Du Yu was running around giving notices while killing the evil ghosts he saw.

Soon, at least half of the number of these evil spirits disappeared, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

Everyone was very grateful to Du Yu. After all, if it weren't for Du Yu, they would have been killed by the evil ghost.

Du Yu was almost running around, and the evil ghosts had almost disappeared.

Just when Du Yu wanted to find Bai Ling'er, Bai Ling'er came directly to the door himself.

"Is everything done?"

"Seniors have finished dealing with it, what should we do next?"

The evil ghost was dealt with, and Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Du Yu's tired look, Bai Ling'er walked up to Du Yu, raised her hand, and gently tapped Du Yu's forehead with her fingertips.

Du Yu only felt that his whole body became energetic after being treated like this.

"Senior, what are you doing? I feel much more energetic."

Du Yu jumped twice as he spoke, but Bai Ling'er's lips were now a little white.

But Bai Ling'er didn't let Du Yu find out.

"This is just a spell commonly used by us monsters, nothing important."

Now their most important task is to find the source of the treasure, and she can't let Du Yu be distracted.

Du Yu didn't seem to notice anything strange about Bai Ling'er, and he was very restless.

"Okay, just follow me next. I think we'll find the source of the treasure soon."

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, he walked forward on his own.

Du Yu felt a little helpless, but still followed Bai Ling'er.

Not long after, the two came to the outside of a cave. This cave was different from those cold and damp caves.

I don’t know why it was still the coldness of those evil ghosts a second ago, but now it makes people feel a little warm.

"Come in with me now."

Bai Linger paused for a moment, then walked inside.

Du Yu looked at this place with a hint of curiosity behind Bai Ling'er.

There were obviously drops of water dripping from some places, but there was no clammy feeling at all.

He didn't even know why Du Yu felt that he was slowly being nourished.

After walking for a long time, after breaking through the darkness, there was light.

What comes into view is different from the forests outside. Instead, they are all growing with peach blossoms, just like a peach orchard in its prime.

Du Yu looked here in surprise and saw many furry animals inside.

Rather than being animals, they are more like little dumplings covered in downy hair.

If it was a girl, maybe the whole person would fall.

"Senior, what are these things? Could they be the source of treasure you talk about?"

Du Yu still remembered what he heard from Bai Ling'er. Baoyuan was very cute and popular with some girls.

Bai Ling'er looked at the paradise in front of her and nodded.

"They can be said to be the Baoyuan clan. What you want to capture is of course not just any Baoyuan, but their clan leader."

"Mature treasure sources can find treasures faster, and the quality of those treasures is very high."

Bai Ling'er said as he walked inside.

When the surrounding Baoyuan saw a stranger coming in, they couldn't help but gathered around him.

The cute little dumplings gathered around his feet, and his heart melted. Du Yu felt the same way.

"Don't look at them being so cute. Baoyuan has a very bad temper when he grows up."

Hearing Bai Ling'er say this, Du Yu still didn't believe it. After all, she was the one who said Baoyuan was cute at first, but now she is the one who says he has a bad temper when he grows up.

Bai Ling'er looked at the disbelief in Du Yu's eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

"I finally understand why your master taught me so much knowledge. It turns out that everything is for you."

After Du Yu heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

After all, Du Yu's in-depth instructions on how to become stronger were something he really didn't know much about.

"Senior, let's go find the clan leader you call him."

Du Yu didn't like Bai Ling'er looking at him like this, so he quickly changed direction.

Bai Ling'er glanced at Du Yu, as if she had read all Du Yu's thoughts.

"You can release Du Qing later. These treasure sources have the ability to heal."

Du Yu nodded to express that he understood. Seeing the other party acting like this, Bai Ling'er stopped saying anything else.

The place was not big, and the two of them arrived outside a small house not long after walking.

But Baoyuan in the room seemed to be aware of Du Yu's arrival, so he came out of the room to greet them.

"Welcome to your arrival, you must be asking for something from us."

The deep voice is not the voice of an old man, but rather the voice of a young man.

I saw a Baoyuan staggering out, followed by many smaller Baoyuan.

Seeing each other like this, Du Yu just thought they were very cute.

Aware of his current demeanor, some powerful Androids clenched their fists and tried to regain their consciousness by using their nails.

Sure enough, this trick worked very well, and the tingling sensation in his hand successfully restored Du Yu's sanity.

"We are going to find a Hundred Poison Fruit right now, so we need your help, but I hope you, the clan leaders, know what our real purpose is."

Bai Ling'er narrowed her eyes, with a hint of threat in her eyes.

Baoyuan was very sensitive to this emotion and understood the reason why the other party came.

I suddenly felt very angry and couldn't help coughing twice.

"This is our territory!"

"So what if it's your territory? Is it possible that you can beat me?"

Du Yu choked and coughed at Bai Ling'er's words. Why didn't he expect Bai Ling'er to be so shameless?

The purpose of the treasure source is obviously to find where the treasure comes from to combat power.

Baoyuan's eyes were small, but he was also shocked by Bai Ling'er's shamelessness.

"Since I can't beat you, I'm still here to negotiate terms with you."

If Bai Ling'er knew what Du Yu was thinking, she would definitely have a fight with Du Yu. After all, she didn't even have the face to fight for Du Yu here.

How can I expect that the other party actually despises me in his heart?

"But you know I am the clan leader. If I leave, what will happen to the other treasure sources?"

They don't have extra spiritual energy to set up the barrier, so they usually rely on it being relatively secretive so no one can discover it.

Du Yu also realized this problem. There are so many small treasure sources here. If they take the clan leader away, what will happen to the other small treasure sources?

Obviously their current approach won't work.

"Don't worry, this is not a problem."

After all, in Bai Ling'er's eyes, this kind of thing is not a problem in the first place.

Isn't it just a barrier? There is nothing difficult for Bai Ling'er to handle. *

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