The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1854 Battle against the Demons

But seeing Du Yu's outstretched hand, she still stretched out her own hand to take his, and then stepped on the smooth anaconda skin.


Du Yu screamed again. It turned out that the anaconda skin was too smooth and the rotten wooden boat on it was broken into slag. Du Yu shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"That's all, as long as you can cross the river."

But Ye Lier's foot seemed to have slipped, and then she pulled Du Yu and fell directly onto the anaconda.

"No, sorry."

Du Yu pushed with both hands, and then the luck spirit climbed up from the anaconda, waved his hands and said, it's okay.

So under the unwilling leadership of the Anaconda King, Du Yu took Ye Lier's hand and rushed towards the castle.

Ye Lier's pink face was still flushed. Although she accidentally fell down because the anaconda skin was too smooth, Du Yu still took advantage of her. Thinking of this, Ye Lier's pink face turned red again.

Du Yu lay on the anaconda, spread it with the cloth he had prepared, and then held a straw he took out from nowhere in the corner of his mouth. He looked at Ye Lier's shy pink face and smiled.

This long path of cultivation is not boring at all.


When they reached the other side of the river, it was just dawn, and Du Yu waved to Ye Lier.

"Ah, oh."

Only then did Ye Lier notice. She got off the anaconda with a red face and followed Du Yu.

Du Yu picked up the parchment scroll in his hand and put away the Anaconda King, and then walked towards the castle.

Under the castle, two strange camps were confronting each other. On one side were the demons with horns on their heads, and on the other side were the elves with long ears. Shen Yunxi was with the elves, and seemed to be participating in the upcoming confrontation.


Ye Lier shouted, and then ran towards an old man from the Elf tribe. Du Yu touched his head, looked at Shen Yunxi and said awkwardly:

"What a coincidence."

Shen Yunxi nodded, then took the sword handed over by the elf next to him, and walked onto the huge competition stage.

"What's going on?"

Du Yu was a little confused and asked the old elf beside him.

After hearing Ye Lier's explanation, the old elf looked at Du Yu with a little more kindness in his eyes, and explained with a smile;

"The last territory of our elves is about to be occupied by the demons. We are unwilling to leave. Although we no longer have the Heart of Orchid, we still have to fight to the end."

Speaking of this, the old elf's eyes were filled with fire, and he continued:

"Fortunately, this female monk is willing to help us. Now we can't produce enough elven warriors to compete in the competition."

Du Yu nodded and looked at the battle on the stage. Because of Ye Lier, he had a good impression of the elves, and naturally he didn't want to see the elves wiped out.


After a buzzing sound on the stage, Shen Yunxi was knocked off the ring. Du Yu reached out and hugged Shen Yunxi. Shen Yunxi's pink face turned red but he did not refuse. Then Du Yu helped her stand up.

The demon with the horns on his head had blasphemy in his eyes, and he teased with a smile:

"You are still too good-looking. If you are willing to be my eighteenth concubine, I will keep you around. As for the elves, have you considered it?"

Du Yu looked at this armored demon. It was obvious that he was the general of this team. The old elf gritted his teeth and was about to fight them to the death. Du Yu reached out to stop him, his face was a little cold, and then he jumped onto the ring and said:

"Let me go through two moves with you."

"Boy, you must mind your own business. We are just a vanguard force. The demon army is still behind."

Du Yu pulled out the broken sword in his arms, and the playfulness in the demon's eyes turned serious. As a strong demon, he could feel the unconcealed edge in the broken sword.

"If you want to fight, fight. There's so much nonsense."

Before Du Yu finished speaking, a phantom rushed out from the broken sword and blessed Du Yu. It was the deceased general. At this moment, Du Yu felt absolutely fearless.

The general's mentality was to stand on top of the corpses in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, watching with cold eyes as thousands of troops rushed up.

It was an almost absolute arrogance, not taking anything seriously, and at the same time it was the ultimate that a sword could achieve. In his world, the world was just a seven-foot cold light in his hand.

"The blood demon breaks the sky and kills."

The strong demon held the scimitar in his hand, and the scimitar was ignited with black fire. There was respect in his eyes, not for Du Yu, but for the deceased general. Although the demon was not afraid of the strong, , are not afraid of the strong, but they respect the strong.

The soul in the sword in Du Yu's hand deserves their respect, so he used all his strength when he came up. There was no trace of panic in Du Yu's eyes. His eyes were extremely calm. The world is so big and there are so many things in his world. There is only one sword for each person, and the others, if they are not withered bones in the sword, are embers in the world that have not been blown away by the wind.

"One sword falls into the stars."

This swordsmanship is no longer the swordsmanship learned by the general, but a brand-new swordsmanship mastered by Du Yu and the sword spirit. Du Yu can feel the buzzing sound coming from the broken sword, which is joy.

Is the sword like the person it is?

Du Yu thought to himself that the generals who had broken their swords fell into the sand, and the same was true for the broken swords at this moment. They came from the battlefield and perished on the battlefield.

"Boom, poof."

Two voices sounded, and the entire arena was divided into two halves. The strong strength of the two men successfully cracked the center of the arena. As soon as the cracks appeared, they spread quickly. In the end, the entire arena was broken into countless rubbles. Du Yu and the demon The strong men of the clan stood on the gravel and continued fighting.

The reason why the gravel was not broken into powder was not because the two of them were not strong enough, but because half of the gravel was filled with the sword intent emanating from Du Yu's body and brought endless traction, while the other part was filled with The demon's body was shrouded in demonic energy, and each sword cut the entire arena into half of the arena for each of them.

"Take my move."

Du Yu smiled, but the smile was extremely cold. How could he not be angry at the woman who was teasing him in front of him, but that anger took away a touch of calm, the calm that crushed the person in front of him to ashes.

The broken sword in her hand drew three sword flowers, and finally locked on the three flaws in the powerful demon clan. Ye Lier, who was watching the battle, quickly recognized that these were the sword moves used to defeat the Anaconda King not long ago.

"The sword shakes three hearts."

The powerful demon clan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It was not the injury caused by the sword just now, but the backlash from his own sword skills. His talent was too different from Du Yu's, and the sword just used had too much potential. , although on the surface they each occupy half of the country, the actual situation is only known in their hearts.

The general already knew that he had lost, but the fanaticism in his heart had not diminished by half. Demons liked nothing more than fighting against strong men.

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