The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2026 Peach Blossom Town

Not long after walking, Du Yu suddenly remembered them and had no idea where the Baidu Fruit was.

"Don't worry, even though I don't know very clearly, aren't we now active?"

Bai Ling'er was still walking in front leisurely, as if she wasn't worried about this matter at all.

Du Yu frowned slightly, feeling that Bai Ling'er was a bit irresponsible, but he didn't say anything. After all, he was mainly needed for this matter.

"Yuan Mo, do you know where the Hundred Poison Fruit grows?"

It seemed that Bai Ling'er couldn't be relied on now, so Du Yu turned around and asked Yuan Hao.

"I have heard about the Baidu Fruit. I remember that it grows in a very common place. It probably goes in that direction."

Yuan Hao pointed in a direction as he spoke.

Du Yu looked in this direction and frowned, wanting to say something, but did not speak.

Bai Ling'er in front seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. When he spoke, he pointed out what Du Yu wanted to say.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't be secretive. It won't be easy to handle if something happens."

Du Yu hesitated for a while, and finally decided to tell the matter, "That place is a prosperous town, and it is said that there is a sect there, but how can Baidu Fruit grow in that place?"

"If the Baidu Fruit grew in that kind of place, it might have been discovered and picked long ago."

Although Du Yu said this is indeed a problem, in Yuan Xiao's memory, Baidu Fruit grows in a very common environment, so it is not surprising that it can grow in that place.

"Who knows if it has been discovered? If it is discovered, but the news has been suppressed, wouldn't it be difficult to explain? We might as well go there and have a look."

Bai Ling'er gradually became interested in this matter, curled her lips and squatted down slightly.

Seeing Bai Ling'er's posture, Du Yu instantly guessed what Bai Ling'er wanted to do.

"Senior, you don't want to use Thousand Miles of Retraction, do you? Wouldn't it be harmful to your body? After all, I see you are so tired during this period."

Something happened just now, and now Bai Ling'er is going to be traveling thousands of miles like this, which may not be good for his health.

But it was obvious that even if Bai Ling'er's body really couldn't hold on any longer, she would not tell Du Yu.

What Bai Ling'er wants now is to finish paving the road she wants to pave for Du Yu as soon as possible, and then have fun everywhere.

"It's okay. Who am I? Can this little thing trouble me? Come and get ready."

Seeing Bai Ling'er swearing so confidently, Du Yu nodded helplessly and walked to Bai Ling'er's side.

Yuan Mo didn't know what was going on, but he watched Du Yu do this and followed suit.

The surrounding scenes flashed by, and after they became clear again, they saw a large stone beam in front of them, with the words "Peach Blossom Town" written on it.

"Is this where it is?"

Yuan Mo nodded, he was very sure that the aura of the Hundred Poison Fruit was here.

There were a lot of people coming and going at this time, but because Bai Ling'er and the others were behind a tree, no one noticed the three people who suddenly came out.

The three of them entered Peach Blossom Town like this. Peach Blossom Town was really lively, with stalls selling food everywhere.

Many girls looked at Rouge, while some men watched with the girls and so on.

This scene looks pleasant, but I don't know if the reality is like this. Du Yu is very keenly aware that this is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Senior, this place is not as simple as it seems. I always feel a little weird."

Du Yu used his spiritual consciousness to transmit messages to Bai Ling'er.

"Although this place does look weird, everyone here is a real person, not a puppet. The happiness in their hearts also comes from the heart."

Hearing Bai Ling'er's answer to Du Yu, he turned his head and looked at Bai Ling'er in surprise.

He originally thought that these strange feelings came from the people here, but there was nothing wrong with the people here, so where did the strange feeling he felt come from?

"This matter requires you to investigate carefully. After all, there may be a huge secret here and everyone here is protecting this secret."

With a smile in her eyes, Bai Ling'er glanced at Du Yu and stopped replying.

Yuan Hao, who didn't know anything, looked at Bai Ling'er and Du Yu as if they were flirting with each other, and suddenly felt that he shouldn't be standing here, but somewhere further away.

"Okay, let's find a small shop and take a rest early. I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to find the Baidu Fruit today."

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, he walked forward.

After all, Peach Blossom Town seemed prosperous, so it was easy to find a small shop to take a rest early.

But it can't be said to be a rest, just that the three of them sat together and talked about what to do next.

"Yuanlu, can you feel the specific location of the Hundred Poison Fruit? Now that we are here, it should be easy for you to feel it."

Du Yu looked a little anxious now. He didn't know whether it was because he was worried about Du Qing or because he wanted to get the Hundred Poison Fruit quickly.

But all this looks good in Bai Ling'er's eyes. After all, doing things slowly is not a good habit.

Yuan Hao gently closed his eyes and began to sense the fluctuations around him.

After a while, Yuan Loo slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand slightly and pointed in a direction.

"There, the Hundred Poison Fruit is there."

Du Yu looked in the direction of Yuan Hao, and happened to see the mountains in the distance through the open window.

The mountain is very high and surrounded by clouds and mist, making it difficult to see what is going on inside. It seems to be protecting the mountain.

"Isn't that place the Tianyun Sect?"

"But how could the Hundred Poison Fruit appear in the Tianyun Sect? If it is true, then this news should have been revealed a long time ago."

Du Yu fell into deep thought about this matter.

After all, as long as every sect gets a treasure, it will spread to all directions immediately.

Seeing that Du Yu was so concerned about this matter, Bai Ling'er couldn't help but remind him, "Didn't I say that everyone in this town seems to be hiding some secret? As for what this secret is, I think it should I don’t need to say anything more.”

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, she ate the fruit on the plate, and Du Yu was also awakened by this sentence.

But Du Yu is definitely not hiding it voluntarily from everyone here. Maybe it's because of something. As for what it is, I'm afraid he still needs to explore it himself. *

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