In an instant, Du Yu only felt a thousand pounds of force, moving through his arms and all over his body, as if he was hit by a train, and he was about to leap out under the overwhelming force.

The huge force tore through Du Yu's body, and he grimaced in pain. His internal organs were displaced under the collision. If the power of the stars hadn't firmly stabilized his body at this moment, Du Yu even felt that he May be dismembered!

A few hundred meters away, Liu Yan, who was digging a hole, heard the roar like thunder. He raised his head in fear, but he could only see a huge thing standing with a black dot.

Under the full strength of the Wild Boar King, she thought that the weak human in front of her would be taken away gently, because even the previous few waves of timid humans who came to send messages to the Blood Cloud Bead never dared to accept one of his words head-on. Collide.

But the next development far exceeded the Wild Boar King's expectations.


Du Yu's feet sank deeply into the soil, almost half of his legs were sunk in, and blood was faintly about to come out of his arms. He let out a low cry, and he did not retreat at all!

The Way of Tai Chi.

This is Du Yu's last life-saving card!

Just when the Wild Boar King was about to hit his body, Du Yu first raised his body and used the position below the waist to catch the Wild Boar King's power. Only in this way could he transfer the thousand kilograms of power to the ground through his feet. .

Du Yu came here after all, so the knowledge you gained was naturally not for training. He naturally had many unique skills that others could compare to.

And the core of Tai Chi is naturally also used as an arm.

To put it simply, it just lowers the center of gravity so that it is not easily moved backward by the force, and then uses the power of the stars to forcibly increase the strength of his body. Otherwise, focusing on it can transfer most of the force, leaving the rest That part of him would also kill him.

But now, with Du Yu as the center, the surrounding earth spreads like cracks, which shows the strength of the Wild Boar King.

With this group of brute strength alone, very few people can defeat them now, no one can say, no one.

The collision did not end there. Du Yu did not fall down when he saw it. The Wild Boar King could not help but become more anxious and even wanted to open his mouth and bite Du Yu.

But Du Yu was well prepared, and took advantage of the next moment to drive his almost dry body and punch the Wild Boar King in the eyes. The surrounding air rubbed against her skin like ice thorns.

This punch was not fast, but it would take some time for the Wild Boar King to recover from the previous collision, so he could only watch as the punch hit his eye.

Suddenly, a scarlet color emerged from the Wild Boar King's right eye. The huge pain was transmitted to his brain through nerve transfer, and the Wild Boar King screamed loudly.

However, the pain not only did not drive him away, but instead aroused the ferocity of the Wild Boar King. The ferocious head was rushing towards Du Yu from left to right, trying to stab Du Yu's chest with the sharp white horn.

Du Yu had expected this and ducked down to avoid the attack. However, because his legs had already sunk into the soil, it was very difficult to pull them out, especially for him who was almost exhausted. possible.

So Du Yu saw the right opportunity, firmly hugged the Wild Boar King's fangs, and held on tightly without letting go, like a rope, pulling the Wild Boar King's fangs, while the other end of the rope went deep into the soil. middle.

A beast is just a beast after all. The Wild Boar King, even if he had a little wisdom, was almost gone under Du Yu's punch just now. After losing his right eye, he could only rely on instinct to drive Du Yu out of the ground as soon as he raised his head. Come up.

During the swing, Du Yu jumped back and landed firmly. However, before he could feel any joy, a five-meter-long falcon flew towards him in the sky.

The sharp eyes of the eagle head were like the light of a sword, which made Du Yu, who was still a little happy, feel his heart sink.

They were damn right, they were actually twin guardian beasts!

At this moment, Du Yu's heart became calmer. His previous actions came to mind one by one. He dug holes and explored, and a little bit of mystery that something was wrong emerged in his mind.

However, before Du Yu could think about it carefully, the falcon's sharp claws suddenly arrived and clawed at his chest.

Falcon was so fast that Du Yu couldn't even see his appearance clearly, but he could also guess that even if those sharp claws weren't cutting iron like clay, they were definitely extremely sharp, at least to deal with the current situation. He is at the end of his rope and has no problem.

Du Yu even imagined himself being disemboweled.

But at this critical moment, a javelin suddenly appeared and flew towards the falcon at a very fast speed. How could the falcon expect this move? It had no time to avoid it and was directly penetrated by the javelin through its wings.

In the next second, his center of gravity was lost, and he and Du Yu rolled to the ground together. They rolled more than ten meters before the two entangled people stopped and separated.

Du Yu, however, did not feel any joy about the rest of his life. He just rolled aside with a cold face. His five organs, which had already been displaced, tended to intensify under this collision.

All in all, not only did he no longer have the strength to fight, but he was seriously injured. If he didn't receive urgent treatment, he might even have to stay here.

It was indeed calculated.

Du Yu had some realization in his mind and turned around to look 50 meters away. I don't know when a large group of people appeared. There were not many people, only about 30 people, but the capable people among them were at least as good as others. There are two of them at the same stage!

The leader was a man with thick limbs, who looked about twenty-six or seven, but he had a naturally mean-looking appearance. His uncoordinated nose stretched out, completely devoid of any sense of beauty.

At this moment, the man let out a very sinister laugh, and looked like he was sure of victory. He said to Du Yu from a distance, "I heard that those people in the north have made a great guy. Today I saw that it is indeed the case. Being able to withstand the impact of the Wild Boar King is really something I, Liu, admire!"

The man first went to flatter Du Yu a few words, then changed the topic and started shouting: "What a pity, this strength is somewhat powerful, but his brain is not very good, hahaha."


As soon as he said this, the people behind him started laughing together. Only the other white-faced boy next to him, who was of similar strength, did not speak.

"Interesting...interesting...haha, really interesting." Du Yu was calm and even smiled a bit, as if he had guessed them.

This made Liu Quan feel very uncomfortable, and the long hair made of heavy wood in his hand pointed at Du Yu, "How funny are you? You were tricked by us, and you still laugh?"

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