In just a moment, Du Yu was knocked to the ground. While he was knocked to the ground, he still felt the warmth on his back and the faint fragrance of jasmine on his body.

"Yes, sorry."

This girl is naturally the elf girl that Du Yu just met and saved him.

The elf girl held Du Yu's body with both hands. Because his body was wet with water, Du Yu could feel the subtle touch.

She quickly got up from Du Yu, then stood aside and apologized to Du Yu in a panic.

Du Yu smiled, picked the seven-color lotus from the cliff and handed it to the elf girl, then took the opportunity to reach out and squeeze her jade hand:

"Take it, consider it a thank you gift for saving my life."

This time the elf girl was not as repulsive as before, and said thank you to Du Yu with a pink face.

Du Yu took the opportunity to strike up a conversation and said:

"Are you alone?"

The psychic Taoist rolled his eyelids in the sea of ​​consciousness and cursed secretly: He will never change his nature.

The elf girl seemed very dull, nodded, and then looked at Du Yu blankly, still holding the lotus that Du Yu had just handed her.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu wanted to laugh a little. Although this elf girl was very good-looking, her face was always blank, and it took her a long time to answer.

He couldn't help but think of teasing: "What's your name?"

The elf girl hugged the lotus and said dullly: "Ye Li'er."

"Boy, there seems to be something under the cliff."

Although the psychic Taoist disturbed Du Yu from teasing the beauty, Du Yu didn't mind. He just rolled his eyelids and then carefully looked at Ye Lier's pair of translucent golden wings.

"What do you want to do."

After being looked at by Du Yu for a while, Ye Lier took a few steps back, her face turned red.

Du Yu seemed to realize that his behavior was not very polite, but he still quickly whispered in Ye Lier's ear, his voice not without teasing:

"I want to know if your wings can carry people to the cliff."

Ye Lier nodded and said with some hesitation:

"It might work."

Du Yu quickly reached out and tried to hug Ye Lier, but he quickly missed.

Du Yu was a little helpless, but still made a grimace and said:

"Then how do you take me down the cliff?"

Ye Lier carefully stretched out her hand, and Du Yu took it. Ye Lier's face turned red, and she gave Du Yu a hard look, but she didn't say much, and let Du Yu catch her, and then her wings flew gently. When he got up, Du Yu saw the cave surrounded by bones under the cliff.

Although the touch in the palm of his hand was very wonderful, Du Yu hadn't noticed it yet.


There was a howl of wolves coming from the bottom of the cliff. Du Yu felt his palms shaking. He looked up and saw Ye Lier's pink and pale face. It seemed that the howling of the beast below had a great impact on her.

Du Yu rolled his eyelids:

"It's okay, it can't get here."

Soon, the cave covered with bones was right in front of him. Du Yu was about to jump in when he suddenly felt his palm shaking, and then he jumped in hastily.

Immediately afterwards, he caught Ye Lier who fell from the air.

The feeling in his arms was very warm and soft, and the faint scent of jasmine was very comfortable. Before Du Yu had time to recall it, Ye Lier jumped out of his arms in a hurry. Du Yu felt a little disappointed.

"Thank you, thank you."

Hearing Ye Lier's thanks, Du Yu smiled. It was hard to imagine that the elf princess who was not afraid of the giant python in the water would be afraid of the withered bones outside the cave.

Du Yu smiled, then stretched out his hand to take Ye Lier's hand naturally, and then walked towards the cave.

This time Ye Lier did not pull away, but her face turned red. The wings behind her flapped for a moment and then shrank back. She didn't know what she thought of.

"Before I knew it, it was already dark."

Du Yu smiled, then picked up a piece of dry wood and kerosene that had been prepared from the package behind him, then lit it and held it in his hand.

She just let go of Ye Li'er's hand, and she seemed a little panicked, but soon Du Yu lit the torch and then held it again, with obvious relief in her eyes.

Du Yu was a little funny, but he didn't say anything.


Just as Du Yu was about to tease the beauty he had just met, a huge ape suddenly jumped out from behind, with Du Yu's arms coming first.

Du Yu shook his sore wrist. Although he responded in time, his wrist was still a little numb under the huge shock.

"Through-arm punch."

Du Yu shouted loudly and hit the ape that had just rushed towards him again. Although this kind of monster was not very strong, it was strangely sensitive. In this small cave, Du Yu still held a torch in his hand. It's a little hard to show off your strength for a while.


Another hard collision caused Du Yu's clothes to break a little, and there was the sound of some bones on the ground being smashed into powder and falling under the cliff.

The ape seemed to know that Du Yu was not easy to mess with, so he left after thinking for a moment.

But it was precisely because the bone powder on the ground was gradually blown away by the wind that Du Yu noticed the box under his feet, a box that seemed to be made of dense bones.

"What's this?"

Du Yu stretched out his foot and lightly kicked the box at his feet. Ye Lier suddenly came over and hugged him tightly. Although the warm and fragrant soft jade was very comfortable, Du Yu did not covet the comfort. He stretched out his hand He touched Ye Lier's head, and then with Du Yu's comfort, Ye Lier seemed to be less scared than before.

Then he walked to Du Yu and looked at the box made of dense bones.

"In this box, there should be a martial art."

The psychic Taoist reminded him in his mind that Du Yu picked up the box and wiped the dust, bone fragments and dirt beside the box.

Then he took the box in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"How do you open this box?"

There is no gap in the bone box, just like a piece of white stone brick, which is a bit scary under the moonlight.

The psychic Taoist rolled his eyelids, and then shouted in Du Yu's mind:

"Just smash it open."

Du Yu nodded, then used his spiritual power to generate a burst of great strength with his hands, and then suddenly tore apart the white bones and stone bricks.

At this time, a golden scroll emerged from the stone bricks.

Du Yu dropped the fragments of the bone stone brick and opened the scroll he had just obtained, with a hint of amazement on his lips. The stone brick contained not a one-step technique, but a one-step formation.

Array: Smoke Array of Desire

This is a special drug formation that uses evil fragrance and poisonous mist to make people confused, excited and dizzy. Half of the people will be poisoned if they smell it, even if they only touch the slightest bit. The most important characteristic of poisoning is the face. It has a pinkish color, and if you don’t take the antidote and avoid it in time, your whole body will become hot and you will feel dizzy.

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