Seeing the scales Du Yu took out, Pangu and Liuli were immediately confused.

"Holy shit, are these scales from ancient mythical beasts?" Pangu immediately asked.

When I was on the material plane, because my cultivation had reached its peak, I didn't have a deep feeling for the divine beasts yet.

After all, in the concept at the time, the mythical beast was probably the cultivation level of the saint.

But after his cultivation reached the level of a saint, Pangu realized how vast the world was.

After doing this, I also gained a new understanding of mythical beasts.

After all, in ordinary times, not to mention the mythical beasts, even the more powerful monsters can make Pangu and the two of them want to die.

After all, this mysterious world is the world where the strong are truly respected.

While enjoying the power of this continent, you also have to face more powerful enemies.

"No, Du Yu, keep such an important thing to yourself. If I follow you, I will feel safe. It doesn't matter if I have these scales or not." Pangu shook his head quickly.

Hearing what Pangu said, Master Liuli also waved his hands repeatedly.

Although there were only four scales in front of him, they were taken from the body of a mythical beast. One can imagine how much risk Du Yu took in the first place.

After all, Pangu wouldn't believe it if he could pick it up casually while walking on the road.

After seeing Pangu finish speaking, Du Yu's heart warmed slightly, and he immediately smiled and said, "Of course I have such good things, so you can take care of them."

Just after he finished speaking, Du Yu had a thought in his heart, and absolute defense suddenly appeared on his body.

"Look, this is mine."

Du Yu chuckled.

Seeing the ripples on the scales on Du Yu's body, Pangu's eyes were filled with envy, and he reached out to touch it.

"Damn, this is awesome. It turns out that you have a private job. It's really not fun to give us these bad things."

Although Pangu said this, his hands had already hugged the scales tightly, as if he was worried that Du Yu would take them back.

Du Yu chuckled and immediately put back his absolute defense again.

"Du Yu, where did you refine this armor? You can also refine it for our brothers..."

Pangu immediately spoke.

Originally, when Pangu saw the scales, he knew that this was definitely a good thing.

But compared with Du Yu's scales, Pangu immediately felt disgusted;.

Seeing Pangu's appearance, Du Yu couldn't help laughing and scolding, "I got it by chance, but I can tell you, there are only so many scales. If you don't want them, I will take them back and use them later." Using."

Just after finishing speaking, Du Yu took advantage of the situation to retrieve the scales, while Pangu reacted very quickly and put away the scales.

"There is no intention of taking back the things you sent out. It's really not interesting."

Pangu chuckled and touched the scales in his hand fondly.

As for Master Liuli on the side, his heart warmed slightly when he saw this scene.

For hundreds of years, I have been worried.

After that, the two of them were hunted down by the middle god, so Liuli's heart was still hanging in the air. But today, when he saw Du Yu, his hanging heart finally fell.

Especially when he saw that Du Yu could even obtain the scales of mythical beasts, he knew that Du Yu's current realm was beyond his imagination.

Although I was happy in my heart, I was also a little sad.

If there had been no accident for me, would my cultivation level have reached this level when I was with Du Yu?

Master Liuli couldn't understand this topic, but he didn't dare to think about it either.

At least, now under Du Yu's protection, she doesn't have to worry about dangers from the outside world.

It even seemed from Du Yu's situation that he would avenge the two of them at any time.

Thinking of the days of being coerced, Master Liuli felt extremely angry in his heart.

"Master Liuli, you don't need to feel any pressure. We are all from the same material plane, and we all knew each other before coming here, so we naturally have to help each other."

Seeing that Master Liuli was in a bad state, he immediately spoke.

Listening to Du Yu's words, Master Liuli noticed that he had lost his composure. He immediately smiled and replied, "I was the one who lost my composure. You are right. We come from the same material dimension, so we should cherish it more."

Du Yu nodded, and after arranging accommodation for Liuli Zhenren and Pangu, he started to get busy.

Now, with the joining of Pangu and Liuli, Du Yu found that he seemed to be able to go out for a while.

At the very least, let's sort out the reasons behind the pursuit of the two Pangu men.

This is Du Yu's plan.

Du Yu has always felt a little tired of staying here.

Originally, Du Yu had no plan of where he wanted to go, but now, with Pangu, Du Yu decided that revenge would be the most important thing.

His brother was bullied, how could he let it go?

In addition, Du Yu also wanted to see his current cultivation level. Although he speculated that he could fight with the upper gods in the early stages, the real situation would only be understood after experiencing the battle.

In the following time, Pangu and the two quickly integrated into the village.

Here, the hostility between the two gradually dissipated, and they became very peaceful.

In two consecutive years, with the help of Du Yu and others, Xiao Mo's cultivation level also successfully broke through to the saint realm.

Because Xiao Mo was originally in this mysterious world, he didn't have to experience the danger of the space passage at all.

In this way, Xiao Mo's cultivation successfully entered the realm of the early stage of a lower god.

Although Du Yu looked down on this kind of cultivation, he still sighed with emotion. After all, Xiao Mo's cultivation speed was much faster than Du Yu's.

This made Du Yu feel how important it is to have someone to guide you on the path of spiritual practice.

If Du Yu had someone to guide him from the beginning, he probably wouldn't have experienced so many dangerous things.

But having said that, if he hadn't experienced so many dangers, I'm afraid Du Yu's cultivation would not have reached this level.

It can be said that everything has its pros and cons, and Du Yu will never regret the path he chose.

"Pangu, Master Liuli, now that you two have recovered from your injuries, it's time for us to go back and avenge you two." In front of the palace, Du Yu said to Pangu and Pangu with a smile.

As soon as Du Yu finished speaking, Master Pangu and Liuli trembled slightly. This day has finally come.

What kind of shame I suffered that day can finally be recovered today.

For a moment, Liuli Zhenren and Pangu had tears in their eyes.

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