The time in the mountain peak was not long. Not long after, Du Yu and the others heard the news on Watch Island.

When Slater heard the news of Mr. Zhao's death, he became even more furious.

At this moment, countless monks were already looking for traces of Du Yu and others.

In fact, because Du Yu and the others were not far from Watch Island, several groups of monks had already passed by the peak of Du Yu and others.

However, under the control of Du Yu's domain power, these monks were unable to find any trace of Du Yu.

Although these monks in front of him were from Watch Island, Du Yu didn't have any interest in them.

Because cultivation is not at the same level after all.

In Du Yu's view, what he needs now is to build momentum.

He just wanted to tell many monks that he, Du Yu, was here for Watch Island.

Under this situation, Du Yu and the others lived a very leisurely life.

During this process, Du Yu rushed into Watch Island unscrupulously and killed Slater's younger brother in front of everyone.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have fallen into silence.

This is Slater's younger brother.

As long as the monks who stay on Watch Island know, Slater's brother is the one who cares most about him.

But now, Du Yu killed Sterling's most distressed brother in this way, and everyone knew what the consequences would be.

If Zhao Yihuan was Slater's favorite disciple, and killing Slater only disgraced him, then Sterling's younger brother was Slater's counterpart.

As the saying goes, human scales cannot be touched.

But this Du Yu just found trouble with Ni Lin.

"Find them all for me. If any monk finds Du Yu, he will be rewarded with a Resurrection Pill. If he can kill Du Yu, I will directly hand over my position as the island owner."

Slater's anger even affected Du Yu.

Especially when everyone heard about the Resurrection Pill, their eyes lit up.

You know, spiritual elixirs like the Resurrection Pill are good things.

When an ordinary monk encounters a life-or-death crisis in battle, he can save his life by swallowing the Resurrection Pill.

It can be said that the importance of the Resurrection Pill is.

In the minds of many monks, having a Resurrection Pill is like having a second life.

How could this prevent many monks from going crazy?

Each of these monks looked for Du Yu like crazy.

Although everyone knows that Du Yu is powerful, this is just to find Du Yu, not to kill Du Yu.

If we talk about killing Du Yu, I'm afraid these monks will still be a little afraid.

But if they were just looking for Du Yu, no one would have any worries.

This is the benefit that power brings.

Du Yu didn't pay much attention to the search of these monks.

To put it bluntly, even if Du Yu stood in front of these monks, many monks would not be able to recognize him.

For three consecutive months, countless monks searched for Du Yu, but found nothing.

Even in a restaurant, several monks started chatting.

"This fellow Taoist, I heard that a monk named Du Yu has been completely unconscionable recently. Not only did he kill Zhao Yihuan, but he also killed the island owner's brother. Later, he even said that he would give the island owner time to prepare. , want to rob Watch Island!"

"Yes, yes, speaking of it, after practicing for so long, this is the first time I have seen such an arrogant monk. It is really arrogant, but his style is really attractive. If it weren't for my cultivation, It’s not enough, old man…”

"I don't know where this Du Yu came from. It wouldn't work if he came from the Du family that fell a thousand years ago. After all, it is impossible for a fallen family to cultivate such a powerful monk."

"Or is it some force that was deliberately released to provoke Watch Island?"

"What ordinary monks like us can know about this, but no matter what, this monk named Du Yu is really a role model for our generation. The owner of Watch Island has done all the evil things, and now it is time for someone to deal with it."

"Although the owner of Watch Island is extremely violent, Watch Island is the residence of monks after all. I don't know what Du Yu will be like after he kills the island owner?"

"Fellow Taoist, why do you have a smile on your face sometimes and an angry look on your face at other times? Why is this?"

While Du Yu was listening to the conversation of several monks, he had a strange look on his face.

This feeling of discussing oneself in front of oneself is really... so refreshing.

As the monk finished speaking, the eyes of several monks immediately focused on Du Yu.

Seeing this, Du Yu shook his head, "I'm just curious about Du Yu, a monk who suddenly appeared so powerful. As for the others, a few seniors know more about them, so I just want to listen."

Seeing that Du Yu's answer was so far-fetched, several monks no longer focused on Du Yu, but began to inquire about the information they usually got.

"Hey, I don't know where this Du Yu is hiding. Otherwise, if we find his traces and inform the island owner, we will definitely get a reward from the island owner."

"Let's just let it happen. After all, a strong man like Du Yu is simply not someone we ordinary monks can afford to offend."

Listening to the chatter of several monks, Du Yu's face suddenly showed an expression of interest.

"By the way, since the island owner said that after finding Du Yu's trace, he can get the last resurrection pill. I wonder if this news is true?"

Du Yu's face immediately showed an expression of interest.

After hearing Du Yu's question, several monks started discussing.

"This must be true. After all, Du Yu killed the island owner's disciple and younger brother. This has created a big gap between Jiang Fang and Jiang Fang. In order to kill Du Yu, he will definitely fulfill his promise."

"Fellow Taoist, do you know Du Yu's clue?"

Immediately, a monk thought of the meaning of Du Yu's question and asked quickly.

Glancing at the older monk, Du Yu said with a smile on his face, "Senior, I also discovered Du Yu's traces some time ago, but due to Du Yu's strength at that time, he did not inform the island of this news. Lord, I don’t know if Du Yu is still where he is now.”

Du Yu had an expression of regret on his face.

When several monks saw this, they all had surprised looks on their faces.

Everyone almost searched the Watch Island but could not find any trace of Du Yu, but the little Taoist friend in front of them discovered Du Yu's trace by chance.

Thinking of the effect of the Resurrection Pill, many monks had looks of envy on their faces.

Du Yu nodded, with a look of yearning on his face, "Since the island owner has the last resurrection pill, I will go and have a look. Fellow Taoists, we are destined to meet each other."

As soon as Du Yu finished speaking, he immediately flew towards the palace master of Watch Island.

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