The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2129 I don’t belong here

Facing Du Yu's question, Mingcheng fell into deep thought. Maybe for him, being able to save the lives of these fire spirit beasts is already the best outcome.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what your real thoughts are. When I first came in, I thought you were selfish enough to imprison these spiritual beasts in order to improve your spiritual power."

Du Yu scratched his head and spoke with some embarrassment. It turned out that he was judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Hey, you really think about it. My brother is a good person in this Huangtu, and everyone knows it. But, brother, are you really going to imprison them like this for a lifetime? I think that compared to being abandoned, a lifetime of imprisonment is more important. Being incarcerated is the real torture for them.”

Ling'er looked at the fire spirit beast that had become a little quiet in the cage, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

She never thought that the egg bodies of fire spirit beasts in the store were all discarded by humans.

"Yes, brother. Could it be that you really left it here? My parents and I always thought that you were practicing with them. Unexpectedly, you saved their lives." Qi Guan'er's mood also changed. Somewhat down.

"I haven't thought of a better way yet. Anyway, let's do this for now. These fire spirit beasts are all of extremely high moral character. They can be said to be one in a hundred. I really can't watch them being taken away and forcibly tamed by others. They are also being tamed by others. If they are restrained and imprisoned, I can still let them have some freedom here."

Mingcheng spoke slowly, and the words flowed into Du Yu's ears. He thought for a moment, and Mingcheng's words made sense.

If they were obtained by those who just wanted to improve their own practice, they might use more cruel methods to tame them.

"Okay, let's see this here today. Let's go."

After Mingcheng finished speaking, he turned and left, and Du Yu saw full of loss and pity in his eyes.

After leaving the cave, Mingcheng took them to the garden behind the rockery.

The so-called garden is just a name. In that garden, apart from the green grass that barely reaches the ankles, there are no other colorful plants to enjoy.

"Du Yu, you seem to have some fate with that fire spirit beast egg body. If it weren't for you, it would have been refined under Zi Yan's black mist. Do you want to learn how to hatch it?" Mingcheng After standing in the middle of the yard, he turned around and fixed his gaze on Du Yu's pocket.

Just now, when he was in the cave, Mingcheng more or less sensed some reaction from the egg body.

Maybe it's because I feel the presence of my companions.

"Okay, okay, I've never seen how the fire spirit beast's eggs are hatched. Could it be that it's the same as my turkey? They all have to sit on their backs?" When Qi Guan'er heard this, he immediately jumped up. Get excited.

Mingcheng shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his hand to signal Du Yu to take out the egg body.

Du Yu took the egg body out of his pocket without any hesitation and gently placed it in Ming Cheng's hand.

Ruoyouruowu's heat told Mingcheng that the egg body had changed its owner, and he couldn't help but look at Du Yu in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Du Yu felt uncomfortable with Mingcheng's gaze.

"This egg body has changed. It seems to have chosen you?" Mingcheng's tone was full of disbelief.

"Brother, what do you mean by this? Didn't you say that once the fire spirit beast chooses the subject, it will not change even if it dies?" Ling'er was the first to ask the question.

Mingcheng frowned and stared at the egg in his hand.

"Actually, I have only heard of it. Those are just rumors. The fire spirit beast itself is an extremely loyal spirit beast, and the thing about changing its main body has only been heard in legends, but never seen before." He said As he said that, he looked at the egg body of the fire spirit beast carefully.

Du Yu took a step forward and walked in front of Mingcheng. He also looked at the surface of the egg body. There were no other abnormalities. Why did he say that it chose him?

"How could you conclude that it changed the subject and chose me?"

Du Yu asked, but Mingcheng did not answer. Instead, he raised Du Yu's hand and placed it on the surface of the egg.

A warm feeling then surged throughout Du Yu's body.

"Although the name of this fire spirit beast is related to fire, and its whole body is fiery red, everyone thinks that this spirit beast is hot in nature, but they don't know that this thing is extremely cold, so its egg body should be cold. Legend has it that "There's only one situation where it gets warmer, and that's when you change your choices."

Mingcheng stared at Du Yu's eyes. He noticed something strange. Then he raised his hand and held Du Yu's wrist. When he sensed that Du Yu's cultivation had reached thousands of years, he immediately let go of his hand and looked in his eyes. He also became vigilant.

"Who are you? Why can even the egg body of this fire spirit beast change its mind? What is your purpose of getting close to my family?" While talking, Mingcheng had already pulled Ling'er, Qiguan'er and Du Yula. Driving some distance.

Du Yu saw that he regarded himself as an enemy.

"I don't have any purpose. To tell you the truth, I am not from this time and space or this dimension. I don't even know if the world here exists and has existed in the past." Du Yu almost circled himself as he circled around. He was confused, but what was happening in front of him was really something that even he couldn't explain clearly.

"Oh, let me tell you frankly. I don't belong here. The reason why I am here is all because of this fire spirit beast. In order to save my friend's life, I used the blood of the fire spirit beast, and then He was punished, and then he came here inexplicably."

Du Yu spoke very sincerely every word. Ling'er looked at Du Yu's eyes, then lowered his head and said to Mingcheng: "Brother, I think what he said is true. When we first met, he revealed that He belongs here. I didn't think much about it at the time. I felt that he was not a bad person. If he really had evil intentions, it would be easy for him to deal with us with his cultivation."

"I just met your sister by accident, and I also got the Fire Spirit Beast egg by accident. I think the reason why I came here is to atone for my sins. In our place, the Fire Spirit Beasts are the purest spiritual beasts." Du Yu emphasized again.

Although Mingcheng still had some concerns, the suspicions and doubts in his heart were finally dispelled. He then stepped forward and handed the fire spirit beast back to Du Yu.

"I'm sorry, I was too reckless and misunderstood Brother Du Yu. However, this matter is not trivial. If people here know that an egg body has actively changed its owner, your safety and the safety of my family will be threatened. I also hope that, Brother, you must be careful in your actions in the future, especially after the egg hatches."

Mingcheng preached seriously. *

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