Hearing what Bi Xi said, Du Yu's heart was immediately filled with curiosity, because the weapons made from the scaly bones on the Pangolin beast were very powerful, and Du Yu knew it in his heart.

But Du Yu was not very clear about what kind of weapon spirit Bixi was talking about.

Du Yu's cultivation level is good, but in this world where the truly strong are respected, this level of cultivation is still nothing.

It is precisely because of this that Du Yu does not understand this weapon spirit very well.

Immediately, Du Yu asked, "Senior, I wonder what this weapon spirit you are talking about is?"

Du Yu had a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

At the same time, Du Yu looked at Bi Xi curiously.

Above, Bi Xi heard Bi Xi's words and immediately turned to look at Du Yu.

"Little guy, you'd better think about things like weapon spirits. Don't have extravagant expectations. The quality of your weapon alone is beyond the comparison of ordinary weapons. If you have the opportunity to meet a weapon spirit in the future, don't miss it. ." Bixi's words were a bit regretful, but Du Yu could still hear the pride in them.

Seeing that Bi Xi did not answer him directly, Du Yu became more curious about this weapon spirit and immediately asked questions again and again.

Under Du Yu's disdainful questioning, Bixi also informed Du Yu of the weapon spirit.

"Little guy, in fact, the weapon spirit is the soul in the spiritual treasure."

Biyi said lightly, while looking at Kentero on Du Yu.

For some reason, when Kentero felt Bi Xi's gaze, he immediately felt a dangerous aura.

At the same time, Kentero felt a huge pressure.

Under this pressure, Kentero looked at Bixi worriedly. Although Kentero wanted to resist, when facing the divine beast, Kentero simply could not have the idea, so he had to carefully hide in Du. Yu's body, hoping that Du Yu can protect himself.

Du Yu naturally did not miss this change in Kentero. When he saw Kentero like this, he immediately took Kentero into his arms and at the same time looked at Bixi.

"Du Yu, don't you want to know what a weapon spirit is? Now there is an excellent opportunity. This little guy on your body can just be a weapon spirit. As long as he is introduced into this weapon, the weapon's The strength will definitely increase tenfold." There was a bit of greed in Bixi's eyes.

After Bixi finished speaking, Kentero's eyes also fell on Du Yu, because he was worried about Du Yu's choice.

Although Kentero is willing to become this weapon spirit for Du Yu, this is not what Kentero wants after all.

It is precisely because of this that Kentero's eyes are somewhat uneasy, and this uneasiness is like a kind of hope.

He hoped that Du Yu would not turn it into a weapon spirit.

Feeling the change in Bixi, Du Yu's expression changed slightly, and he immediately shouted, "Senior, Kentero is my brother, and I will not let him become a weapon spirit."

As soon as Du Yu finished speaking, Kentero breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, Du Yu is still qualified as a master.

In fact, as a monster, Kentero still has some understanding of this weapon spirit.

In many cases, many monks will merge their contracted monsters into weapon spirits.

Because after becoming a weapon spirit, the power of the spirit treasure will be enhanced a bit.

After all, a spiritual treasure without a weapon spirit has no soul. Such a spiritual treasure can only exert its original power.

Just like the weapon Biyi refined for Du Yu.

Because there is no spirit treasure, the power of the mountain beast is essentially used.

But after adding the weapon spirit, the power of the spirit treasure will undergo earth-shaking changes.

This change is huge, and it also makes the power very powerful.

In fact, not only monsters but also human monks can become weapon spirits.

However, under normal circumstances, there would be no monks refining other monks into weapon spirits.

It is precisely because of this reason that Du Yu does not know the secret of this weapon spirit.

Bi Xi, who was above him, soon heard Du Yu's words and immediately smiled, "I was just talking casually. I saw the worried look on your face."

After saying that, Bi Xi ignored Du Yu and devoted himself to refining the weapon.

Seeing what Bi Xi said, Du Yu also smiled bitterly, turned his head and glanced at Kentero, Du Yu immediately said, "Kentero, don't worry, no matter what, you are my Du Yu's brother. I will not refine you into a weapon spirit."

After Du Yu finished speaking, Kentero's eyes were filled with tears.

I was so moved that I almost said something about being a weapon spirit without fear.

But thinking of the gnat above his head, Kentero suppressed these words abruptly.

What if after telling the truth, Biyi really refined himself into a weapon spirit?

Although Du Yu and Kentero have a contractual relationship, Du Yu doesn't know what Kentero is thinking in his heart. Moreover, at this moment, Du Yu's attention is completely focused on Bixi above, and he has no mind to pay attention to it at all.

As Bixi was refined, Du Yu gradually felt that the power of this spiritual treasure had become stronger.

This feeling is very mysterious. Thinking of just one year, Du Yu's heart feels hot.

At the same time, Du Yu discovered something very strange.

Because she felt that the aura on Biyi's body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

This change seems to be emanating from the invisible.

Du Yu sensed that Bi Xi was in a good mood.

Originally, when I saw Bi Xi, perhaps because he had been sealed here for too long, there was still a bit of hostility in Bi Xi.

But at this moment, Du Yu discovered that Bi Xi's body actually exuded a soft aura.

In fact, Du Yu's perception was not wrong.

After Biyi saw Du Yu's choice, he became even more satisfied with Du Yu.

As a divine beast, he naturally knows a lot about weapon spirits. The same situation faced by Kentero is that many monsters have fallen into the fate of weapon spirits.

However, when Bi Xi said this, he was directly rejected by Du Yu.

It can be seen that Du Yu's feelings are very real.

In Bixi's eyes, although Kentero is not worth mentioning, Du Yu's feeling is still deeply affecting him. You know, although the relationship between the two parties has not been confirmed yet, in Bixi's heart Already knowing the result, Du Yu is already his master.

It was only a matter of time that the two parties recognized each other.

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