The villagers in front of them all looked excitedly at the palace that appeared in front of them, with expressions of anticipation in their hearts.

"Everyone, I wonder what you understand about monks?" Looking at the villagers in front of him, Du Yu showed a slight smile on his face.

This feeling made him feel very comfortable.

Each of these villagers was extremely simple and honest, like ants compared to the strength of the monks, but in Du Yu's eyes they were a group of lovely people after all.

After hearing Du Yu's inquiry, many villagers started discussing it.

But the discussion is a discussion, and no one has their own answer after all.

Seeing this, Du Yu was not in a hurry and waited for these people quietly.

In fact, Du Yu knew in his heart that it was unrealistic for everyone in front of him to want to become a monk.

After all, if some people really have no talent, no matter how powerful Du Yu is, there is no way to open the path of cultivation for these people.

Unless you are moving forward to improve your cultivation, but in this case, it will be useless.

Because there is no room for development.

In the future, cultivation will always be confined within the range of improvement.

Du Yu naturally didn't want to see this situation.

And Du Yu believed that as long as he was in this place, ordinary people would not dare to touch it.

Therefore, it would be enough if some of these villagers could embark on the path of spiritual practice.

Already, with Du Yu's presence, these people don't have to worry about being hurt.

While Du Yu was questioning the villagers, Kentero also climbed off Du Yu's body and looked at everything in front of him with curiosity.

Originally, as a monster, he did not understand Du Yu's behavior, but it was different now. Du Yu's behavior was very interesting in Kentero's eyes.

But now, beside Kentero, Kentero's way of thinking is gradually moving closer to Du Yu.

This is an instinct.

It seemed that without Du Yu's instructions, Kentero might have swallowed up the villagers in front of him casually.

But with Du Yu's instructions, Kentero would not do this, and Kentero also knew in his heart that these villagers in front of him held a close position in Du Yu's heart.

In this way, Kentero will consider the villagers in front of him when he acts and will not act recklessly.

When Kentero came down, he immediately attracted the attention of several villagers.

"There is a monster..."

Suddenly, a villager shouted.

Immediately, many villagers quickly became alert.

In the eyes of these ordinary villagers, the snake-like monster was not simple. Especially when this monster appeared in the newly built palace, it aroused Zhongfen's anger.

You must know that Du Yu's status in the hearts of many villagers is still very high, and how can monsters appear in the palace created by such a powerful being.

"Don't panic, let me catch him."

Immediately, the snake catcher in the village came over.

Although the monster snake in front of him looked a bit unusual, he still approached it cautiously.

After all, this was in front of Du Yu, so naturally such a good performance opportunity could not be missed like this.

Seeing this middle-aged man's behavior, Du Yu suddenly smiled bitterly, and immediately said with a smile, "Kentero, just play with them, but don't hurt anyone."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he stopped paying attention here and started searching among the villagers.

Du Yu is thinking about how to proceed with this matter.

After all, Du Yu can't stay here for a long time. If this happens, he will naturally need someone to manage him.

Thinking of this, Du Yu immediately set his sights on Kentero again.

Kentero has nine heads.

If possible, a clone of Kentero can be placed here.

In this case, no matter what happens, Du Yu will be able to know it immediately.

Thinking of this, Du Yu was already paying attention in his heart.

"Master, I understand." The serpentine Kentero spoke human words from his mouth.

The villagers in front of him were immediately stunned.

"This, this is not a monster, but the master's pet?" A villager suddenly shouted.

Kentero was also very helpless when it came to his pet calling him a traitor.

This powerful being was actually called a pet by these villagers, which made Kentero a little speechless. He wanted to explode, but he didn't know where to start.

In the palace, Du Yu smiled slightly when he heard the villager's cry. Speaking of it, Du Yu hadn't heard the word pet for a long time.

The villagers who were originally preparing to arrest Kentero stood there at a loss when they heard what Kentero said.

"Big, Master's pet, I don't know who you and Master are. I'm so offended. I hope you can forgive me..." Cold sweat suddenly broke out from the villager's forehead.

This guy originally wanted to show off in front of the master, but at this moment, he found that he wanted to catch the master's pet.

Although the snake-like monster is very rare, since it is the master's pet, why is it so rare?

After thinking about it this way, everyone understood it.

After glancing at the villagers in front of him, Kentero still felt very ugly, and his tone of voice was also very unkind: "From today on, you are going to call me Lord Kentero, do you understand?"

After Kentero finished speaking, he swam through the crowd.

When everyone saw Kentero approaching, they all started to avoid him.

"Lord Kentaro...\

,"When Kentero approached, many villagers moved to the rear and shouted softly.

It's just that calling it out felt very embarrassing in the mouths of these villagers.

After all, although everyone is ordinary villagers, their ideas have not changed yet.

In everyone's opinion, human beings should be superior, how could they call a monster an adult?

However, the monster in front of him was the master's pet, so the screams passed away.

After thinking this through, the boredom in the hearts of many villagers gradually subsided a little.

Seeing that the emotions of the villagers below gradually calmed down, Du Yu smiled and said, "Okay, everyone, it's still the same question now. Who can tell me how they understand the monks?"

After Du Yu finished speaking, the crowd became silent again.

Seeing this, Du Yu glanced at Xiao Mo and said, "Xiao Mo, tell me."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Mo looked at Du Yu respectfully and immediately replied, "Master, in my understanding, monks should have powerful power, with the power to move mountains and fill seas, just like Like a master, he built a palace in less than a moment. This is my understanding of a monk."

Hearing what Xiao Mo said, Du Yu nodded and looked at the other villagers below.

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