After Bai Ling'er's aura covered the entire Tomorrow Sect, Du Yu felt that the aura was very depressing.

This oppression comes from the superior, so Du Yu thinks that if he becomes stronger, can he do the same?

And not far away, there was a place where the figure of a graceful woman gradually appeared.

The woman was wearing a red dress that looked very frivolous, but she had a cloak on her body.

"I didn't expect that Lord Nine-tailed Fox is different from us. His aura is so strong that I can't even hide myself."

Seeing that she had appeared in front of everyone, the graceful woman did not panic at all, but walked towards the crowd with cat steps.

The woman has a good figure, and this step highlights her temperament.

Bai Ling'er narrowed her eyes and said, "You, a bastard vixen like you, talk to me in this tone?"

Hearing the doubt in Bai Ling'er's words also made the woman angry. The originally calm woman became unsteady due to these words.

Du Yu on the side looked at Bai Ling'er seriously. He didn't expect the other party to speak so harshly, but Du Yu soon got used to it. After all, Bai Ling'er never spoke harshly.

"What do you mean? Is it true that your nine-tailed foxes are allowed to exist in this world, but we ordinary foxes are not allowed to exist?"

"You guys can become a nine-tailed fox, why can't we? It's the unfairness of heaven after all. If it's unfair, why can't I resist heaven!"

Seeing the graceful woman's ferocious face, Bai Ling'er seemed to think of her past self, who thought the same way at the time.

Du Yu saw Bai Ling'er lost in thought and knew that Bai Ling'er was recalling the past again.

In order to prevent the woman in front of him from hurting Bai Ling'er, Du Yu quietly walked in front of Bai Ling'er and blocked Bai Ling'er.

This protective gesture made the woman in front of him angry.

Because Du Yu is the favored son of heaven that he is jealous of, and Bai Ling'er is a nine-tailed fox, the combination of the two is simply the perfect chosen one.

"It's really ridiculous to look at you like this. Does she need your protection? She is a nine-tailed fox who can crush us to death with one finger."

The woman roared loudly, but Du Yu didn't take the woman's words to heart at all.

She roared with all her strength, and the woman's neck began to turn red.

Du Dan started to panic when he saw the scene in front of him. He didn't expect that Bai Ling'er was so powerful. If he had known that the other party was like this, he shouldn't have been so stupid.

This made Du Dan feel that the woman was the one behind all this, so Du Dan looked at the woman with resentful eyes.

After the woman noticed Du Dan's eyes, she began to laugh mockingly, raised her slender hand, and pointed at everyone with her Dankou-coated fingers.

"What's your look like? Are you blaming me? I asked you when I appeared in front of you. It was you who shamelessly insisted on me helping you. Now you are blaming me, and you guys Elders, it’s all because of your doting that you brought him up like this!”

The woman used a harsh voice to expose the hypocrisy of this group of people, making Du Dan's livid face turn a little red.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m ashamed or how I feel.

When the leader heard that these things were being manipulated by this woman behind closed doors, he felt that it was her fault and spread all his resentment towards Bai Ling'er and Du Yu on the woman.

"You little vixen, you talk so arrogantly and make my disciple look like this. I will make you never reincarnate!"

After the leader finished speaking, he slapped the woman directly, but the woman did not react.

But before that, Bai Ling'er suddenly flashed in front of the woman and caught the palm for her.

Under the leader's surprised eyes, Bai Ling'er stared at the other party coldly and spoke.

"Isn't she clear enough? Your apprentice is willing to become like this. Is it possible that you treat her like this just because she is a fox demon?"

The woman behind her looked at this scene in shock. The man told her that the nine-tailed fox had always been arrogant and did not regard the lives of ordinary foxes like them as their lives.

But now it seems to have deviated from her understanding.

Du Yu dodged to Du Dan's side and locked Du Dan's throat.

"Head of the Yuntian Sect, I advise you not to act rashly. I, Du, am not a merciful person. If you continue to do this kind of thing to my people, then don't blame me for being ruthless. ”

As Du Yu said this, he tightened his hand around Du Dan's throat.

Du Dan only felt that his breathing had gradually decreased, his face gradually turned purple, and his lips began to turn purple.

"Stop it, he's just a fox demon, and you're still helping him like this. It's obviously him who caused you to do this!"

Seeing that his apprentice was being threatened, the leader quickly retracted his hand and stood aside, waving his sleeves and saying.

There was a hint of fanning in the language, hoping that Du Yubai Ling'er and the fox demon would break up so that he could deal with the fox demon when the time came.

He had heard that the fox demon had many treasures. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have all those treasures in his pocket?

The greed in the leader's eyes never escaped the eyes of Du Yu and Bai Ling'er, and they looked at each other.

"Then what do you think we should do now? I advise you to give me the Hundred Poison Fruit quickly, and I will let your apprentice go!"

As Du Yu spoke, he pinched Du Dan's neck and moved forward, indicating that he was the one with the handle.

The elders were all embarrassed, and naturally they looked at the leader with pleading eyes.

The elders consider Du Dan wholeheartedly, but the leader is not the leader. Although he still values ​​Du Dan very much, in fact he still pays attention to his own interests.

Now that Du Dan has become a demon, and has been tortured into this state, if he saves him with the Baidu Fruit, will he still get benefits?

At this critical moment, the leader, who had always loved Du Dan, actually began to compare the importance of Du Dan and Bai Du Guo.

Now that he is a man, you can see what the master is thinking. Du Dan looked at the master with disbelief. He did not expect that the master who always liked him would be like this.

Not to mention the elders, who usually felt that the leader loved Du Dan as much as they did, but now at such a critical moment, the other party actually began to hesitate and start to weigh things up. *

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