The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2147 Being framed and framed

Du Yu looked at everyone blankly, completely confused as to what was going on. Ling'er's aunt looked like she wanted to eat people when she first met her, and she didn't want to listen to anyone else's excuses.

"Aunt, what happened? There must be some misunderstanding." Ling'er still stood firmly in front of Du Yu. For the sake of her own face, she should not do anything impulsive for the time being.

With the persuasion of Ling'er's father, Aunt Ling'er's atmosphere became somewhat suppressed.

"Yunfeng fell into a coma. You know, Yunfeng has always liked Ling'er, but now Ling'er refuses to marry him. I'm afraid that he will not marry him first. So, last night I thought about persuading him, but who knew that he would go in? When he died, he was already unconscious. There is still a piece of this in the room."

As she spoke, Ling'er's aunt took out a broken piece of clothing from her pocket.

Du Yu was shocked, and he immediately lowered his head to look at the damaged areas of his clothes. Because the material of his clothes is different from the one here, it can be easily identified.

"What's going on? Our family treats you as a guest, and even when Ling'er fell in love with you, we didn't do anything excessive to you. How could you treat Yunfeng like that?"

Seeing that the evidence was conclusive, Ling'er's mother was the first to get angry.

Du Yu looked confused. He had stayed in the Yunling Realm last night. How could he go to Yunfeng? Furthermore, he didn’t know Yunfeng’s residence at all. Could it be that someone tore it off from the corner of his clothes last night when he entered the spirit world?

What is the purpose? Just to put the blame on yourself?

"This is indeed true of me, but what reason do I have to hurt Yunfeng? Besides, I don't know where you live." Du Yu explained weakly, but he was wondering about another thing in his heart. .

Every time he entered the Luck World, he would set up a barrier in order to prevent anyone from taking advantage of it.

But now, someone unexpectedly cut off the corner of his clothes without anyone noticing, and the barrier was not damaged at all. This shows how skilled the person who put the blame was.

"You have no reason? Aren't you just afraid that Yunfeng will insist on snatching Ling'er from you? You are an outsider after all, how could they give Ling'er to you? So, you don't stop doing it, and you even plan to kill my son . If I hadn’t suddenly appeared, Yunfeng might have died in your hands now."

Ling'er's aunt screamed hysterically, and along with the questioning, her big tears fell down, which hurt the hearts of those who saw it.

"Aunt, is it possible that you saw each other?" Ling'er asked hurriedly.

But she shook her head and said: "Maybe he sensed me, so he ran away before entering the door. Wuwu, Brother Qi, you have to make the decision for my Yunfeng!" After saying that, the other party plunged into the spiritual world. In the arms of his father.

Seeing this, Ling'er's mother hurriedly raised her hand and took her arm, forcing her to lie in her arms.

Du Yu on the side looked confused. The scene in front of him had a different flavor. From Ling'er's mother's movements and eyes, Du Yu could sense an inexplicable jealousy.

"The relationship between your family..."

Du Yu secretly asked Linger,

"Consider the matter at hand first, and wait to explain to you. Right now, you can't explain clearly. I'll count to three, and you can run away."

Linger's idea came unexpectedly. Before Du Yu could refute, the other party had already started muttering.

"One, two, let's go..."

With a loud shout, Ling'er waved her hand and created a cloud of smoke in the crowd. Before Du Yu could react, she grabbed Du Yu with her little hand and ran out.

As for Du Yu, when he pulled away from the place, he didn't forget to grab Qi Guan'er.

In this way, the three people quickly escaped from the house.

In the quiet forest, Du Yu raised his head. The thick leaves divided the originally dazzling sunlight into mottled patches.

"Ling'er, are you stupid? It wasn't me who did it in the first place, but now we run away like this. It's obvious that I'm telling everyone that I feel guilty, so I ran away."

Du Yu patted his forehead helplessly, feeling a sense of confusion in his head. She seems to be very smart, how can she save someone from being stupid in this matter.

"If you want to know the truth, you have to live first. Do you really think that you can explain it clearly with just your mouth? If my aunt puts a pot on your head, you can only recognize it. In their eyes In his eyes, he would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go." Ling'er sighed.

Du Yu looked at Qi Guan'er with some confusion. Qi Guan'er nodded repeatedly, with a little helplessness in his eyes.

"Then, what should we do now? Your aunt has determined that I was the one who hurt Yunfeng. I originally wanted to investigate the secret of the death of the previous map master, but now something has happened to Yunfeng, I always feel that there is a conflict between the two. There’s no connection.”

Du Yu boldly guessed that the reason why Yunfeng wanted Ling'er was just to unite the two forces and then seize the hegemony of this territory.

Ling'er shook her head, pacing back and forth with a very solemn expression.

"Second sister, why don't we go and ask eldest brother for help? I'm not sure, what can he do?" In Qi Guan'er's heart, Mingcheng is omnipotent. If you approach him about this matter, maybe things will turn around.

Ling'er shook his head repeatedly and said: "What big thing at home can escape the ears of eldest brother? Just now, eldest brother didn't even show up, which shows that he doesn't want to get involved in this matter at all. It seems that we have to solve it ourselves. Since, you If we think there is some connection between the two, then we should start with the cause of the death of the picture owner."

She turned to look at Du Yu, but Du Yu was lost in thought. It's really strange to say, what kind of magic power does the title of the master of this picture have? Yunfeng has another accident, and he wants to put the blame on himself?

"It's too bright now, we can't go back for the time being. Later, we can go to the study to find out. There must be secrets there. By the way, there is one thing I still can't figure out. Why, I always feel that your father Is there something inexplicable between you, your aunt, and your mother?"

Remembering how jealous Ling'er's mother looked just now, Du Yu randomly brought up a new topic. On the one hand, he really wanted to know, and on the other hand, he wanted to ease the current atmosphere.

Who would have known that once Du Yu's question came up, the atmosphere did not ease much, but instead became even more embarrassing.

Ling'er pursed her lips lightly, and after thinking about it, she finally decided to tell Du Yu.

Du Yu had been curious from the beginning. Ling'er called Yunfeng his cousin, but they were related by blood. How could they get married? *

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