Originally, Du Yu thought that he would not encounter any small villages along the way, and he would only camp outside along the way.

To Du Yu's surprise, Bai Ling'er suddenly stopped while walking.

Du Yu turned to look at Bai Ling'er. Looking at Bai Ling'er's solemn expression, he knew what Bai Ling'er had discovered.

"Senior, have you discovered something? If you don't walk faster, you won't be able to find a good place to stay when it gets dark."

Du Yu looked around for a week. This area was not a good place to stay. He had to find a relatively open place.

I thought that only Bai Ling'er felt this way, but I didn't expect that Beiliang's expression on the side also became uncomfortable.

"There is a lot of demonic energy around here. It seems there is a demonic cult."

Beiliang frowned in a rare way, looking at the surrounding trees. They looked quite vibrant, but they always felt like they were surrounded by some black air.

Du Yu didn't pay attention at first, but after being affected by Beiliang and Bai Ling'er's emotions, he began to pay attention to the surrounding situation. Sure enough, the surroundings looked a bit strange.

Du Yu didn't have much spiritual power and couldn't tell, so he had to stand aside, a little at a loss, and at the same time, the darkness in her heart deepened.

On the other hand, Jun Baiyi's eyes darkened behind him, but no one noticed his emotional changes.

"Senior, we can't stay here forever. We might as well go ahead and see if there are any new situations. It won't be too late to make a decision then."

The demonic energy around him made Du Yu feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

Although Beiliang and Bai Ling'er felt the same, they didn't take it to heart.

Bai Ling'er and Beiliang didn't speak. They just nodded, indicating that they listened to Du Yu's opinion.

The group of people walked and walked like this, and finally arrived at a place, but it looked very deserted.

At first, I thought it was a small village from a distance, but when I got closer, I saw that there was a cloud of yellow sand everywhere, even though this was not a desert.

The dilapidated houses made the scene look even more gloomy, and even the weeds on the ground were dying.

Du Yu frowned. It seemed that this place was affected by demonic energy and became like this.

As soon as I walked inside, I found many old, young, women and children, but everyone was very shriveled, as if they had been hollowed out, with only bones and skin left.

"Save us, please give us something to eat."

"Sir, please give me something to eat. I can't stand it anymore."

"Sir, have mercy on us. We haven't eaten for a long time."

Du Yu and the others' brightly dressed clothes naturally attracted the attention of the people around them. Everyone crawled forward and prayed to Du Yu and the others for some food.

But Du Yu was in a very difficult situation. They didn't have much dry food along the way.

Du Yu is also a selfish person. He does not have much generosity to sympathize with everyone.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, they knew that it was impossible for Du Yu to give them food, and they all dispersed crying.

At the same time, some people were cursing Du Yu for dressing so brightly, but he was not even willing to give them a piece of food.

Human beings are all so selfish. If the other person cannot help them, in their eyes these people should be cast aside.

Especially Du Yu and the others were dressed brightly, but they were unwilling to help them.

Some people who still have a kind heart can only crawl to the side and eat the withered weeds on the ground.

"You are so well-dressed, but you are not even willing to share some food with us. It's really disgusting!"

"Maybe they are still laughing at us in their hearts. Let's kill them all and then rob them of all their belongings!"

The sensation of one person in a place like this will inevitably trigger the sensation of a large group of people. As expected, everyone was attracted by this condition.

Yes, these people are so brightly dressed. If you give them their things, it will all be theirs!

Maybe they can still have a lot of food.

The eyes of a group of people were glowing green, and it could be seen that they had made a decision in their hearts at this time, and they were approaching Du Yu and the others one by one.

"I really didn't expect it. Where do you think you have the power to defeat us? It's just a deserted village, and there are not many useful people who can come out!"

Bai Ling'er has always been very direct in her speech, and she is still very direct now. After all, these people don't want to be polite to them, so Bai Ling'er can't be polite to them.

Bai Linger waved his sleeves to the ground, and a burst of spiritual energy hit the ground directly, forming a pit.

Everyone was afraid when they saw the woman in front of them, who could make a hole in the ground with just one Hui Hui Xiu.

"Why didn't you just vow to kill us? Why are you so scared now? I don't have to move a finger, and you can't get close to me."

Bai Ling'er raised her head slightly, and it could be seen that she looked down upon this group of people.

Because this group of people obviously have the ability to escape from here, but they don't escape. Instead, they wait here to die. It seems that there must be something fishy at first sight.

Du Yu also noticed something strange.

Since this group of people had just witnessed Bai Ling'er's power, they did not dare to approach Bai Ling'er. Everyone stepped back with fear in their eyes.

"Looking at you, you really deserve it. You obviously have time to escape from here, but you still have to wait here to die. What do you guys deserve?"

Bai Ling'er didn't ask the reason, but as soon as he said these words, every one of those people fled in fear, as if Bai Ling'er was some kind of demon here.

Du Yu glanced at Bai Ling'er, and then looked at the fleeing figures.

"Senior, what should we do now? This group of people is not simple at first sight."

Du Yu felt that since these people were not simple, they definitely had a purpose here, maybe just to wait for them to come.

Bai Ling'er didn't speak at this time, but Jun Baiyi on the side spoke.

"Fellow Daoist Du, what are you worried about? There is no danger at all here. Besides, it can't threaten us. There is no need to worry so much."

Jun Baiyi's words seemed to be encouraging Du Yu, but how could Du Yu be so stupid? Ever since he saw Jun Baiyi clearly, Du Yu had always been wary of Jun Baiyi.

Be cautious, but you still have to do a good job on the surface.

"Bai Yi, after these two days of conversation, don't you still understand my true character? How could I bear to let them get hurt? Although they said excessive things, it can be seen that they are not bad."

Bai Ling'er on the side couldn't help but twitch her lips when she heard these words.

What kind of excuse is this? What does it mean to not look bad? Even a ghost can see that this group of people is bad. *

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