Hearing Xi Wuchang's words, Du Yu turned around and followed the waiter without saying anything.

These waiters were all outer disciples. They originally wanted to ask a few questions, but their expressions were all very calm, and they obviously did not want to talk to this newbie like me.

Du Yu is not a person who likes to have a warm face but a cold butt. Since others are unwilling to talk, he doesn't bother to ask and silently follows the people in front of him.

The scenery of Qingyun Mountain is obviously more attractive to Du Yu.

They were already halfway up the mountain, and Qingyun Mountain was ten thousand feet high. Just walking from the bottom of the mountain to the middle of the mountain made everyone in Liuyun complain, and after arriving, they felt that this place was like a fairyland.

Just in this part where Du Yu walked, the Jade House Qiong Tower is located on the mountain wall, and the mist is lingering, but it is all divided by invisible forces. People can only look at it like a tourist, but they can also feel that they are in this cloud and mist. Among them, it looks like Penglai Fairy Island, but also like a lonely boat in the dark.

If ordinary people with no knowledge saw this, they would definitely fall into it and be immersed in the fairyland.

In fact, even with Du Yu's knowledge, he had to sigh at this. He could feel that the aura in the air was several times more than that in the outside world. The cultivation here was truly rapid.

"This place is really a fairy mountain. It's right to join the Qingyun Sect." Du Yu walked behind with a look of enjoyment. Even his steps became brisk unknowingly. The surrounding trees and grass seemed to be following. His mood swayed together.

When the waiter walking in front saw him like this, he showed contempt. He secretly felt that this was another ignorant person who had no idea. He thought he was even worse than Du Yu when they came in.

After walking for a long time, they finally arrived at a very wide square. The huge wooden main entrance stood in front. Du Yu looked at the plaque on the main entrance, which had three big characters - Hualong Pond engraved on it.

In the square, the ground is paved with white jade slabs, which are smooth and white, making people mistakenly think that they are picking above the clouds, and the mist gradually emerges, as if the heaven and earth are isolated, and here, it is like a world of its own. .

The Hualong Pond should not be a real dragon, but a metaphor.

Du Yu touched his chin and pondered the meaning of the words on the plaque. Transforming into a dragon also meant success and progress, as well as a new realm. Since they were brought here, they must be here to select outer disciples, so this dragon transformation The consciousness becomes clear.

Those who can be successfully selected are transformed into dragons, and their identity and strength are completely different from the outside world.

When he came to the meaning of the plaque, Du Yuhan keenly discovered that the waiter next to him had something wrong with his face, and seemed to be very afraid of this place.

Hmm, looks interesting.

Du Yu had an idea in his mind and stepped into it. He found that there were many people in the square, more than a thousand people. And this was only half the number of people today. How many talents had Qingyun Sect received in the past few days.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone calling him, so he raised his head and looked up. Sure enough, it was Liuhe and the others who saw him and were walking towards her.

After Liu He arrived, he couldn't wait to tell Du Yu: "Brother Du, my talent just tested seems to be very good. The old man said that it won't take long for me to become an inner disciple."

Seeing Liu He's complacent expression, Liu Yan couldn't help but hurt him, "Haha, how long will it take? How many years will it take to succeed?"

After listening to Liu Yan's words, Liu He could only smile and make no answer.

Du Yu frowned. He always felt that Xi Wu Chang said the same thing to everyone. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that this was the truth.

At the reception area where outside disciples are recruited.


Xi Wuchang sneezed for no reason, touched his nose, and couldn't help muttering: "Who is talking bad about me behind my back? If I knew, I would never forgive him."

Looking at the expectant eyes of the person in front of him, Xi Wuchangyou continued to say to the person in front of him, "Don't worry, your talent is not bad. After a few years of hard training, you should be able to join the inner sect."

Du Yu, who didn't know that he was close to the truth, was talking to several people.

"In that case, this should be the place where you want to test us. If we can pass the test, we should be able to become outer disciples." Du Yu looked at the empty square with a little doubt, "Here There is nothing, how should we accept the test?”

At this time, the importance of Liu He, who had the inside story, was exposed. He smiled and said: "Don't look at the Hualong Pond and there is nothing. Have you ever heard of a saying that the water in the Hualong Pond is clear and a mortal child will be born in it?" , Only after suffering thousands of calamities can he transform into a dragon."

Although Du Yu wanted to say that he had never heard of it, in order to reveal that he was not so ignorant, he could only nod his head and said: "I have heard a little bit."

Liu He was just about to explain the meaning of these sentences, but he saw Chen Xin shaking his head and saying: "The meaning of Hualongchi Shuiqing is just like now. It seems like there is nothing, but once the people who accept the trial are us, Entering it, you will be faced with tens of thousands of tribulations, and we can only transform into a dragon by overcoming them."

"So the meaning of this poem mainly reflects difficulties. Even though we are leisurely here now, I can guarantee that later, a large number of people will cry so hard that even their parents will not recognize them." Chen Xin is confident. As he spoke, he glanced at the very depressed Liu He from the corner of his eye, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

Liu He couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable when his chatter failed, and he wanted to pout now. However, Liu Yan next to him not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't help laughing when he saw Liu He's deflated look.

Du Yu saw several people laughing and playing here, and they got into a group in just a short time. He couldn't help but secretly sighed that Liu He had strong communication skills and had a good impression of Chen Xin.

"Since this trial is so difficult, we must unite and help each other when the time comes, and don't beat up the drowned dog." Du Yu spread his hands and said in a funny way.

Hearing what he said, Liu He started to make a fuss again, pointed at Du Yu, one pointed at Chen Xin, and shouted: "As long as you two elders are willing to stop and not deal with us, we are unarmed, I think we The three of them will definitely go very smoothly. If you take action, yes, there’s no need to compete. We’ll be done with it if we quit now. Anyway, the final result will be similar.”

When he said this, everyone was amused and laughed happily, and the atmosphere was extremely lively for a while.

But soon the trial came, and everyone's expressions became serious.

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