"I didn't expect you two to be able to come out of the Land of Exile."

As soon as he came over, a saint covered in mucus suddenly came over.

Du Yu and Pangu saluted hurriedly when they saw this, and then said modestly, "It's just good luck."

The other monks laughed and said nothing when they heard this.

Immediately, many saints watched Du Yu and Pangu curiously.

"You two, come up with me. This place of exile is so desolate that it is no longer suitable for you two to stay."

Several saints advised him one after another.

Du Yu was extremely excited when he saw this. To be honest, he was also very curious about this saint's place.

What's wrong with being able to leave this place of exile now?

But in an instant, Du Yu thought of Pangu.

Although Pangu's strength has become much stronger.

But after all, Du Yu has never fought against other saints, and Du Yu still has no confidence in the strength of other saints.

And in this way, taking Pangu to the land of saints is breaking the rules.

After thinking about it, Du Yu shook his head and said, "Thank you seniors for your kindness, but my brother's strength has not yet broken through to the realm of a saint."

After finishing speaking, Du Yu's eyes fell on Pangu.

This glance exudes a kind of encouraging power.

Pangu stood proudly beside Du Yu.

Although he has not found a way to reach the Holy Saint yet, Pangu believes that if he continues at this level, it will not be long before his strength can achieve the Holy Saint.

And on that day, he will naturally not embarrass Du Yu, and the two of them will legitimately step into the land of saints.

The other saints glanced at Pangu and were slightly moved when they remembered the powerful strength Pangu had just exploded.

Immediately, a saint full of holiness came out.

"The Lord just informed me and made an exception to allow this little brother to go to the Saint's Land."

As soon as this saint appeared, other saints made way for him.

Du Yu and Pangu immediately understood that this saint probably had a very high prestige among many saints.

"The Saint of Light has spoken, why don't you come here quickly?"

Sage Tianhuo and Sage Tianmu had the best relationship with Du Yu compared to other saints because they had met Du Yu for the first time.

Upon seeing this, Du Yu and Pangu hurriedly saluted the bright saint.

"Thank you for your help, senior."

Immediately, the two looked at each other and then walked towards the land of the saint.

Because the place of exile was very close to the Land of Saints, the two of them reappeared on the Land of Saints not long after.

As soon as he landed on the land of saints, Du Yu couldn't help but groan.

It has to be said that the spiritual power above the Saint's Land is very abundant, and this spiritual power is very pure and does not need to be filtered at all.

It can be said that Du Yu has seen a lot of paradise in these years.

There are also many places suitable for monks to practice on these cave heaven paradises.

But even so, compared with the land of saints in front of us, those heavenly paradises are basically the same as the heaven and the earth.

"In a place like this, if you don't do anything every day, your own strength will be improved."

Du Yu was filled with emotion.

Sage Tianhuo seemed to have read Du Yu's thoughts, and immediately smiled and said, "This is the land of saints, and it is also the most suitable place for saints to live."

Du Yu fully recognized the words of the Heavenly Fire Sage.

On the contrary, Pangu was here, and he was absolutely delighted.

In the Land of Exile, his spiritual power was very poor, and all he could absorb was the power of earth.

The benefit of this is that Pangu's own understanding is rapidly improving.

But now, with this abundant spiritual power, Pangu believes that it will not be long before his realm can keep up with the power system he has comprehended.

Immediately, Pangu frantically absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy.

When originally sparring with Du Yu, Pangu consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy.

At this moment, as Pangu absorbed the spiritual power from the outside world, the power in his body became stronger and stronger.

When other saints saw this scene, their attitude toward Pangu immediately improved a lot.

Although it is very difficult to become a saint, judging from Pangu's performance, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a saint.

In this case, there is no need to embarrass Pangu.

Seeing Pangu directly enter the state of cultivation, Du Yu was also a little helpless.

After looking at it, Du Yu finally woke Pangu up from his practice state.

Originally, the two of them had already violated the rules here.

But now, the necessary respect for saints still needs to be given.

Pangu was woken up by Du Yu, and a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face. Soon Pangu apologized and said to the Saint of Light, "Senior, I am rude."

The Saint of Light didn't even notice, his face was still filled with holy light.

"Come with me."

When the other saints saw this scene, their expressions did not change at all.

In fact, they all experienced this scene after becoming holy.

Naturally, he is very familiar with the process in front of him.

Immediately, under the leadership of the Guangming Saint, Du Yu and Pangu flew towards the center of the Saint's Land.

Not long after, I saw a huge palace floating in the sky.

This palace is where the Lord practices his spiritual life.

"Ahead is the palace where the master practices."

As soon as the Saint of Light finished speaking, he flew directly into the air.

When Du Yu and Pangu saw this, they also activated their strength and flew into the air.

At this moment, Pangu felt something was wrong.

In the land of saints, he usually doesn't feel anything, but after he got close to this place, he felt like he was falling down with a thousand kilograms of force around him when he was about to fly.

These forces made it difficult for Pangu to fly upward.

Du Yu immediately noticed this change.

In fact, just as he was flying upward, Du Yu noticed an inexplicable force around him.

Du Yu understood it in an instant. Just as he was about to help Pangu, the voice of the Saint of Light came over, "If he can't come here, he won't be able to stay in the land of the Saint."

After the Saint of Light finished speaking, a holy power emanated from his body, and at the same time he quietly looked at the struggling Pangu below.

Du Yu was stunned on the spot after hearing what the Saint of Light had said. Then Du Yu started to watch quietly from the side.

But here, Pangu felt the huge pressure on his body, roared, and immediately flew upwards.

It took a whole day for Pangu to step on the palace in the sky. *

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