Walking down the stairs, you will see a dark tunnel.

It was so dark in this tunnel that you couldn't even see your fingers.

"This place is so dark, you want to go there blind?"

Du Yu curled his lips and looked at his surroundings.

At this time, Du Yu really didn't want to be with Xingyu and Hongying.

Xingyu belongs to a man, but it doesn't mean that Hongying is tolerant. Hearing Du Yu's words, he immediately became furious.

"Du Yu, you'd better organize your words before speaking. Do you still want your Yunxi!"

As Hongying spoke, she pulled the whip in her hand and made a snapping sound in the empty tunnel.

Du Yu was not afraid of the whip in the opponent's hand at all, he just turned his head slightly and looked at the wall of the tunnel.

"Okay, Hongying, don't talk so much. Have you forgotten our purpose? There is no need to talk so much."

Xingyu turned his head and glared at Hongying, with some warning in his eyes.

But then Xingyu glanced at Du Yu again, with a trace of struggle flashing in his eyes.

Of course Du Yu saw Xingyu's look, and he also knew why the other party looked at him like that.

"What? Are you afraid that I'll deal with you two after I'm completely healed? Humph."

Du Yu snorted and turned his head and stopped talking.

Hongying hates seeing the other person like this the most. When she sees the other person like this, she feels like going up with a whip and giving him a few blows.

Du Yu even took a few steps back pretending to be scared and hugged himself with his hands.

Xingyu stopped this in time, squeezed Hongying's hand, and told her not to continue like this.

"Hmph, if it weren't for Xingyu, I would have given you cramps and skinned you!"

Hongying shook the whip in her hand vigorously, and then walked forward.

Xingyu just glanced at Du Yu without saying anything, and then followed him.

Du Yu shrugged and continued walking forward with a look of helplessness.

"By the way, how long is this tunnel? We've been walking for so long and we haven't arrived yet. Hey, the information you two have is correct, right?"

Du Yu only felt that he had been walking in this dark tunnel for a long time. There was no light in front of him, and the only light in the back gradually disappeared.

Xingyu in front did not stop, but Hongying in the back turned around and snorted at Du Yu.

"I thought you were so strong, but I didn't expect you were tired after just walking for a while. I think you are a waste!"

Hongying curled her lips and looked at Du Yu with disdain, as if she was looking at an ant.

Du Yu had long been accustomed to Hongying's appearance. After all, in this short period of time, whenever he said something or did something, Hongying would be picky.

"Hey, that log in front of us, we might as well sit down and have a rest. If we keep going like this, I'm afraid we'll be exhausted and thirsty before we get there!"

After Du Yu finished speaking, he took it off directly and sat down on the ground.

"If you want to go, you can go. Anyway, I can't walk anymore. I want to rest for a while."

Du Yu said this and closed his eyes.

Not long after, there were bursts of snoring, and it was obvious that Du Yu had fallen asleep.

Seeing Du Yu like this, Hongying couldn't help but want to take out her whip and hit him.

Hongying had no choice but to look at Xingyu who was walking in front and stopped.

Xingyu turned around and turned back, carrying the sleeping Du Yu on his back and walking forward.

"Let's go, don't delay any longer."

Xingyu's expression of indifference and his cold voice left Hongying helpless and had no choice but to follow behind.

"Xingyu wants me to say that we should leave him alone and leave him halfway."

Ever since Xingyu carried Du Yu on his back, Hongying had been talking beside him, but most of them were bad words about Du Yu.

But these Xingyu turned a deaf ear, as if they didn't hear it.

Soon the two of them entered the front, there was a faint light, and the speed of their feet could not help but speed up, but the same thing was that Du Yu on his back still did not wake up.

Seeing Du Yu who couldn't do this, Hongying couldn't help but curse.

Sure enough, what I saw after passing through the light was a room full of gold, silver and jewelry, as well as several swords and countless small boxes.

Of course, the two people's words are not simple, for those gold and silver jewelry, as well as those hidden elixirs and spiritual weapons.

But usually these things are placed in boxes. If there are so many boxes at once, I am afraid that the powerful one does not want them to take them away.

Xingyu and Hongying looked at each other and nodded, as if they had a clear understanding.

Xingyu dropped Du Yu very mercilessly, and then ran to find the box.

Du Yu, who was suddenly thrown onto the gold and silver jewelry, naturally woke up from the impact.

"Wow, what are you doing!" Belly touched his butt and head and said angrily, but when he opened his eyes, he was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

"What is this place? My eyes can blind me."

Du Yu blocked his eyes with a hand. After the buffering, he slowly moved the hand away and finally saw clearly all the scenes in front of him.

The mountains of gold, silver, jewelry and other things in front of him made Du Yu open his mouth in surprise.

Then looking at Xingyu and Hongying who were busy looking for things, Du Yu knew that their purpose was probably not as simple as selling jewelry.

Thinking like this, Du Yu looked at the gold and silver jewelry under his hands, and he took some and put them in his own space.

It might come in handy if you need it in the future.

"Hey, what are you looking for?"

Seeing the two people searching in such a hurry, Du Yu could conclude that this thing was definitely not simple.

"none of your business!"

Hongying, who was bending down to check the box, heard Du Yu's question and yelled back.

Du Yu was a little embarrassed by the yelling, so he touched his nose.

"If the thing you are looking for is important, I am sorry to tell you that it is probably not here. After all, this mechanism is too simple. If the great power really puts such an important thing behind such a simple mechanism, then It’s too disrespectful.”

Du Yu shrugged as he spoke and looked at the place.

To be honest, he felt that there was probably nothing else in this place except some gold and silver jewelry and some expensive jewelry, which was used to confuse some greedy people.

When Xingyu opened the box in his hand again and found that it was still jewelry, he began to pay attention to Du Yu's words.

"Then where does Fellow Daoist Du think he might hide those valuable things?"

Hearing Xingyu's question, Du Yu laughed twice and said mysteriously.

"If I were this powerful, I would use some complicated mechanisms, such as illusions or something, to hide this thing."

After hearing Du Yu's words, Hongying couldn't help rolling her eyes and giving him a mocking laugh.

But Xingyu was thinking seriously after hearing this.

Du Yu didn't care about Hongying's attitude. Instead, he looked at Xingyu with a smile on his face. He wanted to know what the other person's next plan was.

Or what kind of show he will see next.

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