The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 186 Huang Long was frightened.

"Ding! Player Du Yu uses the fourth characteristic of the Zhuxian Sword, Soul Devouring, to refine and devour the souls on the battlefield, gaining spiritual power +100."

"Ding! Player Du Yu uses the fourth characteristic of the Zhuxian Sword, Soul Devouring, to refine and devour the souls on the battlefield, gaining spiritual power +100."

"Ding! Player Du Yu uses the fourth characteristic of the Zhuxian Sword, Soul Devouring, to refine and devour the souls on the battlefield, gaining spiritual power +100."

"Ding! Player Du Yu..."

"Ding! Player Du Yu..." At this moment, a crazier system prompt sounded than before. Du Yu's spiritual power was nourished to the extreme by absorbing a large amount of extremely rich ownerless soul power, and he continued to make breakthroughs. Another breakthrough!

It's improving like crazy!

By the time everything calmed down, a few more minutes had passed.


Du Yu put away the Immortal Killing Sword and glanced around the battlefield. At this moment, there was no living soul on the huge battlefield. The broken souls of up to two million Yellow Turban heavy cavalry on the battlefield were all refined and absorbed by him, turning them into part of one's own strength.

Du Yu's heart moved and he glanced at his spiritual power.

I only saw that the attributes in the mental strength column have reached a new high, from 400,000 points at the beginning to 550,000 points.

"Not bad."

Du Yu was very satisfied and withdrew from looking at his personal attributes, feeling quite happy in his heart.

Killing the Yellow Turban Army and devouring the soul power of these Yellow Turban Army, Du Yu felt no fluctuation in his heart.

These people are all their own enemies.

When it comes to dealing with enemies, Du Yu has already learned one truth in the baptism of twenty years in his previous life...that is, never show mercy, or not be enemies with them. Once they are enemies, they must be completely eradicated and destroyed. Fight to the end!

Can you benefit from killing your enemy?

That's naturally better.

Make the best use of everything.

There is no unnecessary false kindness in Du Yu's heart. With twenty years of bloody life in his previous life and a miserable life at the bottom, Du Yu's heart has already become extremely cold and hard-hearted. Even if he has done something like swallowing two million He now accepts the matter of a person's remnant soul calmly.

Du Yu quietly digested the rapid increase in spiritual power, and many spiritual lights in his mind also collided. As the soul power increased rapidly, he could see those things in a void of space without even using the power of the Enlightenment Stone at this moment. The power of the rules hidden at the bottom of the world has fluctuated.

Even some of the powers of rules that were not well understood at this moment have a new understanding, which has made progress in the understanding of some of the powers of rules, and is no longer as tight as before.

The soul is the basis of life.

A strong soul will bring many benefits, it will greatly increase understanding, and make the path of cultivation smoother... At the same time, if the power of the soul is developed to an extremely strong level, it will also bring about many strange and unpredictable abilities.

Pieces of information about soul power flashed through Du Yu's mind, and for the first time he had a deep understanding of this information.

After thinking for a while, Du Yu quickly put aside many thoughts in his mind.

He has not forgotten that he is still on the battlefield at this moment.

There are more Yellow Turbans not far away waiting for him to harvest.

Du Yu looked around and saw that Huang Zhong, Wang Han and others were surrounding him at this moment. The soldiers of the Qilin Legion were also lined up neatly, ready to charge again at any time and enter the next round of battle.

"Lord! Fortunately, we have fulfilled our mission and have wiped out the first wave of more than two million Yellow Turban heavy cavalry!" Huang Zhong bowed and reported the battle situation to Du Yu.

"Lord! Please issue the next war order!" Wang Han also saluted and asked for a fight.

"You guys did a great job."

Du Yu also looked at the two of them, and then glanced at the large number of Qilin soldiers around him. He raised the blood-red Zhuxian Sword high in his hand and shouted: "The Yellow Turban Army still has a large number of sergeants in front. All soldiers continue to advance. Crush them and show off the power of my Qilin! After the war, everyone will have a reward, a big reward!"


Many Qilin soldiers and generals took the order one after another. The next moment, Huang Zhong and Wang Han also looked at each other. They looked at each other and smiled. They immediately urged their mounts under their butts and led the troops to charge again, not far away. The nearly five million Yellow Turban infantry phalanx led by Huang Long killed them.

"Kun beast, advance with the army!"

Du Yu once again rode on the back of the Kun beast and gave the order. The huge Kun beast also galloped out the next moment. As many soldiers of the Qilin Legion moved together, they were waiting for the battle not far away, and they all showed frightened expressions. The infantrymen of the Yellow Turban Army.

At the same time, a large amount of reward information for killing two million Yellow Turban heavy cavalry also appeared, blasting directly in Du Yu's ears.

"Congratulations to player Du Yu. The Qilin Legion and Shen Gong Battalion Legion you led killed two million Yellow Turban elite heavy cavalry. You obtained 15 million killing points, 5 million merit points, and 5,000 gold coins. Wan, you gained a reputation of 10 million."

"You get a lot of war supplies, you get food."

"You have obtained 1109808 black iron treasure chests, 610234 bronze treasure chests, 290292 silver treasure chests, and 102941 gold treasure chests."


Hundreds of thousands of beast-level wild dragons were galloping across the land, with a devouring momentum that caused the Yellow Turban Army in the distance to retreat again and again. Their morale was greatly reduced and their hearts were filled with fear!

At this moment, in the most central area of ​​the Yellow Turban Army, Huang Long and the remaining generals looked at each other, peeping at each other.

The scene was deathly silent...

Their faces were full of horror, disbelief, despair and many other negative emotions.

They had been watching the whole scene of Guan Hai and other Yellow Turban emperor-level generals leading troops into battle. He saw how the Qilin soldiers under Du Yu easily crushed and killed imperial generals such as Guan Hai, and killed all the more than two million elite heavy cavalry they led.

The Shura field-like scene was simply too terrifying, completely beyond the imagination of all the remaining Yellow Turban generals, including Huang Long.

Liu Biao's army in Jingzhou? Those big Han regular troops?

Although those people are also tyrannical, they are not at the same level as Du Yu's terrifying army...

Just like the gap between boy scouts and elite warriors.


These terrifying soldiers under Du Yu are even countless times stronger than that!

"Two million heavy cavalry, Guan Hai and other soldiers were completely swept away in just a few minutes?"

"How can it be."

"How could this happen..." Huang Long's body swayed, his legs and feet were a little weak. Looking at the water mirror picture, the Qilin Legion resumed its charge and came towards him and others. At this moment, his heart was filled with ice and he was horrified. My heart is broken!

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