Now it's your turn. Du Yu's voice sounded like it came from hell. The face of the city lord at the end of the season changed one after another, but no matter how he resisted, he could not stop Du Yu's anger.

In the next three days, Du Yu controlled the power of the domain to torture the city lord at the end of the season.

Originally, at the end of the season, the city lord was still thinking about finding a chance to escape. Later, all he thought about was how to die as soon as possible.

Only by dying sooner can we suffer less.

For three days, Du Yu's face showed no signs of fluctuation.

After the city lord was killed at the end of the season, Du Yu also took back the power of the domain.

At this moment, Du Yu turned to look at Kentero, with a relaxed look on his face.

Although Kentero's injury was not serious, he gradually recovered under the treatment of Du Yu's elixir.

Du Yu believes that in less than three months, Kentero will be back to his original state.

Three months seems to be a long time, but to the monks, it is just the blink of an eye, as if Du Yu's breakthrough took three hundred years.

During these three hundred years, Du Yu was completely immersed in his own world and never noticed changes in the outside world.

After thinking about it, Du Yu set up a barrier around Kentero's body.

After this barrier protected Kentero, Du Yu also flew forward.

During these three hundred years, it was not that Du Yu was completely ignorant of the outside world, but that he had no time to care about it.

But things are different now.

Du Yu's cultivation level has broken through, so he naturally wants to take a look at the recent discoveries.

In the process of practicing, Du Yu discovered a spiritual vein on Baifeng Mountain.

This spiritual vein is very mysterious, and Du Yu is confident that he can find some new gains in the spiritual vein.

Just thinking like this, Du Yu flew towards the top of the mountain very quickly.

Du Yu was very fast, and in the process, the domain was also released.

Originally, with Du Yu's cultivation, releasing the domain for a long time was a very laborious task.

But things are different now. Du Yu feels that after his cultivation has broken through, the realm has completely become a part of his body.

At this moment, Du Yu felt very relaxed when using the field, and there would be no more fatigue at all.

It was precisely because of this that Du Yu did not take back the territory.

After all, Du Yu's domain is open and he has absolute control over things in the domain.

This control gave Du Yu a strong sense of security.

He could feel that there was something right about the place in front of him.

As Du Yu, who has achieved a breakthrough in combat, every detail should be worth noting.

Du Yu was very fast and soon appeared at Baifeng Mountain to petition.

Only when he got closer did Du Yu notice that there was an active volcano on Baifeng Mountain.

There are countless magma surging inside this active volcano.

Seeing this, Du Yu's face showed a bit of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual veins were actually hidden under the volcano. Du Yu smiled and flew forward at the same time.

As soon as he arrived at the volcano, Du Yu felt the smell of hot magma.

The hot air blows towards my face, and even the surrounding temperature rises a lot.

After taking a look at the magma in front of him, Du Yu didn't hesitate, used his spiritual power to wrap himself up, and then jumped directly into the magma.

With this jump, Du Yu felt the heat around him.

At the same time, the magma protecting the body is also rapidly melting.

This speed shocked Du Yu.

However, Du Yu had no choice.

A steady stream of spiritual power poured into Du Yu's body. Under the protection of spiritual power, Du Yu quickly flew towards the bottom of the magma.

Originally, Du Yu's sight could see very far.

But after entering here, Du Yu was a little uncomfortable because his eyes could only see a distance of more than ten meters.

This gap is like a normal person suddenly going blind.

Immediately, Du Yu released the domain again without any hesitation.

The area covered by the domain was much larger than Du Yu's sight range, and Du Yu's sense of blindness immediately dissipated a lot.

The moment the power of the domain was released, Du Yu also had a look of shock on his face.

Because his domain does not touch the boundary of magma at all.

Immediately, Du Yu did not hesitate and flew downward again.

Du Yu always felt that there seemed to be something beneath the magma.

For two consecutive days, Du Yu finally felt something unusual in the magma.


Listening to the roar coming from the bottom of the magma, Du Yu stopped.

He could sense that this was a very powerful monster. Judging from the sound, it seemed to be imprisoned here.

After thinking for a moment, Du Yu flew downwards cautiously.

Now that monsters have appeared, no one can guarantee whether there will be other dangers.

This time, in less than a stick of incense, Du Yu saw the monster below.

This monster looks like a huge turtle, but it is controlled by more than a dozen iron chains around its body.

There was a look of shock on Du Yu's face. He didn't expect that the legendary beast would appear in front of him, and it would appear in this way.

Roar, I didn’t expect that someone… appeared… here… here!

Bixi's voice sounded very violent, intermittent, and even a little inaccurate in pronunciation. However, Du Yu completely heard what he meant.

After Bixi finished speaking, he moved his body, and suddenly the chains on his body made a loud sound.

After taking a look at Bi Xi in front of him, Du Yu immediately said, "Senior, I wonder if there is any way to rescue you from here?"

Obviously, he didn't expect anyone to save him. Bi Xi's face showed excitement, but in the blink of an eye, it was full of disappointment.

Little guy, you'd better leave quickly, there's no way you can save me with your cultivation. After speaking, Bi Xi fell into silence, seeming to feel sorry for Du Yu's insufficient cultivation.

Hearing what Bi Xi said, Du Yu's face showed a bit of stubbornness.

As the sacred beast in Du Yu's heart, he is not allowed to be imprisoned here.

As soon as he got close to the chain, Du Yu didn't hesitate at all. With a thought in his heart, the power in his body started to move.

Then, a powerful force bombarded the chain in front of him.

However, when Du Yu's power dissipated, there was no change on the chain.

It's useless, with your cultivation there is no way to break this chain. Bi Xi sighed, a look of disappointment on his face.

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