Looking at Du Yu with a wry smile, Bi Xi immediately said, "Little guy, if your strength can reach the Great Perfection state earlier, I will come to you earlier. Anyway, in one sentence, before your cultivation reaches the Great Perfection state. It’s better not to be killed.”

After finishing speaking, Bi Xi immediately turned his attention to Kentero.

"And you, as the contracted beast around Du Yu, you must protect Du Yu's safety. This thing is a little opportunity I give you." After Bixi finished speaking, a purple-red blood moved toward Kentai. Luo flew away.

When he saw the purple blood, Du Yu had a curious look on his face.

In Du Yu's opinion, the purple-red blood in front of him was somewhat similar to the essence blood he had seen before, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are also some differences.

Although Du Yu didn't recognize the purple-red blood in front of him, Kentero obviously did.

When he saw the purple blood, Kentero swallowed it in one gulp.

"Thank you, Senior Divine Beast." Although he and Bixi are both Du Yu's contracted beasts, in terms of momentum, Kentero is equivalent to zero when facing Bixi, and he is basically a coward.

Although Du Yu couldn't understand it, when he saw Kentero being so excited, he knew that this would probably be of great benefit to Kentero.

Immediately, Du Yu quickly saluted Biyi, "Senior, I would like to thank you for this."

Upon seeing this, Biyi bowed his head directly and said with a smile, "Little guy, I won't stay here. I will meet you again when you have cultivated enough."

After Bi Xi finished speaking, he immediately flew upwards.

Bi Xi's speed was very fast, and he disappeared from Du Yu and Kentero in just a blink of an eye.

After Bixi left, Kentero also breathed a sigh of relief.

Appearing in front of Bixi, Kentero still felt tremendous pressure.

In fact, Kentero felt very uncomfortable here, but he had no way to leave here.

It is for this reason that during that year, Kentero was completely immersed in practice.

Only when he is in a state of cultivation, Kentero's influence will be reduced by a few points.

"Kentero, is this purple-red blood the blood of essence?" Du Yu had a curious look on his face, because he really couldn't think of anything else.

After hearing Du Yu's inquiry, Kentero nodded immediately, "Master, this essence blood belongs to my ancestors of the snake clan, so it is extremely precious. Although I don't know where senior Bixi got the essence from. But I believe that as long as I completely absorb the blood of this essence, my cultivation will also make a qualitative leap."

When Kentero was talking, his eyes were already glowing.

In fact, as a member of the same race, Kentero's absorption of this essence blood can not only improve his own cultivation, but also stimulate his untapped potential.

It can be said that the opportunity given by Biyi is too precious.

While Du Yu was discussing with Kentero, Du Yu suddenly felt that the temperature of the surrounding magma was getting higher and higher.

Immediately, Du Yu noticed something was wrong.

"Master, look."

Just when Du Yu was curious, Kentero suddenly shouted.

Hearing Kentero's voice, Du Yu quickly looked towards the place indicated by Kentero.

In an instant, Du Yu saw a horrifying scene.

Not far from here, there are countless dark red magma spewing out.

This magma is different from the original magma under the volcano.

Without any observation at all, Du Yu could clearly know that the power of the magma in front of him was even more powerful.

Although he was not close yet, Du Yu felt an unstoppable force.

"Oops, senior has been sealed here before, so we haven't felt it yet, but now, after senior left, the seal here has lost its power to block it. Let's leave here quickly."

Du Yu's eyes were about to burst. Suddenly, a thought moved in his heart, and the power in his body began to move rapidly in an instant.

Under the powerful force, Du Yu's whole body exuded a powerful force.

Under the operation of this power, Du Yu was like a rocket, soaring into the sky outside.

At the same time, below, Du Yu heard a huge explosion.

Suddenly, dark red magma also spewed out.

"Master, be careful." Kentero shouted quickly.

Immediately, Du Yu moved his power to the extreme, and at the same time, the power of the domain was also activated instantly.

Suddenly, a huge field formed around the edge of Du Yu's body.

Because of the existence of the field, Du Yu felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a bit.

Although he has been staying under the volcano, Du Yu also knows that it will take some time to get out from under the volcano.

Now, what Du Yu is worried about in his heart is whether he can avoid this dark red magma.

Du Yu felt that if the magma in front of him was careless, he might fall here.

Thinking of his experiences during this period, Du Yu's face showed a somewhat unwilling look.

"No, I, Du Yu, will never fall here. No matter what, I will never fall here." Because of his excitement, the veins on Du Yu's face jumped, as if he was trying his best.

"Master, put on the armor quickly. This armor should be extraordinary and should be able to withstand the power of this magma." Kentero shouted immediately.

After hearing Kentero's words, Du Yu reacted.

Immediately, Du Yu stopped talking nonsense. With a thought, the armor appeared in front of him.

Then, under Du Yu's control, the armor fit perfectly with Du Yu's body.

The whole process takes less than a second.

Only when the armor was worn on Shan's body did Du Yu feel a little safer.

But seeing the magma getting closer and closer to him below, Du Yu still felt a huge pressure.

Immediately, Du Yu maximized the power in his body and flew outside at extremely fast speeds.

At the same time, Du Yu felt the dark red magma begin to come into contact with the field.

Originally, Du Yu's domain was also very powerful, but as soon as the dark red domain came into contact with Du Yu's domain, Du Yu's domain began to smile.


Even though it was in magma, the heart-wrenching sound was still very clear.

Even though the realm was melted, Du Yu still felt that the speed of the dark red magma had also slowed down a bit due to the obstruction of the realm.

Immediately, Du Yu moved his power into the field, hoping to slow down the time when the dark red magma approached him.

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