The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2143 Death of the Picture Master

Du Yu didn't understand the intention of his fire spirit beast, so he simply protected Ling'er tightly.

"Look, you even said you don't like women. At the critical moment, you care more than anyone else." Suddenly, the fire spirit beast's small voice remembered, and she subconsciously took a few steps back.

It turned out that the series of actions just now were all the Fire Spirit Beast deliberately teasing the two of them.

"You little guy, how did you develop into the most holy spiritual beast? When I look at you like this, you are obviously more lustful than me." Du Yu replied repeatedly, but he didn't expect that Ling'er couldn't hear it at all. The fire spirit beast spoke.

Seeing that the fire spirit beast had opened a safe distance from itself, Ling'er stood beside Du Yu with confidence. She looked at Du Yu blankly and then at the Fire Spirit Beast, and asked doubtfully: "Du Yu, who are you talking to?"

Only then did Du Yu realize that he definitely looked like a fool just now.

"Is it possible that you can't hear her? I, I'm talking to her." Du Yu awkwardly pointed at the fire spirit beast.

Ling'er jumped unexpectedly, raised her hand excitedly and pointed at the fire spirit beast rolling on the ground and said, "Can you understand what she said? What kind of magical magic are you talking about? Can you teach me?"

"Haha, I, I don't know. However, it seems that only practitioners can hear the words of my fire spirit beast." This is what Du Yu thought.

Ling'er nodded slightly disappointed, then moved forward cautiously, then slowly squatted down and tentatively reached out to touch the fiery red fur of the fire spirit beast.

This time, the fire spirit beast did not refuse. Instead, he lay on his back on the ground very cooperatively and let Ling'er caress him.

Gradually, Ling'er also dispelled the fear in her heart.

"The fur color of this fire spirit beast is really beautiful. Look at the white hair on her ears, there doesn't seem to be that much. It seems that you are really a blind cat who met a dead mouse. The fire spirit beast with such a good character is just a waste of time. I bought it for more than twelve coins." Ling'er sighed repeatedly, and there seemed to be a trace of disappointment in his tone. If she had acted decisively at that time, she might not be sure that this little thing would be hers now.

Du Yu shook his head helplessly. He did not tell her the truth behind this.

There is no distinction between fire spirit beasts in this world, they are just gimmicks made by those greedy villains. The character of the fire spirit beast is completely developed with the practitioner.

If a cultivator has high character, his cultivation ability will be superior, and the fire spirit beast will naturally become one of the rare divine beasts with higher character in the world. ,

"You haven't finished speaking yet. Is Mingcheng related to Zi Yan from the store?" The fire spirit beast's voice sounded again.

However, Ling'er couldn't hear it at all. Du Yu could only respond awkwardly to the lazy look of the fire spirit beast: "Listen to Ling'er, not only do Mingcheng and Zi Yan know each other, but they are also related to each other. I feel that there are many things behind this. We don’t know.”

As Du Yu spoke, he kept wondering in his mind what kind of conspiracy there was. According to Ling'er's usual way of thinking here, the fire spirit beast in Mingcheng's hands is naturally of good character. Now, almost everything is in Mingcheng's hands, and Zi Yan must have deliberately revealed this to Mingcheng.

"By the way, Yunfeng insists on marrying you just because he wants to become the master of the map. What are your rules for choosing the master of the map?"

Du Yu suddenly thought of that guy Yun Feng, and quickly turned around and asked Ling'er.

Ling'er meditated for a moment before slowly talking about the picture owner. It turns out that nearly a hundred years have passed since the last map master was selected. At that time, Linger was not born yet.

Also recently, the current picture owner disappeared. Therefore, we have to choose a new term. However, Ling'er is still a little unclear on what exactly are the conditions for becoming a map owner.

Mentioning the subject of the picture, the fire spirit beast who was lying on the ground enjoying the massage suddenly turned over and jumped directly into Du Yu's arms. Du Yu could feel that she seemed a little worried and scared because her body was Trembling slightly.

"What's going on?" Ling'er also noticed something strange, and she looked at the fire spirit beast worriedly.

"Du Yu, the previous map owner disappeared for no reason."

The fire spirit beast raised its head slightly, its big watery eyes blinked a few times, and there seemed to be tears hidden in them.

Du Yu couldn't understand. Logically speaking, she was just an egg at that time. How could she know so many things?

"How do you know? What do you know?"

Just when Du Yu wanted to find out, the fire spirit beast unexpectedly entered the spirit world on its own.

In the spirit world, practitioners can only enter with their spiritual bodies, and their real bodies cannot get close. But the fire spirit beast is different. It is equivalent to a home for the fire spirit beast, and she can come and go freely.

"What did she tell you?"

Seeing the fire spirit beast disappear, Ling'er anxiously held Du Yu's hand. She didn't know yet that the fire spirit beast actually had such abilities.

"She just told me that the previous picture owner was not missing. There must be many things involved. I always feel that your eldest brother, Yunfeng and Zi Yan from the auction house are related to the disappearance of the picture owner. Open relationship."

Du Yu bluntly said what he was thinking, and Ling'er actually nodded.

In fact, Ling'er had already begun to be on guard against Mingcheng. Purpose, she felt that the current Mingcheng was no longer the Mingcheng before.

"Then what should we do next? It's impossible to ask directly. By the way, since you can communicate with the fire spirit beast, can the fire bird of Qi Guan'er also be used? That fire bird seems to be from my father It was there in that generation, and it has been raised in our family for generations. I heard that it is also a kind of spiritual beast, but because of the poison in its body, it poisoned its own head. "

Ling'er mentioned Qi Guan'er's firebird, but there was a hint of teasing in her words. With her tone, Du Yu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It was the first time he had heard of someone poisoning himself. However, his thousands of years of practice cannot withstand the toxins in the fire bird's body, and he can even easily throw himself into an illusion. The fire bird is definitely not simple.

"I'm not sure. Qi Guan'er can give us some clues. Come on, let's go and ask now."

After Ling'er said that, she turned around and ran away, but she forgot that Du Yu had set up an air barrier around the area. Her face was heavily placed on the barrier, and she immediately made a muffled and painful sound.

"Is this why you decided my gender? Your taste is really strong. I think I'll stay here honestly in the near future."

The fire spirit beast in the spirit world was talking restlessly, and Du Yu could only sigh helplessly. *

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