Facing Kentero, many monks had a look of disdain on their faces.

Although the monk who killed Mr. Zhao and the two monks on the ground seem to have amazing defenses, you, Kentero, are just a monster after all.

If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of.

There is a saying that you must pick a weak persimmon, and now, in the eyes of everyone, Kentero is a weak persimmon.

After all, everyone has heard that monks can use spiritual treasures, but they have never heard of collecting those who can use spiritual treasures.

In this case, the Kentero in front of him is like a punching bag.

Sure enough, as Kentero approached, dozens of attacks immediately hit Kentero.

These dozens of attacks seemed very fierce, and they appeared in front of Kentero in just an instant.

"Hmph, die."

Immediately, a monk shouted.

However, in the eyes of everyone, these powers bombarded Kentero, and he was actually blocked by Kentero.

Although the whole process seemed very domineering, the real result shocked everyone.

"How can this be!"

Several monks had shocked looks on their faces.

Everyone simply couldn't understand why a monster's defensive power was so amazing.

"Quick, tell us what's going on here."

Several monks shouted.

In fact, there was no need for him to say anything. Many monks had already reported the news here.

At this moment, the monks are coming one after another, and they will appear here soon.

The power of these monks fell on Kentero's body like it was tickling him.

Kentero didn't care at all.

He turned around and immediately rushed towards a monk in front of him.

In just the blink of an eye, a monk was directly swallowed by Kentero.


This scene looks very shocking.

Although every monk may have guessed the cause of his death, no one wants to be devoured by monsters and eventually excreted as feces.

This is a shame for many monks.

For a time, the eyes of many monks facing Kentero became even more angry.

Although it was not him who was swallowed, it was his companion after all.

Especially the monks who were close to the monks who were devoured had their eyes red.

Of course, Kentero's move also shocked many monks.

The faces of these monks were very ugly, and they looked blankly in front of them, feeling a little afraid of Kentero.

All in all, because Kentero took action this time, it directly broke the morale of the monk in front of him.

At this moment, these monks did not dare to be careless when facing Kentero.

However, under the command of several monks, these monks once again surrounded Kentero.

After all, although the monster in front of me is not simple, it is better than those three freak monks.

With such thoughts, many monks rushed towards Kentero again.

However, the result is still the same.

Facing the monk's attack, Kentero didn't care at all.

Although Kentero is just an ordinary monster, it is not that ordinary among ordinary monsters.

And in this way, Kentero's power naturally frightened these monks.


When the monks who were rounded up faced Kentero, they had already fled one by one. As for the surrounding monks, they took the opportunity to attack Kentero.

However, these forces bombarding Kentero's body could not have any impact on Kentero at all.

"Hmph, even these monks want to stop Kentero." Looking at the monk below, Du Yu had a cold expression on his face.

Since he already had a plan, it was naturally impossible to stop Kentero today.

In fact, as the master of Kentero, Du Yu knows the strength of Kentero best.

Not to mention Kentero's heads, Du Yu was moved by the power Kentero realized in the pangolin beast.

Originally, Kentero only imitated the scales of the pangolin to resist attacks. But now, although Kentero cannot completely block the attack, he can still do it very skillfully.

After trying it for a while, the monks around him gradually became desperate. The monster in front of them was not easy to kill.

At this moment, all thoughts of killing the monsters have been forgotten by these people. Now the only way to escape is to escape.

On the side, Pangu and Liuli looked at the bewildered Kentero.

"Damn it, Kentero is actually so powerful?"

Seeing this scene, Pangu couldn't help but speak.

Hearing what Pangu said, Master Liuli also nodded slightly. The two of them knew about Kentero's existence.

Moreover, Du Yukantero was also asked about his strength.

It was just that Du Yu casually said that his strength was average, so Pangu and the others didn't pay attention.

But now, these two people knew what Du Yu meant.

This is not ordinary at all, it is clearly very extraordinary.

"It seems that Du Yu's strength has completely surpassed us. If it weren't for the aura emanating from him, I would have doubted whether Du Yu had reached the realm of a high god." Pangu's face showed a bit of envy. look.

Master Liuli on the side also had a confused look on his face after hearing this, "This, how did Du Yu practice, and he was able to cultivate to this level?"

Seeing the look on Master Liuli's face looking at the monster, Pangu also shook his head.

Naturally, he didn't know how to answer this kind of question.

After all, in Pangu's impression, Du Yu's cultivation speed has always been very fast, and now, it is very simple for Du Yu's cultivation to reach this level.

Below, after Kentero left contemptuously, Du Yu also killed those monks who tried to challenge him.

"The entire Watch Island will be my first point of influence."

Seeing the Watch Island in front of him, Du Yu's face showed a fiery look. He wanted to complete his dominance.

Although this process is very difficult, Du Yu believes that he will be able to do it.

After seeing the huge momentum caused by this, Du Yu showed a look of disdain on his face.

"Let the owner of Watch Island come out and admit his mistake, otherwise, I, Du Yu, will destroy Watch Island."

After Du Yu's words fell, the whole place was extremely silent. Everyone had their own thoughts when they heard these words.

The entire Watch Island may not be big, but it is not small at all. Some people think that Du Yu is wishful thinking, while others say that Du Yu is the real owner of qualified strength.

Of course, in the eyes of most monks, Du Yu's behavior was completely seeking death.

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