telling himself that he must calm down and not show any emotion, as it would be easily sensed by those around him.

He needs to keep himself absolutely quiet.

No one can speak.

Soon it was their turn. Because Du Yu was in a relatively front position, he gritted his teeth, looked at the passage that felt like a thick and deadly green liquid, and walked in bravely.

The passage did not stop his movement. It was only after he actually walked in that he discovered that this place was actually a giant insect nest.

There are huge nests and various bones everywhere.

Could it be that they came to the wrong place?

This is a large cave.

Everyone who came in was dumbfounded. After they sneaked in, they found that they had actually arrived in such a place.

Isn’t this equivalent to actively sending yourself as food to someone’s home?

Du Yu slowly left the group and found a place to hide. When the others saw Du Yu ducking aside, they followed him cautiously.

Although the other monks were reluctant to believe that Du Yu was anyone else, at this point, everyone was just a grasshopper on a rope, and no one could escape.

The only people here who can rely on each other are themselves.

"Uncle Da, isn't this the exit passage?" Du Yu asked the question in his heart.

They all watched the king insect walk in, and entered a nest on the highest floor to rest. Many ghost insects brought food to serve the king insect.

"I thought this was it."

Uncle Da looked at everything here with some discomfort.

"It's okay. There may be other exits here. Since their insect nest will be built here, it will most likely lead to other places like mine. We are looking for it."

The periodicity of these ghost bugs attacking their original place is too long. With so many ghost bugs, the physical quantity required must be very large.

So it doesn't make much sense just to attack them.

"We have all come to this place to feed the bugs. We have the nerve to find other exits. We can't get out. With so many bugs, we will be discovered sooner or later!"

"That's right, everyone is going to die now, haha!"

At times like this, Du Yu knew that everyone would have emotions.

"Now that this is the case, is there any use in arguing?"

Du Yu took a deep breath, looked at everyone and said, "Even if we get here, as long as we protect ourselves, we may not be discovered soon."

If he hadn't considered that once these people were exposed, they would all die together, otherwise Du Yu would not have kindly reminded everyone that everyone has their own way to go.

His only requirement for people is not to delay the path he wants to take.

"That's nice to say. There are bugs everywhere now. You go and I take a look."

The monks were all a little annoyed. There were no more than twenty monks who actually survived and walked in this time.

There are so many people chattering, which is really a headache.

"If you don't want to follow the arrangement, you can make your own arrangements." Du Yu started chatting with a few people who were willing to believe in him.

He watched every move around him closely.

After all the ghost bugs had returned to their nests to rest, he walked out and began to search around for the exit.

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