"We'd better go in first. After all, we will be protected by the barrier after entering."

Uncle Li frowned and said, because he also had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Saying this, Li Bo stretched out his hand and began to untie the barrier.

Du Yu nodded, but kept looking around, fearing that something strange would appear.

"Du Yu, did you hear any subtle sound? It was just like what you said before..."

Shen Yunxi always felt that there was some sound in his ears, but he could not find the direction from which the sound came. For a moment, he felt a little scary.

Du Yu felt that Shen Yunxi's words were a bit baffling and shook his head.

"But I always feel like someone is saying something in my ear, and I can't hear it clearly. There is always a sound anyway."

What Shen Yunxi said made even Uncle Li in front of him feel a little strange.

"Miss Shen, I'm afraid this is not your illusion. We are in my own barrier now and you can hear the sound. Why can't I?"

Although there were some doubts in his words, Li Bo's attention was still on the barrier at the entrance of the cave.

After hearing this, Shen Yunxi frowned in discomfort.

But soon the inner unhappiness was dispersed by the terrifying atmosphere around him.

"But I really heard a voice, and it was getting clearer and clearer, as if it was telling me where to go."

Du Yu felt more and more that something was wrong, and Li Bo also noticed something was wrong.

"Cover your ears, don't listen to this voice, don't be fooled, this is the shark's trick!"

Uncle Li scolded loudly, but still did not lose his attention.

Du Yu also quickly helped Shen Yunxi cover his ears.

"That person said before that whenever the shark on the bottom of the sea finds someone, he will use his voice to lure the person to him and then eat him."

After speaking, Li Bo still felt that what he said was not too shocking, so he continued, "And they are very cruel."

When Uncle Li said this, Shen Yunxi was immediately frightened and did not dare to continue listening. She covered her ears tightly, and the sound in her ears slowly dissipated.

This went on for a while.

"Okay, it's open, come in quickly!"

Li Bo finally broke the barrier and quickly called Du Yu and Shen Yunxi in.

After all, Shen Yunxi had now attracted the shark's attention, so Du Yu directly pulled Shen Yunxi into the cave.

Li Bo was the last one to go in, and he also covered the original barrier with his own barrier, so that he could know in time whether there was an intrusion from outsiders.

"Okay, now do you still feel the sound in your ears?"

After Uncle Li took care of the funeral affairs, he walked to Shen Yunxi and asked.

Shen Yunxi was stunned by this somewhat terrifying situation. After hearing Uncle Li's words, she just shook her head slightly.

Seeing Shen Yunxi who was a little stunned, Du Yu looked a little embarrassed when he saw Uncle Li, and Uncle Li also understood what Du Yu meant.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Du, this is normal. After all, she was affected by the sound. Although she won't let him be controlled by the shark, it won't make him feel better for a while."

Seeing that Shen Yunxi was fine, Uncle Li walked around to check the situation of the cave.

Du Yu glanced at Uncle Li who was wandering around, and then at Shen Yunxi in his arms.

“If you have any questions, ask them.”

After Du Yu finished speaking, he continued to comfort Shen Yunxi in his arms, letting Shen Yunxi slowly calm down.

"You don't have to wait too long. I found a mechanism here. It seems that this powerful man doesn't care much about the place where he died."

Li Bo stroked the bluish rock with one hand and groped around.

Du Yu suddenly raised his head after listening to Uncle Li's words, "You were found so easily?"

I don't know why everything went so smoothly, but Du Yu always felt a little ominous.

Because Li Bo had never experienced anything, he didn't notice anything for a while.

"Uncle Li, please come over and help me take a look at Yunxi. I'll take a look at what this agency is about. I always feel that it's not that simple."

Du Yu slightly supported Shen Yunxi and said to Uncle Li, his brows also furrowed because of the troubles he encountered.

After hearing Du Yu's words, Li Bo turned his head and walked towards Du Yu, and finally took Shen Yunxi from Du Yu's hand.

Uncle Li was not very close to Shen Yunxi. He just held one of Shen Yunxi's hands and asked him to stand up.

Even so, Uncle Li did not just support Shen Yunxi like this, but used the hand that supported Shen Yunxi to transmit spiritual power to Shen Yunxi, allowing Shen Yunxi to recover quickly.

Sure enough, with the blessing of spiritual power, Shen Yunxi recovered quickly.

Du Yu came to where Li Bo was standing before and put his hand on the moss-covered rock.

There is no wet feeling on it, but a sense of hollowness.

Du Yu gently knocked on the rock, and sure enough he heard a crisp sound.

In order to verify what he was thinking, Du Yu pressed it directly.


There was a loud noise, and a rock deep in the cave suddenly opened inside.

What appears inside is an empty space.

The walls inside were carved with complex patterns. Since he didn't look closely, Du Yu couldn't tell what was carved on them for a while.

But the single most obvious one belongs to the central box.

"Are all the great powers on your land so poor? In the end, there is only one box left."

Although there is some ambiguity in this sentence, Li Bo does not have any malicious intent.

Du Yu also knew the other party's situation, so he didn't say anything, but kept looking at the box.

Shen Yunxi also slowly woke up, and what he saw when he opened his eyes was the box in the center.

"What's going on? Didn't we just come out of the cave? Why are we in another place now?"

After hearing what Shen Yunxi said, both Li Bo and Du Yu looked at her in surprise.

"Tell me again, what were we doing just now?"

Du Yu turned around and walked towards Shen Yunxi, looking at him in disbelief.

Shen Yunxi was frightened by Du Yu's appearance. He opened his mouth for a moment but did not say a word.

In the end, Uncle Li patted Du Yu, making Du Yu think of it, and the current situation calmed down.

"Miss Shen, say it again, what you just said."

Looking at the strange two people, they suddenly felt a little strange in their hearts, but they still said the words exactly as they were said.

After hearing this sentence again, Li Bo and Du Yu looked at each other in surprise.

From this, it can be seen that Shen Yunxi completely lost the memory in the middle. It seems that Shen Yunxi was directly confused by the sound after leaving the cave entrance.

This situation that was beyond his control made Uncle Li feel unhappy and even frowned.

The situation is a bit out of control now, even beyond expectations. What will happen next.

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